The Library will be closed on Friday, February 28 from 9am to 1pm for Staff Development Day.

Woburn Advertiser Index, 1871-1888

SubjectArticle DescriptionDate
Abbott, Caroline W.Widow of Dea. Zebadiah Abbott of Winchester. Obituary.04/07/1887
Abbott, Zebadiahof Winchester. Obituary.04/12/1883
Accidents, Murders, Suicides, etc. since 1870List of.01/02/1879
Adams, Mrs. CharlesPresented with an elegant silver water-service.11/10/1881
Adams, SamuelThe Patriot. Bronze statue.07/15/1880
Adkins, C.S.Obituary.05/13/1875
Adkins Bros. & Co.New Britain, Conn.04/28/1871
Advertisers, OurShort sketches of.12/26/1873
Advertisers, OurShort sketches of.01/09/1874
Advertisers, OurShort sketches of.01/15/1874
Age, OldMrs. Margaret Vaughn, born in County Mayo, Ireland, Mar. 15 1766; died in Danville, Illinois, Oct. 10, 1881, aged 115 years and nearly 7 months.10/20/1881
AgedInformation about the aged on front page.05/18/1882
Aldrich, H.M.Tendered a reception by the Unitarian Sunday School.02/07/1884
Allen, Alice Hourittm. Frederick Steele at Osterville.09/23/1886
Allen, AndrewOf Milton, uncle of Mark Allen, Woburn Advertiser. Obituary.01/04/1883
Allen, Anna MatildaWife of Mark Allen. Obituary. 05/31/1888
Allen, Frank H.High school class of ’70. Amherst College class of ’74. Graduates from the Union Theological Seminary of New York City in May. Passed a successful examination before the New York Association of Congregational Ministers; has received his license as Congregational preacher.04/19/1877
Allen, Horace Austin, Texas.11/22/1872
Allen, Horace J.Personal.05/15/1884
Allen, JamesInsane.05/16/1873
Allen, MarkThe Courier of the Czar: or, the Siege of Irkutsk. A Russian Drama in six acts. Founded on the Story of Michael Strogoff by Jules Verne.11/03/1881
Allen, MarkThe Courier of the Czar: or, the Siege of Irkutsk. A Russian Drama in six acts. Founded on the Story of Michael Strogoff by Jules Verne.11/10/1881
Allen, MarkThe Courier of the Czar: or, the Siege of Irkutsk. A Russian Drama in six acts. Founded on the Story of Michael Strogoff by Jules Verne.11/17/1881
Allen, MarkThe Courier of the Czar: or, the Siege of Irkutsk. A Russian Drama in six acts. Founded on the Story of Michael Strogoff by Jules Verne.11/24/1881
Allen, MarkThe Courier of the Czar: or, the Siege of Irkutsk. A Russian Drama in six acts. Founded on the Story of Michael Strogoff by Jules Verne.12/1/1881
Allen, MarkThe Courier of the Czar: or, the Siege of Irkutsk. A Russian Drama in six acts. Founded on the Story of Michael Strogoff by Jules Verne.12/08/1881
Allen, MarkThe Courier of the Czar: or, the Siege of Irkutsk. A Russian Drama in six acts. Founded on the Story of Michael Strogoff by Jules Verne.12/15/1881
Allen, MarkThe Courier of the Czar: or, the Siege of Irkutsk. A Russian Drama in six acts. Founded on the Story of Michael Strogoff by Jules Verne.12/22/1881
Allen, MarkThe Courier of the Czar: or, the Siege of Irkutsk. A Russian Drama in six acts. Founded on the Story of Michael Strogoff by Jules Verne.12/29/1881
Allen, MarkThe Courier of the Czar: or, the Siege of Irkutsk. A Russian Drama in six acts. Founded on the Story of Michael Strogoff by Jules Verne.01/05/1882
Allen, MarkThe Courier of the Czar: or, the Siege of Irkutsk. A Russian Drama in six acts. Founded on the Story of Michael Strogoff by Jules Verne.01/12/1882
Allen, MarkEditor of the Woburn Advertiser. Account of his trip to New York.09/17/1885
Allen, MarkEditor of the Woburn Advertiser. Account of his Trip to New York.09/24/1885
Allen, MarkEditorial. Controversy about printing legal blanks.
Allen, MarkEditorial. Facts and figures.08/17/1882
Allen, MarkHow they did it.08/24/1882
Allen, MarkPresented with an American flag. List of donors.07/12/1872
Allen, MarkWayaniko or The Fourth of July, 1776. A Tragedy in five acts.02/26/1874
Allen, MarkWayaniko or The Fourth of July, 1776. A Tragedy in five acts. 05/07/1874
Allen, MarkWayaniko or The Fourth of July, 1776. A Tragedy in five acts. 06/11/1874
Allen, MarkWayaniko or The Fourth of July, 1776. A Tragedy in five acts. 07/16/1874
Allen, MarkWayaniko or The Fourth of July, 1776. A Tragedy in five acts. 07/23/1874
Allen, MarkWayaniko or The Fourth of July, 1776. A Tragedy in five acts. 12/03/1874
Allen, MarkWayaniko or The Fourth of July, 1776. A Tragedy in five acts. 12/10/1874
Allen, MarkWayaniko or The Fourth of July, 1776. A Tragedy in five acts. 01/27/1876
Allen, MarkWayaniko or The Fourth of July, 1776. A Tragedy in five acts. 01/27/1876
Allen, MarkThe Tory Renegade or the Wife’s Judgement. A Patriotic Drama in Two Acts.01/27/1876
Allen, MarkThe Tory Renegade or the Wife’s Judgement. A Patriotic Drama in Two Acts.02/10/1876
Allen, MarkWayaniko or The Fourth of July, 1776. A Tragedy in five acts. 02/03/1876
Allen, MarkWayaniko or The Fourth of July, 1776. A Tragedy in five acts. 02/10/1876
Allen, MarkWrites to the First Assistant Postmaster General, objecting to the Woburn Courier using the U. S. mail, as second class matter.03/22/1883
Allen, Markof Stoneham. Suicide.05/11/1882
Allen, Mrs. MarthaStepmother of Mark Allen of Woburn. Death of.09/24/1874
Allenville, WoburnDescription of.06/23/1887
Allison, Mrs. C. E. Presentation.11/12/1885
Ames, Rev. Jarvis A. Obituary.08/20/1885
Ames, Williamof Wilmington. Obituary.04/10/1884
Ampelopsis, VeitchiiA New Species of Ampelopsis (Virginia Creeper). 04/19/1883
