The Library will be closed on Friday, February 28 from 9am to 1pm for Staff Development Day.

What to expect at WPL

Visiting the library

Do I need to wear a mask?
Masks are no longer required in the library. Masks are encouraged, especially for those who are unvaccinated, have a weakened immune system, or live with a highly vulnerable person.
Do I need to maintain social distancing?
In accordance with the CDC we recommend 6 feet of social distance.
Is the library hosting in-person events?
Yes, with some new practices in place to minimize crowding and encourage social distancing.
  1. Pre-registration is required for many events to ensure that attendance numbers stay well below room capacities.

  2. Events may be held outdoors when possible during spring and summer months. Registrants will be informed via email at least one hour before start time if the event will be indoors or outdoors. The event listing on the online calendar will also be updated accordingly.

  3. Social distancing and masking are encouraged for indoor events, especially for unvaccinated or vulnerable individuals.

WPL’s policies are subject to change at any time in response to state and local mandates and guidelines.