The Grand Affair : The Celebration of Woburn's 250th Anniversary of Incorporation
Object ID:
WOB—8 S3 F6—9
Literary Exercises Program
The Literary Exercises took place on Thursday, October 6th. The program included a prayer, addresses, orchestral selections, and singing. One song was the Anniversary Hymn, "Our Father's Days," written by Rev. Daniel March, D.D. specifically for the 250th Anniversary of Woburn. The song, sung to the tune of "America", thanks God for Woburn:

God of our Father's days,
To Thee glad song we raise,
With voices free.
For their brave deeds of might,
For their firm faith in right.
When girt with cloud and night,
All thanks to Thee.

Through Thee they won this land,
They saw Thy guiding hand
And followed Thee.
Thy might did make them strong,
Through Thee they conquered wrong,
To Thee they raised their song
When they were free.

For this good land we hold,
More precious far than gold,
For shore and sea,
For mountain, hill, and flood,
For fields where forests stood
For freedom bought with blood
All thanks to Thee.

Let peace pervade our land,
And duty brace our hand
For deeds of right.
Let every nation see
The truth that makes us free,
And error's darkness flee.
Before Thy light.

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Literary Exercises ProgramLiterary Exercises Program