Ancient Order of American WorkmenMishawum Lodge No. 61 organized.06/10/1886
Ancient Order of HiberniansDivision No. 3 held a grand reunion.10/06/1887
Ancient Order of HiberniansOf Middlesex County. Annual Parade held in Woburn. 09/20/1888
Anderson, CharlesOrdained and Installed pastor, North Cong. Church, North Woburn and the Cong. Church, Burlington.09/03/1874
Anderson, Rev. CharlesResigned as pastor of the Burlington Congregational Church.04/26/1888
Anderson, Rev. CharlesThe Burlington Church and Congregation voted to offer a larger salary, if he would remain….05/03/1888
Anderson, Rev. CharlesFarewell services.07/26/1888
Anderson, Rev. CharlesFarewell reception at Burlington.08/09/1888
Anderson, Almira W.Widow of Hiram Andrews of Winchester.01/01/1888
Andrews, George W.Widow of Hiram Andrews of Winchester, Death of.03/01/1888
Andrews, George W.Obituary.10/12/1882
Andrews, HiramWinchester obituary.10/27/1881
Andrews, Mr. & Mrs. Hiramof Winchester. Golden wedding.04/10/1879
Andrews, Mr. & Mrs. TimothyGolden wedding.08/14/1884
Angier, Mrs. DavidCelebrates her 88th birthday.06/17/1886
Angler, Sarah DavisObituary.10/11/1888
ApostropheA disputed question.08/08/1878
Appleton’s Encyclopedia of MachineryAnother Encyclopedia unpleasantness.03/02/1882
Arnold, Gertrude Surprise.02/07/1884
ArsonUnoccupied House belonging to Michael Brady on Houghton Street set on fire.05/18/1876
Arthur, Chester AlanEx-President, U. S. died Nov. 18, 1886.11/25/1886
Arthur, Chester AlanObituary on the last page.11/25/1886
Atwood, Georgeof Nashua, conductor freight train B.&.L. R. R. knocked off the car North Woburn; killed by the bridge near the Chemical Works.09/05/1878
Austin, H. K. of Reading. Miniature locomotive.04/26/1883
Ayer, Henry Prentissm. Ellen Stevens Judkins. Winchester.02/04/1886
Bacon, Caleb N.A Former Resident of Winchester, Obituary.10/05/1882
Bacon, Mrs. John60th birthday surprise.05/29/1879
Bacon, Mary B.Widow of Oliver Bacon. Obituary.06/30/1887
Bacon, Mr. & Mrs. OtisSurprise.10/23/1884
Bacon, Florence Alleuaof Arlington (Formerly of Winchester) m. Edward W. Hall of Medford.05/06/1886
Baeder, Adamson & Co.Building a glue factory at. E. Woburn.08/27/1874
Baker, Frederick W.Father of Mrs. Dennis B. Winn of Winchester. Obituary.06/25/1885
Baldwin, Apple the---10/06/1881
Baldwin AppleThe origin of.12/20/1883
Baldwin, George R.Obituary.10/18/1888
Baldwin, James F.Some years Ago planted some acorns from the Charter Oak on his farm in North Woburn, one germinated and is today a sturdy tree of some ten feet in height.10/16/1879
Baldwin, Jessiem. Paul Winsor, Winchester.10/04/1888
BalloonThe Balloon “Goddess of Liberty” which ascended from Boston Common,…about 4:20 Monday afternoon landed at 6 P.M. on the farm of William Johnson in the easterly part of Woburn, near the Reading line.07/08/1886
Bancroft, Major AmbroseGoes away; found: returns home.06/12/1879
Bancroft, CharlesPresentation.03/16/1882
Bancroft, Eunicem. Clarence F. Cook.11/01/1877
Banfield, JohnFound drowned in the brook back of Whitcher’s Lumber yard.01/15/1880
Bank Co-operativeProposed.12/02/1886
Banks, Nathaniel P.Political biography of.03/06/1879
Baptist Church, Woburn First Centennial of Arlington Demurs.07/21/1881
Baptist Church, Woburn First The Baptist Centennial.07/28/1881
Baptist Church, Woburn First Baptist Centennial.08/04/1881
Baptist Church, Woburn First Centennial ofBaptist Centennial.08/10/1881
Baptist Church, Woburn First Centennial ofBaptist Centennial.08/11/1881
Baptist Church, Woburn First Centennial ofBaptist Centennial.09/22/1881
Baptist Church, Woburn FirstChurch debt paid.12/30/1880
Baptist Church, Woburn FirstCommunication: Another Church Debt Raised.01/06/1881
Baptist Church, Woburn FirstThe first volume of the records from 1781 to 1826, missing.04/21/1881
Baptist Church, Woburn FirstCommittee chosen to perfect arrangements for celebrating the 100th anniversary of their Society.06/16/1861
Baptist Church, Woburn FirstBaptist centennial.07/07/1881
Baptist Society, St. John’sRecognition by the Boston North Association.05/31/1888
Barnard, P. L. Presents the Rumford Historical Association with an antique mahogany bedstead.10/15/1885
Barnes, Rev. W. S. Communication from John W. Johnson, Clerk of the First Unitarian Parish, correcting article in previous issue regarding action taken on his resignation.01/09/1879
Barnes, Rev. W. S. Pastor, Church of the Messiah, Montreal, Canada.02/19/1880
Barnes, Rev. W. S. Resignation of his pastorate of the Unitarian Church to take effect on the first of April next.12/12/1878
Barnes, Rev. W. S. Resignation accepted.01/02/1879
Barnes, Rev. W. S. Resigns as pastor, Unitarian Church; withdraws resignation.01/10/1878
Barnes, Rev. W. S. The resignation.01/17/1878
Barnes, Rev. & Mrs. W. S. Presentation.03/27/1879
Barnum, Brainard I.Obituary.07/19/1888
Barrett, A. P.Secretary Co. K. Associates.11/29/1883
Barrett, Mr. & Mrs. A. P. Tin wedding.01/02/1879
Barrett, Marshall F.Suicide.04/12/1883
Barrett, Marshall F.Inquest.04/19/1883
Barrington, Arthur HenryFormerly of Woburn, was admitted to the Sacred Order of Deacons of the Protestant Episcopal Church etc.06/20/1878
Bartlett, Dr. George P.Ejected from a train.09/15/1881
Bartlett, SidneySon of W. W. Bartlett killed by a gravel train on the Woburn and Wilmington Extension of the B.&L. R.R.09/10/1885
Bartlett, Gen. William F. Death of. Biographical sketch of.12/21/1876
