The library will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents Day.

How to Get a Library Card

Borrowing Items

Present your Minuteman Library Network library card to borrow items from the Woburn Public Library. Please note: The following are Woburn Public Library’s policies; other Minuteman libraries have their own policies.

Library Cards

To get a free Library Card, you must

  • be a Massachusetts resident.
  • bring a picture I.D. with current address or a picture I.D. and a bill/mail received at your current address.*
  • be at least 4 years old OR be able to write your own full name (whichever comes first).
  • have a parent or guardian sign your application if you are under 12 years old.
  • you may sign-up for a temporary card and create an online account by clicking here:
    • please note, in order to complete your card registration, you need to come to the library with your confirmation email and a picture I.D. within 6 months of creating the temporary card.

*If you have yet to receive mail at your current address, ask us to send you a postcard that you can use as proof of residency.

With your Woburn Public Library card, you:

  • become a member of the Minuteman Library Network with access to over 40 other MLN libraries.
  • have access to our online catalog and our print, electronic, and downloadable collections.*
  • can reserve museum passes.
  • can use our public computers.
  • can be assured that your account remains confidential. Massachusetts General Law prohibits us from discussing details of your account over the telephone or sharing your account information with anyone but you.
  • are responsible for all materials borrowed on your card until you report it lost or stolen. If your card is lost or stolen, there is a $2.00 replacement fee.

Lost library cards should be reported immediately.

*To access your online account and our electronic and downloadable collections, you need a PIN (Personal Identification Number). To obtain a PIN, please either see our circulation staff or follow the steps outlined on MLN’s website ( PINs cannot be issued over the phone.

For more information regarding the use of your library card, please refer to our Library Policies.

Text Message Notices

Save on time and data with text message notices and renewals. Text the word “SIGNUP” to 833-201-1813 to get started.

Get library notices sent directly to your mobile phone or tablet with Text Message Notices. Find out when your hold is ready for pick-up or get reminders about your items and account status. Simply text a reply to renew your items or get details about your library account. To get started, text “SIGNUP” to the phone number 833-201-1813. You will receive a response with instructions shortly.

Text Keyword List:
Message Settings:
HOLDS– Available hold pick-up notice
RENEW– Reminder before items are due
OVERDUE– Alerts when items are due
FEES– Alert when account hits fines limit
NOTICES– View your message settings


Manage your account:
ALL– Renew all overdue & almost due items
OA-Renew all overdue items
RL-Renew items by list
RW– List items ineligible for renewal
HL-List all items on hold
MYBOOKS– List the status of all your items, holds, and fines
IOWEU– Check your fine balance
QUIT– Unsubscribe


How do I use text messaging to view and renew items on my account? Text the keyword commands or reply to courtesy & overdue notices.
How will I know what to text? Do I need to remember all the keywords? No, Shoutbomb notices will list your reply options for each kind of notice text. You can also always text HELP to see all the keyword options.
Will I still get email or mail notices? Yes, this service is in addition to other notices, it does not replace email, mail, or voice call communications from your library.
How many messages will I receive? I pay per text in my mobile plan If you regularly request and borrow library items, expect a significant volume of messages from Shoutbomb.
How do I stop receiving text notices? Text the word “QUIT” at any time to unsubscribe from the service. You can also disable/enable certain kinds of notices. See the command list for details.

For more info about Text Messages Notices including text commands, visit Help Center FAQs .

Note: Your mobile plan’s text messaging rates apply. Check with your mobile provider for details.