The Library will be closed on Friday, February 28 from 9am to 1pm for Staff Development Day.

SubjectArticle DescriptionDate
Accident, AutomobileJames M. Groves age 6 of 667 Main St thrown down by auto. June 5, 1914
Andrews, Rep. Henry C. Presented with gold medal bearing honorary membership on U.S.W.V. by Charles H. Maloy Camp Note. H. is only one so honored. May 2, 1914
Auger, Beatrice V.of 2 Knight Ave, age 22 years. May 30. Born in Maine. June 11, 1914
Barnett, Thomasd. at Tewksbury Hospital age 35 yrs. Home 912 Main St. Born in Ireland. July 10, 1914
Barrett, Jonas B. of 74 Montvale Ave observes 83rd birthday. Born in Ashburnham, Mass. July 31, 1914
Base BallWoburn defeats Winchester 1-0.August 21, 1914
Blodgett, GwendolenMarried Fred Donald Carpenter of Middleton, Conn. by Rev. Henry R. Williams. June 12, 1914
Boston, City of Rifle RangeLand for which City paid $25,000 (100 acres) but which is only valued at $15 per acre per acre to be sold. June 12, 1914
Buckman, Francis AFuneral of.-- conducted by Rev. J. H. Williams. Patriotic & fraternal societies represented. Born in Woburn Dec. 7, 1849. June 26, 1914
Butters, Anna J. d. at home Winn St aged 68 years. Born in Canada. July 3, 1914
Byron, Mary Louise10 Utica St. married John Joseph Murphy of 31 Arlington Road. June 2.June 5, 1914
Callahan, James E. of 97 Prospect St. married Carrie L. Gibbon of 25 Bryant St. at St. Charles Rectory. September 11, 1914
Choate Memorial HospitalHospital Aid Assn. holds annual meeting and election. President Mrs. W. E. Blodgett. May 29, 1914
Civil WarSurvivors of Co. K. 39th Mass. Vol. who fought in Battle of Wilderness. May 9, 1914
Congregational Sunday School Assn. Holds meeting at First Congregational Church.May 16, 1914
Connolly, Johnd. at home on Bennett St. age 74 years. 25 years as Janitor of Municipal Building. Born in Ireland. June 5, 1914
Coughlin, Margaretd. May 29 age 72 years of 96 Garfield Ave. June 5, 1914
Cummings, Everettd. June 7 Civil War Veteran Funeral from home of George H. Taylor Pleasant St. June 9. June 19, 1914
Curran, Edward E. d. at Choate Memorial Hospital June 6. June 19, 1914
Cutter, AnneFormer resident dies at Cumberland Maine age 79 yrs 10 mo. 4 ds. September 4, 1914
Daughters American Revolution Hold Annual Meeting Regent Carrie B. Fox. May 29, 1914
Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Royal A. Observe golden wedding at home 21 Fairmount St. May 9, 1914
District CourtCourt to move from a municipal building to third floor of Savings Bank Building. September 18, 1914
Donovan, Danield. May 29 of Belmont St. June 5, 1914
Dunn, Herbert C. of Woburn married Jennie E. Goode at St. Charles Rectory. August 7, 1914
Elinde, Rosmore of No. Woburn married Mary Salemme of Italy by Rev. Pasquali Demille at No. Woburn. July 10, 1914
Erwin, Charles Herbertof Park St. marrisd Ella Louise Wells of Park St at St. Charles Rectory. September 18, 1914
Feeney, Austind. of 280 Main St. age 55 years. June 5, 1914
Finnegan, Anastasia G. of 84 Fowle St. married Edward Charles Murphy of 31 Arlington Rd. at St. Charles Rectory. June 26, 1914
FireBarn of Everett E. Cummings on Cambridge St totally destroyed. Loss about $12,000. Believed to be of incendiary origin. June 5, 1914
FireBuilding of Michael H. Smith on Main St. opposite Lake Ave. damaged $2500. September 4, 1914
Fish, Sarah A. d. July 15 at home 40 Salem St. age 66 years. July 24, 1914
Fowle FamilyReunion to be held at Westview Stoneham Labor day. August 21, 1914