Barton, JohnHis child fell into a pail of hot water some two weeks ago; died from the effects last Tuesday.01/21/1886
Base BallGame Between town officers and police officers. Seven Innings. Town Officers won, 41 to 4.07/26/1888
Bates, Mr. & Mrs. HarrisonOf Winchester. Golden wedding.12/13/1888
Bates, Mr. & Mrs. HarrisonOf Winchester. Golden wedding.12/20/1888
Beales, Mrs. Of Wilmington. Fatally burned.11/02/1882
Boston and Lowell RailroadAccident to Woburn Branch train at Winchester.09/20/1877
Boston and Lowell RailroadAttempt to derail a train near Green Street.07/29/1886
Boston and Lowell RailroadCelebration of the opening of the Extension of the Woburn Branch Railroad to Wilmington.12/17/1885
Boston and Lowell RailroadAbout to erect a wooden building at Central Square for a station.06/10/1886
Boston and Lowell RailroadFatal Collision of trains at Woburn Junction, near the Wilmington Poor farm last Friday night.02/18/1886
Boston and Lowell RailroadCollision at Winchester. several Woburn people injured.02/19/1874
Boston and Lowell RailroadConductor and brakeman knocked off the train while passing the bridge at North Woburn.01/06/1881
Boston and Lowell RailroadFatal accident by misplaced switch at Green Street.05/05/1881
Boston and Lowell RailroadCross Street Station. Opinion of Attorney General Sherman.01/13/1887
Boston and Lowell RailroadExtension of the Woburn Branch Railroad to Wilmington. See Woburn Branch Railroad Extension.05/30/1878
Boston and Lowell RailroadGates are being placed at Green, Fowle, Conn and Cross Streets R. R. crossings of the B & L. RR.05/19/1887
Boston and Lowell RailroadChange of location of the station in Woburn Center.09/30/1886
Boston and Lowell RailroadSmash up at E. Woburn.03/14/1878
Boston and Lowell RailroadSmash up near the old Railroad Station; several persons injured.06/28/1888
Boston and Lowell RailroadTime table for 1844.04/19/1883
Boston and Lowell R.R.Trains to and from Boston on Sundays, commenced running from Woburn Center last Sunday.07/19/1877
Boston and Lowell Railroad Extension--- 09/03/1885
Boston and Lowell Railroad Extension---09/10/1885
Boston and Lowell Railroad Extension---10/08/1885
Boston and Lowell Railroad Extension---10/22/1885
Boston and Lowell Railroad Extension---11/05/1885
Boston and Lowell Railroad Extension---11/19/1885
Boston and Lowell Railroad Extension---12/03/1885
Boston and Lowell Railroad Extension---12/10/1885
Boston and Lowell Railroad Extension---12/17/1885
Boston and Lowell Railroad ExtensionCorrespondence.07/17/1884
Boston and Lowell Railroad ExtensionObstacles to Improvement; exorbitant price asked for waste land in North Woburn.12/11/1884
Boston and Lowell Railroad Extension Railroad Commissioners visit Woburn, to give a hearing on the question of permitting the Boston and Lowell R.R. extension to Wilmington.06/26/1884
Boston and Lowell Railroad Extension Hearing postponed from June 30 to July 8.07/03/1884
Boston and Lowell Railroad Extension $10,000 subscribed by the citizens of Woburn.06/29/1885
Boston and Lowell Railroad Extension Hearing before the Selectmen on the location, etc.02/19/1885
Boston and Lowell Railroad Extension The work being done.07/16/1885
Boston and Lowell Railroad Extension The work being done.07/23/1885
Boston and Lowell RailroadThe work being done.07/30/1885
Boston and Lowell RailroadThe work being done.08/06/1885
Boston and Lowell RailroadThe work being done.08/13/1885
Boston and Lowell RailroadThe work being done.08/20/1885
Boston and Lowell RailroadThe work being done.08/27/1885
Boston and Lowell Railroad and Boston and Maine R.R.Consolidation. Editorial on.10/06/1889
Boston, Lowell & Nashua R.R.Controversy regarding showing tickets, etc.01/14/1875
Boston, Lowell & Nashua R.R.Controversy regarding showing tickets, etc.01/21/1875
Boston and Maine RailroadEngineers have been surveying for a new railroad from Woburn to Lexington.04/05/1888
Boston and Maine RailroadOfficials of the B. and M. R.R. in town looking over the ground for a new railroad from Medford, through Winchester and Woburn to Wilmington.05/10/1877
Boston & Maine RailroadSurvey being made.05/17/1877
Boston and Maine RailroadProposed extension of the Medford Branch to Woburn.01/07/1875
Beals, Col. WilliamBirthday anniversary. 72 Years Old.09/05/1887
Bean, Moses C. Killed by the cars near Main St. crossing, Woburn Center.01/07/1886
Bean, Moses C.Inquest.01/14/1886
Bean, Richard B.Obituary.02/18/1886
Beecher, Henry WardDeath of.03/10/1887
Beggs, GeorgeSurprise and presentation.12/06/1877
Belknap, WilliamCorn-mill, fulling-mill, dwelling house -auction notice 2nd Feb. 1770.05/13/1875
Bell, E. S. Presented with a watch.10/08/1874
Bell, DepotThe depot bell rang for the last time this forenoonn at 10 o’clock. 07/01/1880
Bell, DepotDissatisfaction caused by the stopping of the ringing of the depot bell.07/08/1880
Bell RingingAn old custom abandoned. The noon and 9 o’clock bells have not been rung since the first of the month.02/10/1876
Bennett, GeorgeBurlington. Obituary.04/14/1887
Bennett, JoshuaFormerly of Woburn. His portrait presented to the old Lowell National Bank, Lowell by his grandson, Joshua Bennett Holden.10/16/1884
Bergin, AnnAunt of Mrs. Lawrence Reade of Woburn. Obituary.08/31/1882
Berry, Mr. & Mrs. D. W. Reading. China wedding.09/29/1887
Bickford, Dr. H. C.Obituary.03/28/1878
