Strategic Plan 2024-2028

Woburn Public LIbrary



Strategic Plan for
Fiscal Years 2024-2028

Download the Full Strategic Plan





Community Vision Statements

The Library’s 11-person strategic planning advisory committee brainstormed and prioritized a series of vision statements reflecting the ideal Woburn. Following is the community vision statement this group believes the Library can best support and positively impact:

Woburn welcomes individuals and families from diverse backgrounds and has systems in place to ensure all residents are supported and included in the community.

The full community visioning exercise results are presented in Appendix B—WPL Community Vision Statement Results Report 2022.


Library Vision Statement

Woburn Public Library advances the needs of the community in all areas of literacy, in workforce development, in civic engagement, in culture, and in lifelong learning. The Library welcomes individuals and families from diverse backgrounds and has systems in place to ensure all residents are supported and included.


Mission Statement

Woburn Public Library connects the community to resources, services, and experiences that educate, enrich, and entertain.


Patrons using the Woburn Public Library Spaces


Strategic Goals and Supporting Objectives

Goal 1: Collections, Resources, and Space

The Library will serve as a safe, welcoming community hub and valuable resource for individuals and families from diverse backgrounds.


    1. Offer robust physical and digital collections and resources that reflect the interests of diverse community groups.
    2. Expand and increase the use of the Library of Things.
    3. Develop and promote programs and services that meet the needs and desires of community members of all ages and abilities (e.g., Maker Space programs, discounted museum passes).
    4. Maintain a safe, comfortable, accessible, and attractive facility that accommodates various functional needs (e.g., reading, study, meeting, and social spaces).
    5. Increase technology literacy and access to technology devices, services, and support.


Goal 2: Youth, Services, and Resources

The Library will offer an expansive variety of youth services and resources.


  1. Grow and promote STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) programs and initiatives for youth of all ages and abilities.
  2. Offer family-friendly performances and activities.
  3. Promote youth activities that accommodate diverse learning styles and needs.
  4. Support public school and homeschool education.
  5. Expand the programs, resources, and services offered to teens (grades 6-12).


Goal 3: Library Awareness

Community members will be aware of and enjoy easy access to Library programs, services, and resources.


  1. Increase awareness and usage of the vast array of Library resources, services, and spaces.
  2. Strengthen and expand collaborations with community partners to promote the Library and increase usage.
  3. Expand outreach to new and underserved constituencies.


Goal 4: Community Connections

The Library’s knowledgeable staff and strong community collaborations will improve the Library’s support of underserved local populations.


  1. Support a growing population of immigrants.
  2. Improve accessibility to Library offerings for all ages and abilities.
  3. Celebrate community members’ ethnic, cultural, and faith-based backgrounds and interests.


Goal 5: Ensure the Stability of the Library

Sustain the Library’s impact through developing and establishing public/private partnerships and staff development.


  1. Ensure the annual municipal appropriation meets minimum state standards.
  2. Strengthen public and private support and advocacy for the Library.
  3. Increase community groups’ use of the Library’s meeting spaces.
  4. Cultivate public/private partnerships that increase the Library’s positive impact on the community.
  5. Provide ongoing staff training and development opportunities.
  6. Operate with a strong governance model that supports the Library’s mission.



Woburn Public Library


Annual Action Plans

WPL Trustees

Trustees (L to R): Joanne McNamee, Jim Juliano, Tracy Jolly, Larry Rideout, and Richard Mahoney
Missing: Maria Alves, Seth Libert, and Emily Lipsett

The Library will develop an annual Action Plan made up of specific activities and strategies designed to help the Library achieve its strategic goals and address changing needs. The Action Plan will be updated and submitted to the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners annually (see Appendix C—WPL Action Plan Fiscal Year 2024).

Plan Approval

Submitted by Hermayne Gordon, Library Director.

On September 13, 2022, the Library’s eight-person Board of Trustees unanimously approved this Strategic Plan.

  • Richard Mahoney, President
  • Joanne McNamee, Vice President
  • Maria Alves, Trustee
  • Tracy Jolly, Trustee
  • Jim Juliano, Trustee
  • Seth Libert, Trustee
  • Emily Lipsett, Trustee
  • Larry Rideout, Trustee


Download the Full Strategic Plan



The Library is grateful for the feedback from hundreds of people who live and work in Woburn. We are especially grateful for the following community members’ input:

Adele Chang
Adriana Mendes-Sheldon
Carol Iram
Caroline Ritchie
Christine Williams
Colleen Cormier
Connie McGilvary
Dale Goldstein
David Crowley
Deshea Harris
Elaine Dougherty
Elise Regan
Emily Lipsett
Ernest Doherty
Gerry Kehoe
James Juliano
Jasmine Parthasarathy
Jeff Dillon
Jen Hess
Jen Mahon
Joanne McNamee
Joe Leto
Jonathan Acheson
Judith Duvivier
Julie Gage
Julie Pena
June Mackenzie
Kathy Lucero
Kristen Maloney
Manan Dedhia
Matt Crowley
Megan Kass
Myra Green
Neal Carey
Paul Kasili
Regina Au
Richard Mahoney
Rory Lindstrom
Scott Galvin
Sue Ellen Holland
Thelma Davis
Woburn Public Library Staff

We would also like to thank staff member Tracy Breeden for developing the Community and Library Profile infographics presented on pages 4 and 5.


Woburn Public LibraryAppendices

Appendix A – WPL Strategic Planning Project Process Flowchart

Appendix B – WPL Community Vision Statement Results Report 2022

Appendix C – WPL Action Plan Fiscal Year 2024

Appendix D – WPL Community Survey Results Summary Report 2022

Appendix E – WPL Focus Group Summary Report 2022

Appendix F – WPL Interview Summary Report 2022

Appendix G – WPL SOAR Exercise Summary Results Report 2022

Appendix H – WPL Teen Survey Results Summary Report 2022