The library will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents Day.

Local Author Book Fair 2023 Registration

Woburn Public Library is having a Local Author Book Fair!

Authors and Illustrators from Woburn will be able to set up a table at the book fair to talk about and sell their books with library patrons during our
Summer Reading Kick Off Event on Saturday, June 24 from 1-4 PM.

If you are interested in participating, please let us know! Please note that space is limited, and submission of this form does not guarantee a table.

Authors will be asked to donate a copy of their books to Woburn Public Library if they have not already done so.

Registration for the 2nd Annual Local Author Book Fair is now CLOSED.  Thank you to all our local authors who have expressed an interest in participating!
If you are a local author or illustrator who missed this year’s book fair and would like to receive information about future opportunities, please fill out the form below.