Bicycle ClubOrganized. President, John C. Buck. Captain, F. B. Richardson. Vice Capt., F. W. Gleason. Sec. & Treas., J. F. Deloria. Guides, F. W. Gleason and W. Hammond, Club Committee, F. B. French and W. R. Emory.01/13/1881
Billerica and BedfordNarrow gauge railroad opened.10/18/1877
Billerica and BedfordArticle on narrow gauge railroad opened.11/15/1877
Billingsly, HughAttempted suicide.01/08/1885
Billingsly, Hughof Woburn. Drowned in Rock Pond, North Winchester.04/14/1887
Bishop, Thomas J.Killed by the cars on the Boston and Albany R. R. Buried in Woburn.11/03/1887
Blackstone, Dr. Tracy R. Obituary.10/11/1888
Blake, Simonand family removes to Wakefield, N. H. 11/03/1881
Blakely, H. E. m. Carrie Simmonds.12/22/1881
Blaney, George A. The grievance of a taxpayer .03/23/1876
Blaney, GeorgeHearing on his taxes.03/01/1877
Blaney, George A.Obituary.12/04/1884
Boiler ExplosionAt Elijah Robbins Jr.’s Shop. Cummingsville.03/18/1875
Bond, CharlesOf North Woburn. Obituary.11/21/1878
Bond, CharlesFuneral of.11/28/1878
Bond, Benjamin E. Nominated and confirmed clerk of the Fourth District Court of Eastern Middlesex.07/12/1888
Book, Bindery---06/21/1888
Boston, The Great FireLast page.11/15/1872
Boston, The Great FireLast page.11/22/1872
Boston, The Great FireWoburn man, losses in Boston Fire. List of.11/22/1872
Boston CommonThe old elm tree on the common destroyed in a gale last Tuesday night.02/17/1876
Boston North Baptist AssociationTwenty-fifth annual convention of the Sabbath School Teachers Held at the First Baptist Church, Woburn.02/22/1877
Boutwewll, Mr. & Mrs. AsaReunion: presentation.07/13/1876
Boutwell, Miss M.A.Surprise and presentation.06/15/1882
Boutwell, Mr. & Mrs. JamesGolden wedding.08/05/1880
Boutwell, Mr. & Mrs. JamesGolden wedding.08/12/1880
Bowers, Charles R. Burial of A Soldier.11/12/1874
Bowers, Mary HaywoodWidow of Charles R. Bowers. Obituary.06/03/1886
Bowser, RobertOf Reading . Obituary.07/22/1886
Boyce, ThomasPresentation.02/01/1883
Boyce, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Presentation.09/20/1888
Boynton, Mary D.Of Pepperell. Died last Friday, aged 101 years, 7 months.04/20/1882
Bradbury, Charles W.Of Winchester. Sudden Death.12/08/1881
Braden, FarrelResolutions.02/02/1888
Bradley, Thomas H. Obituary.11/22/1883
Brady, MichaelHis house on Houghton Street set on fire.05/18/1876
Brauer, John H. Serenaded etc. 02/05/1885
Bridge, Mrs. A. M. Winchester obituary.04/28/1887
BridgeThe highest railroad bridge in the world, 362 ft. high, at Kinzua Creek, McKean County, Pennsylvania.09/07/1882
Bridgham, James D. Obituary.12/04/1876
Bridgeham, James D. Extract, Medical and Surgical Journal.01/04/1877
Briggs, Bodwell SargentOf Winchester m. Annie Ellis of Woburn. 06/24/1886
British American AssociationOrganized.01/05/1888
Brooks, Mr. & Mrs. Augustus W.Surprise.02/07/1884
Brooks, GovernorThe Marshall Symmes house at Winchester, the birthplace of Governor John Brooks to be taken down.06/23/1881
Brooks, Mosley N. Leg amputated.07/25/1878
Brooks, Mosley N. Bad fall.09/26/1878
Brooks, Mosley N. Brings suit Against the town.03/27/1879
Brooks, Mosley N.Verdict for the town; Brooks appealed.01/15/1880
Brooks, Mr. & Mrs. Orlando M.Presentation.11/24/1881
Bruce, Mrs. Charles T. Presentation.01/18/1883
Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Alexander49th wedding anniversary; surprise and presentation.04/03/1879
Brown, Mr. & Mrs. AlexanderGolden wedding.03/29/1883
Brown, BenjaminOf the Boston Post Office. Obituary.04/22/1886
Brown, JoshuaSuicide.08/03/1876
Brown, Mrs. JosiahSudden death.09/02/1875
Brown, Mr. & Mrs. N. W. Master & matron of Woburn Almshouse, in place of Mr. & Mrs. David M. Gray, resigned.04/10/1884
Brown, WatermanGranted a pension of $8 per month for service on U.S. Ship Columbus during the Mexican War.05/12/1887
Brown, Waterman Temporary paralysis.11/25/1880
Bryant, Charles L.Suicide.06/12/1884
Bryant, F. L. Obituary.03/11/1880
Bryant, JohnObituary.01/18/1883
Bryant, Lydia F. Assaulted.02/17/1881
Bryant and KingNew steam gong for the Woburn Fire Alarm is being placed on their Tannery.09/17/1882
Bryant and KingNew steam gong …. Tested.09/14/1882
Bryant and KingTo connect their whistle with the Woburn Fire Alarm.12/29/1881
Bryson, JamesHis son Andrew, aged about 3 years, fell into a tub of hot water; died of his injuries.01/29/1880
Buchanan, Capt. G. M. Presented with a complete military outfit.01/03/1884
Buchanan, J. E. California. Mistaken for a deer and accidentally shot…12/16/1886
Buck, NathanWilmington. Obituary.05/15/1884
Buck, Reuben A. Sudden death.05/01/1879
Buckman, BowenHis portrait presented to the town by his daughters Mrs. Newell and Mrs. Beal.11/01/1872
Buckman, BowenHis portrait presented to the town by his daughters Mrs. Newell and Mrs. Beal.11/08/1872
Buckman, Caleb G. Obituary.01/31/1878
Buckman, Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Wooden wedding.02/19/1885
Buckman, HenryOf Marion, Iowa, A native of Woburn, in town.08/25/1881
Buckman, IraGuardian appointed.06/25/1874
Buckman, IraSudden death of.03/01/1877
Buckman, John P. Woburn Mechanic Phalanx goes to the Washington Monument dedication with the Lawrence Light Guard of Medford as a representative of Co. G. 02/26/1885
Bulfinch, AmosObituary.11/13/1884
Bulfinch, CharlesSudden death.04/25/1878
Bulfinch, Mr. & Mrs. HenryWho have resided in California have returned to Woburn.09/15/1881