French, Hagel B. of 596 Main St. married Elton B. Given of Woburn by Rev. Fred M. Estes. June 26, 1914
Gibbon, Carrie L.of 25 Bryant St. married James E Callahan of 97 Prospect St. at St. Charles Rectory. September 11, 1914
Given, Elton B. of Woburn married Hazel M. French of 596 Main St by Rev F. M. Estes. June 26, 1914
Goode, Jennie E. of Woburn married Herbert O. Dunn at St. Charles Rectory. August 7, 1914
Hall, William Archibaldof Clinton St. married Hester Parker of Middle St. June 10. June 12, 1914
Harkins, Bridgetd. May 31 age 63 years. Home 46 Broad St. June 5, 1914
Harlow, Frances K. d. at home 505 Main St age 66. Born in Woburn. May 2, 1914
Hebrew Progressive Social ClubFormed in W. and officers elected. President Harry S. Gorin.July 17, 1914
High SchoolClass Honors. Salutary and Valedictory. June 26, 1914
High SchoolHistory and Prophecy. July 3, 1914
High School BattalionRoster of. June 5, 1914
Hooper, Henry W. of 117 Washington St. buried Sept. 14 in Calvary Cemetery .September 18, 1914
Hubbard, Willis Austinof Vernon St. married Mary Lena Wilkins of No. Woburn by Rev. Henry C. Parker. September 4, 1914
Hunnewell, Mary E.of 28 Richardson St. married Patrick McGonagle of 74 Harrison Ave at St. Charles Rectory. June 26, 1914
Jones, Aloysius W. of 72 Broad St married Catherine L. O’Donnell of Cranes Lane at St. Charles Rectory. June 26, 1914
K. Co. 39 Mass Vol.Plan regimental reunion in W.August 7, 1914
K. Co. 39 Mass Vol.Plan regimental reunion in W.August 14, 1914
K. Co. 39 Mass Vol.48th Annual Reunion.August 21, 1914
King, Joseph J.of Border St. married Ellen Coveny of Winchester at St. Mary’s Rectory. July 3, 1914
Knights of ColumbusBanquet marks 21st anniversary.May 29, 1914
Lenk, Estelle Graceof 388 Salem St. married Joseph Casgro of Everett May 19. June 5, 1914
Leonard, Margaretd. June 17 age 69 yrs. Home 114 Main St. June 19, 1914
Looney, Emma L. of 24 Plympton St. married John F. Gilley at St. Charles Rectory. June 26, 1914
McCall, Owen J. d. at his home in Montvale. May 9, 1914
McGann, D. Williamof 12 Main St. married Mary A Cahalin of Winchester. September 18, 1914
McGonagle, Patrickof 74 Harrison Ave married Mary E. Hunnewell of 28 Richardson St. at St. Charles Rectory. June 26, 1914
McGrath, James F. Jr. of Woburn, married Agnes F. Barrett of Reading at St. Agnes Church at Reading. July 10, 1914
McHugh, Charles A.Of 29 Vining Court married Louise Woods of 16 John St. at St. Charles Rectory. June 26, 1914
Maloney, Michaeld. at home 105 Montvale Ave age 76 years. Born in County Clare Ireland. September 25, 1914
Manning FamilyHold annual Reunion at “Manse” on Chelmsford Road near No. Billerica. June 19, 1914
Mastacusa, Johnd. Sept. 19 result of assault in North End of Boston, Home Park St. September 25, 1914
Meehan, Susan E. d. at Mass General Hospital. Home 217 Main St. Born in Woburn nee Woods Buried at Calvary Cemetery. August 28, 1914
Memorial DayProgram for. May 23, 1914
Memorial DayProgram for.May 29, 1914
Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Observed 56th Wedding anniversary.May 29, 1914
Mullen, MartinMarried Catherine Magrath of Winchester at St. Mary’s Rectory. September 18, 1914
Murphy, Edward Charlesof 31 Arlington Road married Anastasia G. Finnigan of 84 Fowle St. at St. Charles Rectory. June 26, 1914
Murphy, John Josephof 31 Arlington Road married Mary Louise Byron of 10 Utica St. June 5, 1914
