The Library will be closed on Friday, February 28 from 9am to 1pm for Staff Development Day.

SubjectArticle DescriptionNewspaper
Bennett, Rev. JosephArticle on the death of.11/25/1847
Bennett, Rev. JosephArticle on the death of.10/16/1847
Bennett, Rev. JosephLines suggested on the death of.01/20/1848
Cox, Jr., LOf Cambridge, ordained Pastor of the Second Baptist Church.10/07/1847
Edwards, Jonathanof Andover, call extended by the first Congregational Church, Woburn, to become their pastor.03/23/1843
Eustis, Rev. William TLate pastor, Congregational Church, South Woburn, has been admitted to the pastoral charge of the Chapel Street Congregational Church New Haven.02/10/1848
Fowle, JosiahHis son, aged about 5 years, while playing on the Middlesex Canal, fell through the ice and narrowly escaped being drowned.03/16/1848
Hartshorn, EdwardFuneral ceremonies.07/29/1847
Mexican WarEditorial on.03/18/1847
Mexican WarEditorial on.04/22/1847
Murder will outArticle from the New Hampshire Statesmen.11/18/1847
Nelson, Dr. JohnAppointed Justice of the Peace.10/21/1847
Richardson, JohnNow at the “wars.”04/08/1847
Richardson 2d, JohnCarries, Boston Daily Times.12/17/1846
Richardson, JosephLate Chaplain? Woburn Mechanic Phalanx, burial with military honors.02/10/1848
Russell, James E. Of New Bridge is drummer to Webster’s Company of Volunteers, and several others of this town have enlisted.12/24/1846
Southwick, JosephFrigate Congress.
Letter from California.
Stockbridge, John G. Installed pastor of the First Baptist Church.02/03/1848
Tay, SylvesterAccident.01/06/1848
Unitarian SocietyMeeting in the vestry of the Universalist Church, about organizing.03/25/1847
Wade, ColonelThe new Brick Stores. This is the second entirely brick building ever erected in Woburn. 01/07/1847
Woburn CommonFencing of.01/13/1848
Woburn CommonEditorial on.01/20/1848
Woburn CommonEditorial.03/02/1848
Woburn Fire DepartmentThe center engine has no organized company.11/11/1847
Woburn First Congregation ChurchExtends call to Mr. Jonathan Edwards of Andover.03/23/1848
Woburn NorthDisastrous fire. Building owned by William Tidd occupied partly as a barn and partly as a currier’s shop by him and George L. Ingerson and Cyrus Tay…11/11/1847