Bulfinch, L.A.A Woburn boy, principal of the High School, Nevada City, California Presentation.07/15/1880
Bullard, E.G.Gets verdict against the town .06/17/1875
Bullard Memorial Fund, AsaThe Congregational Superintendents’ Union of Boston have started a memorial to the Rev. Asa Bullard the pioneer Sunday School worker, deceased.04/26/1888
Burbank, Levi L.Obituary.08/26/1886
Burbank Women’s Relief Corps, No 84Instituted.03/24/1887
Burden Bearers ClubFormed at Montvale.12/29/1887
Burgess, Virginia A.Of Macon, Georgia m. David E. Tillson formerly of Woburn.06//08/1882
Burke, John R.Sudden death .06/22/1882
Burklane, JaneDied May 10, 1888, aged 110 years. Obituary.05/17/1888
BurlingtonOne hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the incorporation as a precinct.09/30/1880
BurlingtonUnknown man died from exposure. 03/07/1878
BurlingtonAbout the schoolhouse built in 1794-5.04/19/1883
Burlington, Annexation ofEditorial on.07/26/1883
Burlington Church AnniversaryThe 150th Anniversary of the Burlington Church, celebrated on Sunday and Monday last. 11/12/1885
Burlington Church AnniversaryThe preparations for the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary celebration are nearly completed… 11/05/1885
Burlington Post OfficeDiscontinued.06/09/1881
Burlington PostmasterCharles C. Foster Appointed.09/29/1881
Burlington Women VotersMrs. Martha E. Sewall Curtis is the only one registered.03/04/1880
Burnap, Georgeof Burlington. Obituary.01/01/1885
Burnham, LyeurgusA former resident of Woburn died at Somerville. Obituary.12/04/1884
Burnside, Gen. Ambrose E.Obituary.09/15/1881
Butler, Gov, Benjamin F.Speaks at Lyceum Hall exhibits “tanned human skin.”11/01/1883
Butler, Henry H.m. Sarah B. Tucker. Winchester.06/30/1887
Butler, LeviFatal accident.07/04/1873
Butler, LeviCoroner’s verdict.07/11/1873
Butler, MosesHis wife, Mara Smith, arrested at Providence, R.I., for presenting a false claim for a pension.10/28/1886
Butman, AlbertFuneral of.04/28/1887
Butters, Horace B.m. Hattie Carter. Burlington.10/06/1887
Butters, Nathanielof Burlington. Found frozen.01/05/1882
Buxton, Lynda R.Obituary.05/03/1877
Buxton, Sydney and Mrs.Wooden wedding.01/15/1880
Byrnes, Mathew M.A Woburn crank.11/23/1882
Byrnes, PatrickUtica Street, Montvale . Insane – taken to Danvers Asylum.09/11/1884
Cady, ThomasProbably fatal fall. 09/15/1887
Cady, Thomas Gone to Manchester, NH.09/22/1887
Caldwell, CharlesFatal railroad accident.03/08/1872
Caldwell, Charles of Burlington. Sudden Death.04/17/1884
Caldwell, Charles Funeral.04/24/1884
Caldwell, CharlesHis daughter, Mary Caldwell, has removed to Hingham.05/01/1884
Caldwell, Dr. W. B.Suicide at Burlington. 05/20/1880
Callahan, EllenInsane; taken to Danvers Asylum.06/14/1883
Campbell, A.N.Presentation.11/17/1871
Campbell, Mrs. Annof Cambridgeport, aged 72 years, who was visiting at James Doherty’s, Locust Street, found dead.01/12/1882
Campbell, Jamesof Somerville, a former resident of Burlington. Obituary.10/09/1884
Canal StreetHearing before the Country Commissioner on the extension, etc. 04/09/1874
Canal StreetWidening and damages. 10/24/1878
Canal Street Improvement---09/30/1875
Carpenter, Sophia m. Thomas C. Taylor. 01/09/1879
Carr, JohnWinchester. Obituary.04/14/1887
Carroll, Johnof Buckman Street. Sudden Death.06/05/1879
Carroll, John Sacramento, California.06/30/1871
Carroll, OliverAt San Francisco, California.06/30/1871
Carter, Alfred T.The Friendly Visitor; a monthly paper, edited, printed, and published by him.03/06/1879
Carter, AnthonyObituary.08/20/1874
Carter, CharlesAt Salt Lake City, Utah.06/30/1871
Carter, Cyrus L.of Wilmington. Obituary.09/14/1882
Carter, Elizabeth P.Wife of John R. Carter, Obituary.07/26/1888
Carter, Hattiem. Horace B. Butters. Burlington.10/06/1887
Carter, Hattie E.m. William R Cowelry, Winchester.09/06/1888
Carter, Henry A.Funeral of.04/07/1871
Carter, Jamesof Winchester. Obituary.03/29/1888
Carter, Mrs. Lizzie H.North Wilmington. Obituary.04/10/1884
Carter, Mary E.Dau. of John Carter of Winchester. Obituary.02/05/1885
Carter, Mrs. Nathanof Burlington – died at Lynn, Jan. 4.01/13/1887
Carter, Ruelof North Woburn. Death of.09/06/1880
Carter, Rev. ThomasThe restrictions on the Rev. Thomas Carter estate in Woburn Center owned by Mrs, Czarina Littlefield, to be removed.04/29/1886
Carter Family Reunion---06/12/1884
Carton, RichardPresentation.11/24/1887
Case, Rev. AlbertA man supposed, form papers found ,to be him, was killed by the Woburn train near the Cambridge and Somerville Line.01/03/1878
Castledon, GeorgeWoburn, Bedfordshire, England. Lines on the death of George M. Champney.03/16/1882
Catholic Churchvs. Munroe and Newton’s Skating Rink. Hearing before the Selectman.05/08/1884
Catholic Church, IndependentRev. Father Gaegan held services in Lyceum Hall.04/13/1882
Catholic Church, NewAt East Woburn. First Service held St. Patrick’s Day.03/22/1877
Catholic Temperance Societies Celebration of Father Mathew’s birthday and parade etc.10/14/1875
Catholic Total Abstinence Union, TheHeld its Fifth Annual Convention in Woburn.04/14/1881
Celebration April 19, 1875, Lexington and ConcordCavalry Battalion organized.04/01/1875
Centennial Regiment of Veterans---12/16/1875
Centennial Regiment of Veterans---12/23/1875
Cemetery, CavalryAt East Woburn. History of.06/27/1878
CentennialApril 19, 1775 – April 19, 1875 meeting called.03/04/1875