Norris, Mr. & Mrs. George W. observed Golden Wedding at home 60 Bow St. September 4, 1914
O’Donnell, Catherine L. of Cranes Lane married Aloysius W. Jones of 72 Broad St. at St. Charles Rectory. June 26, 1914
O’Brien, Williamd. at home Church Ave age 79 years. Born in Ireland. July 17, 1914
O’Doherty, Jamesd. in Cummingsville age 88 years . Oldest resident in C. Burial at Calvary Cemetery . August 14, 1914
Parker, Hesterof Middle St. married William Archibald Hall of Clinton St. June 10June 12, 1914
Quill, Rev. Patrick J. of Cambridge assigned to St. Charles Parish. August 28, 1914
Rafferty, Barbaraof Montvale age 59 years died June 9.June 19, 1914
Ralston, ArchibaldFormerly a resident at Green Blossom St. d. at Orleans, Mass age 72 years. August 28, 1914
Rice, Lotta C. of Cambridge St. married Andrew M. Dunham of Grand Rapids, Mich. May 13. June 5, 1914
Ruby, Joseph P.Observed 80th Birthday at home on Salem St. Native of Sutton N.H. May 9, 1914
Rumford, Benjamin Thompson, CountPaper on British proclivities.May 16, 1914
Rumford, Benjamin Thompson, CountIndifference of .May 23, 1914
Rumford, Benjamin Thompson, CountSociety to Give local observance. August 14, 1914
Rumford, Benjamin Thompson, CountWreath placed of Statue at Library.August 28, 1914
Russel, Rev. Francis C. d. curate at St. Charles Church. Age 52 yrs. Born in Milton, Mass. August 28, 1914
St. Charles C. T. A. S.Installation of Officers. President Thomas McColgan. May 9, 1914
Shannon, Elizad. at Melrose Hospital age 72 years. Home Kimball Court. July 10, 1914
Smith, Henryof 80 Main St. Married Florence Nowell of Winchester at St. Marys Rectory September 11, 1914
Smith, Julia M. d. at home 80 Main St. May 26. May 29, 1914
Storm, ElectricalHome of George P. Morse on Kearsarge Ave. Considerable damage done. August 14, 1914
Tasker, Frankof 5 Lynn St. Married Alice L. Harding May 31.June 5, 1914
Thompson, AbijahObserves 92 birthday.May 23, 1914
Tidd ScholarshipsFrank J. Farrey. Celia Madeline Whithed. June 26, 1914
United Spanish War Veteransat “Rally” night in Lyceum Hall Rep. Henry C Andrews was presented with gold medal bearing honorary membership in Charles H. Moloy Camp Note: A is only one ever so honored. May 2, 1914
Wade, Frank H. d. at home Masons Court. Native of Boston. Services at Cambridge. July 24, 1914
Wade, Oliver Nortond. at home Lake Ave age 72 years. Civil War Veteran Co. F 22 Mass. Vol. M. Co. 4 Mass. Calvary. June 12, 1914
Walker, Abby Amandad. at Choate Memorial Hospital age 79 years. Born at Bristal, Maine. May 29, 1914
Walker, Abby AmandaFuneral.June 5, 1914
Wells, Ella Louiseof Park St. married Charles Herbert Erwin of Park St. at St. Charles Rectory. September 18, 1914
Wilkins, Mary Lenaof No. Woburn married Willis Austin Hubbard of Vernon St. by Rev. Henry C. Parker. September 4, 1914
Woburn, City ofCouncilors authority questioned as to control of Department. May 16, 1914
Woburn, City ofCommunication taken of Commissioner Jones to task for permitting hydrants to become defective. June 12, 1914
Woburn GrangeHolds Patriotic Night with J. Fred Leslie as speaker. May 23, 1914
Woburn Public LibraryExtensive alterations and repairs nearly completed. September 18, 1914
Woburn Womans ClubAnnual Meeting and Elections President Henrietta B. Zepp. May 23, 1914
Wray, Sarahof 16 Winter St. married Frederick Leroy Clarke of West Medford at Trinity Episcopal Church. June 5, 1914
Woods, Louiseof 16 John St. married Charles A McHugh 29 Vinings Court at St. Charles Rectory.June 26, 1914