The Library will be closed on Friday, February 28 from 9am to 1pm for Staff Development Day.

SubjectArticle DescriptionDate
Adams, Charles Dm. Sarah Jeanette Kelly.08/06/1881
Adams, Charles DAppointed associate justice, District Court.05/27/1882
Adams, Mrs. Charles DPresentation.11/05/1881
Bancroft, CharlesPresentation.03/18/1882
Boston & Lowell RailroadAccident at Green St., Woburn. One man killed.05/07/1881
Bryant and KingPutting in a steam fire station gong.12/31/1881
Burlington Post OfficeDiscontinued.06/11/1881
Burlington Post OfficeCharles Foster appointed postmaster.10/1/1881
Butters, Nathanielof Burlington. Found in Lexington frozen to death.01/07/1882
Campbell, AnneFound dead.01/14/1882
Cannon for WoburnCongress has granted the petition of Post 33, G.A.R. for four condemned cannon.02/18/1882
Carney, CharlesRescues Willis Dalton from drowning in Horn Pond.07/01/1882
Cassidy, Edward F. Presentation.05/21/1881
Catholic Temperance Union, Archdiocean Communion held in Woburn.04/09/1881
Champney, George M.Librarian, Woburn Public Library. Obituary.01/07/1882
Claffy, JamesPresented with a violin.11/19/1881
Company K, 39th RegimentReunion.05/21/1881
Converse, Parker L.Appointed district judge. Sketch of.05/27/1882
Cutter, William R. Appointed Librarian of the Woburn Public Library.02/11/1882
Doherty, JamesWith improved snow shoes walked from the west side on the snow over fences, ditches, etc. to Woburn Center.02/11/1882
Doorley, HenryDied in Boston. Buried in Woburn.04/15/1882
Driscoll, Daniel Railroad Commissioners decide his death was caused by carelessness of the switchman.05/14/1881
Feeney, Julia A. m. Alexander McDonald.04/23/1881
Finnegan, MichaelDrowned in the canal at East Woburn.12/24/1881
Fitzgerald, Mrs. JohnWalnut Hill fatal accident.10/15/1881
Foster, CharlesAppointed postmaster at Burlington.10/01/1881
Fourth District CourtFor Eastern Middlesex. The first session of the District Court will be held on the first Monday in July.05/27/1882
Fourth District Court of Eastern MiddlesexGovernor Long appointed Parker L. Converse of Woburn, judge and George S. Littlefield of Winchester, associate justices.05/27/1882
Garfield, James A. President Garfield assassinated. 07/02/1881
Garfield, James A. Meeting of the citizens of Woburn in Lyceum Hall.07/09/1881
Garfield, James A. Editorial on the assassination, etc. 07/16/1881
Garfield Memorial Tablet---07/01/1882
Harris, Mr. & Mrs. William B. Golden Wedding.04/23/1881
Hart, David D. Obituary Memorial Service to be held.03/04/1882
Horn PondThomas Kelley drowned.12/17/1881
Kelly, Sarah Jeanettem. Charles D. Adams.08/06/1881
Kelley, ThomasDrowned in Horn Pond.12/17/1881
Kendall, Frank IOf San Francisco, California missing (formerly of Woburn).08/06/1881
Layton, Mr. & Mrs. E. D.Tenth Wedding Anniversary.12/03/1881
Leathe, Frank H.Presentation.11/05/1881
Legion of Honor, American ---11/26/1881
Legion of Honor, AmericanInstallation of Officers.12/03/1881
Littlefield, George S. Appointed associate justice, District Court.05/27/1882
McDonald, Alexanderm. Julia A Feeney.04/23/1881
McSweeney, EdwardDeath of.01/21/1882
Mahoney, CorneliusSudden death.12/17/1881
Merriman, KatePresentation.10/22/1881
Mawhinney, E. C. Obituary.05/06/1882
Mills, Rev. E. Resigns his pastorate of the Baptist Church, Woburn; accepts a call to the Baptist Church in Eastport, Maine.11/02/1881
Mills, Rev. E. Presentation.12/03/1881
Murphy, Rev. FatherPresented with $250 in gold.10/08/1881
Mystic Valley RailroadAdvertised to be sold by Sheriff Fiske.01/14/1882
Ninth RegimentReunion in Woburn.06/24/1882
Nolan, PatrickFound dead.08/06/1881
Parker, F. Chandlerand wife celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage.07/01/1882
RayA young man named Ray died very suddenly at Cummingsville.05/06/1882
Raymond, MatildaDeath of.12/03/1881
Richardson, Parker L.Instructor of printing at the Deaf Mute Institute, Arkansas.12/03/1881
Richardson, Samuel M. Taken to the McLean Asylum.04/08/1882
Scales, Dr. T. L. Obituary.06/18/1881
Simonds, Rev. V. M. Manly words.07/16/1881
Sweetser, Theodore H.Former Town Counsel.
Death of.
Teare, PhillipDeath of.09/10/1881
Teare, PhillipFuneral of. 09/17/1881
Thirty Ninth RegimentRe-union of in Woburn.10/08/1881
Warland, ThomasPresentation. 01/14/1882
Warren AcademyTo be fitted up for the use of the High School.07/01/1882
Warren Academy BattalionRe-Union. Permanent organization formed.05/21/1881
West, Mr. & Mrs. L. B.Silver wedding.04/22/1882
Woburn CourierMade its appearance last Saturday.04/29/1882
Woburn Fire DepartmentCummingsville Hose Company, disbanded. New company formed.05/06/1882
Woburn Fourth of July Celebration ---07/09/1881
Woburn High SchoolTo be transferred to the Warren Academy.07/01/1882
Woburn Police Relieve AssociationOfficers of.05/13/1882
Woburn Police Relief Fund---04/08/1882
Woburn Public Improvement SocietyCommittee chosen to investigate etc.01/21/1882
Woburn Public Improvement SocietyReport of Committee on organization.02/18/1882
Woburn Public LibraryDeath of George M. Champney, Librarian.01/07/1882
Woburn Public LibraryEmily Pollard, assistant Librarian, appointed acting Librarian. Fifty applications for the position of Librarian, have been received.01/14/1882
Woburn Public LibraryW.R. Cutter, appointed Librarian.02/11/1882
Woburn’s Business Interests---12/24/1881
Woburn’s Business Interests---12/31/1881