Cemetery, Cavalry CentennialCavalry battalion organized.04/01/1875
Cemetery, Cavalry CentennialThe Centennial.04/22/1875
CentennialCommittee appointed to raise money for the Women’s Building at Philadelphia.02/03/1876
Centennial at PhiladelphiaA Nation’s Birthday. The One Hundredth Anniversary of the United States. The Centennial Celebration at Philadelphia, etc. 05/11/1876
Center, Captain WilliamSon of Bill Center. Obituary.12/31/1874
Central SquareVolunteer hose company organized under the name of “Swamp Angels.”01/02/1879
Centre Grammar SchoolhouseThe New Municipal Building. Description of.07/01/1886
Centre Grammar SchoolhouseThe work of altering the Centre Grammar Schoolhouse for the use of the town for its several offices and for a Court room for the Fourth District Court, was commissioned Monday. L. W. Perham is the contractor.06/17/1886
Chadbourne, HumphreySuicide.04/05/1877
Challis, James M. Died at Lynn April 8, 1886, a. 67. Obituary.04/22/1886
Chamberlain, Charles F. Of East Boston m. Katherine R. Prince of Winchester.11/01/1888
Chamberlain, Mrs. R. H.And Her Sunday School class in the First Congregational Church visited the Almshouse last Saturday, New Year’s day and distributed presents to the children in that institution…01/06/1887
Chambers, John H. Trial of Hurst-Meagher case.10/31/1873
Champney, E. W. Obituary.05/06/1886
Champney, George M. Appointed Librarian, Woburn Public Library.02/27/1879
Champney, George M. Librarian, Woburn Public Library. Obituary.01/05/1882
Champney, George M.Special reference was made in the Unitarian Church to the death of Mr. Champney.01/12/1882
Champney, George MatherBiographical sketch of.01/26/1882
Champney, George M.Letter of George Castleden, Woburn, Bedfordshire England on the death of.03/16/1882
Champney, George M.Two portraits of Geo. M. Champney were placed in the picture gallery of the Woburn Library Tuesday. One by Willard from a Picture Taken some fifteen years ago. The other by Mr. Champney’s son, painted shortly before Mr. Champney’s decease…06/08/1882
Champney, KensetSon of Benjamin Champney leaves for his home in Guatemala, South America today07/28/1881
Champney, KensetCoffee raising in Guatemala. 08/10/1881
Champney, KensetShipwrecked.09/15/1881
Chapin, Mrs. Widow of Dr. Alonzo Chapin. Death of.10/29/1885
Chapin, Dr. AlonzoOf Winchester. Apoplexy.12/21/1876
Chapin, Dr. AlonzoObituary.12/28/1876
Chapman, George H. Winchester. Obituary.04/28/1887
Chapman, Mary MaudOf Malden, wife of George Chapman a former resident of Woburn, killed by lightning; buried in Woburn.08/15/1878
Chapot, AlexanderWinchester. Serious fall.08/04/1887
Chapot, AlexanderDied from his injuries.08/11/1887
Chapot, Rev. Louis E. of Boston. Obituary.07/27/1882
Charter Oak, Progeny ofJames F. Baldwin, when on a trip through Connecticut, visited the Charter Oak and secured some of its acorns; after his return home he planted them on his farm, in North Woburn, one of the acorns germinated and is a sturdy tree of some ten feet in height.10/16/1879
Cheny, Willie EllisSon of L. E. and Celia Colgate Cheny. In Memorium. d. March 28, 1882, a. 5 yrs., 7 mos.04/06/1882
Chicago Fire---10/13/1871
Chicago FireRelief Com. 10/20/1871
Chicago FireThe Great Fire.10/20/1871
Chickering, Hon. HenryObituary.03/24/1881
Childs, DariusSudden death.12/06/1877
Chipman, D. RussellKilled by falling chimney at J. R. Fairbush’s currying shop fire. Funeral of.07/16/1874
Chisholm, FrankDrowned in Winter Pond, Winchester.07/08/1886
Choate, CharlesObituary.02/22/1883
Choate, CharlesWill of.03/01/1883
Choate, CharlesResolution.03/01/1883
Choate Medals---07/07/1871
Choate Medals---07/04/1873
Choate Medals---06/25/1874
Choate Medals---07/07/1875
Choate Medals---07/06/1876
Choate Medals---08/15/1878
Choate Medals…the awarding….will be suspended for the present.07/17/1879
Chronicles of Wolligrub---05/06/1875
Chronicles of Wolligrub---05/13/1875
Chronicles of Wolligrub---05/20/1875
Chronicles of Wolligrub---05/27/1875
Church, CephasWinchester. Death of.01/14/1875
Church Catalogues, Some Old---10/13/1881
Claffy, EvaPresentation.05/30/1878
Claffey, William H. Sudden Death. Found dead on the bank of the old canal on Middlesex St.07/30/1874
Clark, Ella W. Of Winchester. Obituary.03/20/1884
Clark, Henry F.Of Winchester. Missing.01/03/1884
Clark, HenryHeard from.01/10/1884
Clark, Oliver RichardsonFormer resident of Winchester died at North Tewksbury, last Saturday. Obituary.03/10/1887
Clarkson, Frank E. Formerly Supt., Woburn Telephone Exchange; in Arkansas.08/16/1883
Clement, Mr. & Mrs. HenrySilver wedding.12/28/1882
Cleveland, PresidentLetter from Daniel L. Lamont, his Private Secretary, to the Selectman acknowledging invitation to visit Woburn.07/01/1886
Cleveland Ancestry of Stephen Grover---07/24/1884
Clevelands of America, TheThe.08/14/1884
Cleveland Estate in Woburn, TheBy W. R. Cutter.07/08/1886
Clinton Hose, CompanyNo. 6. Have received their new hose carriage.09/30/1880
Clough, Dr. JohnMiddlesex East District Medial Society, on the death of.02/05/1880
Clough, Dr. JohnObituary.11/27/1879
Clough, Dr. JohnWill of.12/04/1879
Clough, Dr. JohnCorrection, will.12/11/1879
Coffin, NettieDaughter of Capt. Alfred M. and Nancy M. Coffin of Winchester. Obituary.10/04/1888
Coffee HouseProposed establishment of one in Woburn.02/23/1882
Doherty, JohnPartially insane; taken to Danvers Asylum.11/24/1881
Coit, CharlesWinchester. Fatal Bicycle accident.05/22/1884
Colburn, JacobSymmes Corner, Winchester O. Obituary.09/21/1882
Cold Day, ALast Sunday was the coldest day that has been experienced in the vicinity for many years…12/27/1883
Cold Weather---02/10/1881
Cold WeatherThe coldest yet.01/14/1886
Cold Weather62 years ago on the 17th of June water froze in Winchester.06/19/1879
Cold Winters, Etc.By A.A. Newhall.04/05/1883
Cole, John F. of BostonWell known Temperance worker. Obituary.03/23/1882
Cole, JosephSerious Fall.03/24/1881
Colegate, B. F. Son of William A. Colgate. Sudden death.09/16/1875
Colegate, B. F. Funeral of.09/23/1875
Colegate, Mr. & Mrs. W. A. Linen wedding; thirty-fifth anniversary.04/19/1877
Collamore, HoraceAppointed deputy sheriff.04/10/1879
Collamore, HoraceAppointed deputy sherrif.10/18/1883
Collamore, HoraceObituary.12/17/1885
Collamore, HoraceFuneral service.12/24/1885
Collamore & Co., HoraceSash and binds manufacturer. See “A Reminiscence.” 11/28/1878
Colley, Mrs. A. G. Surprise.11/02/1882
Collins, GeorgeBuried in Winchester.03/19/1885
Collins, JamesPresented with a cornet by members of the Woburn National Bank.02/24/1881
Collins, James P. m. Kate E. Sullivan.02/28/1884
Colored ChurchMr. Bell, a colored local preacher, is making efforts to organize a colored Methodist Church in Woburn.09/25/1884
Conant, Grace W. of Winchester m. Frederick H. Page of Medford.06/18/1885
Concord, MassachusettsInvitation to the inhabitants of Woburn to attend the celebration there, April 19, 1876.12/17/1874
Concord, OldAn Unfrequented By-way. Epitaphs.11/14/1878
Coney, DavidAnnuity of $150 left him in will of Jerome Kidder of Boston.11/16/1882
Conly, Mrs. KateSurprise.11/02/1882
Conn, Charles K.Letter From Fitzhugh Lee, Virginia Regarding testimonial sent B. H. Witcher, Georgia.01/08/1885
Conn, Charles KThe Spring Campaign opened.02/10/1881
Conn, CharlesCommunication, J. H. Nason.02/10/1881
Conn, CharlesCorrection.02/17/1881
Conn, George H.House warming.02/21/1873
Conn, George H. Obituary.10/25/1888
Conn, Mr. & Mrs. George H.Tin wedding.09/15/1871
Conn, HoraceObituary.02/28/1884
Connell, ThomasOf Erie St., East Woburn. His child drowned in a hogshead set in the ground.05/09/1878
Connolly, Johnof Centre Street, stabbed by Pat Mooney at E. C. Cummings & Co.’s tannery.03/06/1879
Connolly, John H.Obituary.01/01/1885
Connolly, MartinAssaulted by his son Martin Connolly Jr.03/27/1879
Connolly, Martinof So. Boston, formerly of Woburn. Fatal accident; buried in Calvary Cemetery, Woburn.12/20/1883
Connolly, MaryInsane, has not taken any food for 31 days03/29/1883
Connolly, MaryStarved at last; without food 47 days.04/19/1883
Connolly, Mary E. Surprise.03/29/1883
Converse, CaptainWoburn Mechanics Phalanx presented with a regulation sword and belt.06/16/1881
Converse, CharlesFatal accident.01/19/1888
Converse, Capt. Charles W. Died at Marietta, Georgia, Mar. 26, 1888. Obituary.03/29/1888
Converse, JohnDied Monday June 29, at Clinton, Illinois. Obituary.07/08/1880
Converse, Joshua P.Obituary.03/16/1876
Converse, OtisInsane; escaped from the Burlington almshouse June 5th; not heard from since.06/16/1881
Converse, OtisNot heard from.09/29/1881
Converse, Parker L.Ancient Woburn tidbits.01/13/1887
Converse, Parker L. Ancient Woburn tidbits.01/20/1887
Converse, Parker L. A Legend of Rag Rock.04/22/1886
Converse, Parker L.See “Official Malfeasance” in.02/04/1875
Converse, WilliamOf North Woburn. Sudden death.06/05/1879
Converse House, the Oldon Salem Street is to be torn down; sketch of.08/17/1876
Conway, Dr. J. H.Presented with a horse.09/07/1882
Conway, Michael M.Brother of Dr. J. H. Conway drowned in Lake Quinsigamond.08/09/1883
Co-operative BankA co-operative bank was organized in this town last Thursday evening.02/17/1889
Co-operative BankProposed.12/02/1886
Cook, Barbara18 years of age insane, taken to Danvers Asylum.08/05/1880
Cook, Carrie B. m. J. William Fox.11/26/1885
Cook, Clarence F.m. Eunice Bancroft.11/01/1877
Cooley, Williamof Burlington, Sudden Death of. Obituary.03/09/1876
Cooper, EliCompleted his 84th year, last Sunday. Portrait and sketch.12/20/1888
Cooper, Nellie L.m. Alvah J. Foster.01/05/1888
Copper in WinchesterSee “The Business Men of Winchester.”03/29/1877
Corrigan, DennisResolutions.02/17/1887
Corry, Robert H. Presented with a watch and chairs.07/07/1881
Corse, General John M.of Chicago, Illinois m. Frances McNeil of Winchester.06/29/1882
Cosgrove, Rev. Thomas W.Family of Winchester, died at Terre Haute, Illinois.07/10/1884
Costello, Thomas M. A former Woburnite honored.11/01/1888
Cotters, WilliamOf Cornwallis, Nova Scotia Found in Woburn; later disappears.05/19/1887
Coulliard, Mr. & Mrs. JohnSilver wedding.08/18/1881
County Commissioners HearingOn the widening of Main Street, between Church and New Boston Street.04/26/1888
County Commissioners HearingAdverse decisions.07/19/1888
County Proposed, NewNorthern parts of Middlesex and Essex to be called Merrimac.09/06/1888
Courier of the Czar, The or the Siege of IrkutskA Russian Drama in Six Acts. Founded on Jules Verne’s Story of Michael Strogoff, by Mark Allen.11/03/1881
Courier of the Czar, The or the Siege of IrkutskA Russian Drama in Six Acts. Founded on Jules Verne’s Story of Michael Strogoff, by Mark Allen.11/10/1881
Courier of the Czar, The or the Siege of IrkutskA Russian Drama in Six Acts. Founded on Jules Verne’s Story of Michael Strogoff, by Mark Allen.11/17/1881
Courier of the Czar, The or the Siege of IrkutskA Russian Drama in Six Acts. Founded on Jules Verne’s Story of Michael Strogoff, by Mark Allen.11/24/1881
Courier of the Czar, The or the Siege of IrkutskA Russian Drama in Six Acts. Founded on Jules Verne’s Story of Michael Strogoff, by Mark Allen.12/01/1881
Courier of the Czar, The or the Siege of IrkutskA Russian Drama in Six Acts. Founded on Jules Verne’s Story of Michael Strogoff, by Mark Allen.12/08/1881
Courier of the Czar, The or the Siege of IrkutskA Russian Drama in Six Acts. Founded on Jules Verne’s Story of Michael Strogoff, by Mark Allen.12/15/1881
Courier of the Czar, The or the Siege of IrkutskA Russian Drama in Six Acts. Founded on Jules Verne’s Story of Michael Strogoff, by Mark Allen.12/22/1881
Courier of the Czar, The or the Siege of IrkutskA Russian Drama in Six Acts. Founded on Jules Verne’s Story of Michael Strogoff, by Mark Allen.12/29/1881
Courier of the Czar, The or the Siege of IrkutskA Russian Drama in Six Acts. Founded on Jules Verne’s Story of Michael Strogoff, by Mark Allen.01/05/1882
Courier of the Czar, The or the Siege of IrkutskA Russian Drama in Six Acts. Founded on Jules Verne’s Story of Michael Strogoff, by Mark Allen.01/12/1882
Court, A District---02/13/1879
Cowdrey, William R. m. Hattie E. Carter, Winchester.09/06/1888
Cowley, CharlesSilk culture in Woburn.08/19/1886
Cowley, CharlesOf Lowell, A former resident of East Woburn. Article on: “India Rubber Manufacturer in Woburn.”08/26/1886
Cowley, CharlesCount Rumford.09/02/1886
Cox, Mrs. Clarrisaof Wakefield. Celebrates her 99th birthday.10/14/1886
Cox, Clarissaof Wakefield. 101 Years Old. Celebration of her birthday. [Clarissa Emerson, b. at S. Reading , Oct. 6, 1787, d. at Wakefield, Jan 17, 1889, dau. of Thomas and Ruth (Bancroft) Emerson, m. 1Oct. 26, 1805, Benjamin Cox]. 10/11/1888
Cragin, Dea. Francis K. Obituary.01/06/1887
Cragin, Dea SamuelUncle of F. K. Cragin of Woburn. Obituary.12/13/1883
Crane, WilliamDisappeared.10/31/1878
Crane & Co. J. P. Tannery destroyed by fire.04/30/1885
CreameryMeeting held at the Cedar St. Schoolhouse…to take into consideration the matter of establishing a creamery.04/22/1886
Crehan, EllenCigar factory fire.07/25/1873
Crehan, Mr. & Mrs. P.Surprise party.02/07/1873
Crehan, PatrickBequest of.07/26/1883
Crehan, PatrickObituary.07/20/1882
Crow, WhiteRara Airs. Captured by Harry G. Hartwell.06/23/1887
Crowell, Mr. & Mrs. AustinSurprise.07/23/1885
Crowley, JohnAccidentally shot on Baby Hill. Not Serious.07/25/1878
Cullen, AnastasiaSister Ignatius of the Cross of the Order of Notre Dame. Obituary.11/25/1886
Cullen, EdwardHis son Joseph, a. 16 mos. drowned in the canal near the saw factory, E. Woburn08/27/1884
Cullen, EdwardNorth Woburn. Found drowned in the Charles River.05/17/1872
Cullen, Mrs. EdwardSudden death.08/30/1877
Cullen, JamesMissing.07/24/1879
Cullen, PatrickLost his leg by being run over by cars at the Highland Station.11/30/1876
Cummings, CyrusObituary.10/25/1883
Cummings, HannahWidow of Moses Cummings. Obituary. Should be Harriet.08/25/1887
Cummings, HarrietWidow of Moses Cummings. Obituary.08/25/1887
Cummings, HarrietCorrection.09/01/1887
Cummings, John H.Obituary.09/13/1888
Cummings Farm---08/12/1880
CummingsvilleThe North Woburn Street Railroad petitioned the Selectmen for the location of their road to Cummingsville; petition granted.06/17/1886
Cummingsville Catch Basin---08/12/1880
Cuneo, StefanoObituary.10/11/1888
Curley, Fannie T.Serious accident.07/26/1883
Curran, Francis P. Editor, Woburn City Press.12/06/1888
Curran, Francis P. Have we a poo-bah among us?08/30/1888
Currier’s Protective Association---06/08/1882
Curtis, Martha E. SewallThe only registered woman voter in Burlington.03/04/1880
Cushman, Mialof Winchester. Obituary.12/04/1884
Cushing, Henry G.of Lowell appointed Special Deputy Sheriff.08/30/1883
Cutler, JessieHad sold land and buildings on Bedford Street, the oldest house in Woburn, to Sarah B. Morse for $8000.01/10/1884
Cutler, Louisa F.Wife of Silas Cutler of Burlington. Obituary.08/06/1885
Cutler Place, JesseReviving an old service .10/10/1878
Cutler Place, JesseSecond memorial service (Episcopal) held there.10/24/1878
Cutter, E. F. Postmaster at Cummingsville.04/01/1880
Cutter, Dr. EphraimPersonal items. W.C. Thompson. Francis Wood. John W. Stockman. John F. Snow. Joseph Dyer. John N. Carroll. Oliver Carroll. F. Cutting & Co. Mr. Goddard. H.H. Flagg. Chas Carter.06/30/1871
Cutter, HenryOf Winchester. Obituary.08/07/1879
Cutter, Mr. & Mrs. HenryOf Winchester. Golden wedding.12/06/1877
Cutter, Lucretia (Woodman)Of Burlington. Obituary.09/20/1883
Cutter, Dr. StephenObituary.04/22/1880
Cutter, W. R.The Cleveland Estate in Woburn.07/08/1886
Cutter, William R. Formally of Woburn, now of Lexington, lectured in the Unitarian vestry, in the Channing Fraternity Course… upon “The Thompson Manuscripts.”01/25/1877
Cutter, W. R.Of Lexington, A native of Woburn, has been appointed Librarian of the Woburn Public Library.02/09/1882
Cutter, W. R.Entered upon his duties as Librarian yesterday, March 01, 1882.03/02/1882
Cutting & Co. F. ---06/30/1871
Dadmun, Caroline A.Sister of Mrs. T. I. Reed of Burlington Obituary.03/04/1886
Dalton, C. I.Burial of.06/18/1874
Dalton, GeorgeThe late.05/23/1878
Dalton, GeorgeThe Soldiers Memory.06/06/1878
Daley, JamesSupposed drowned in Horn Pond.08/16/1877
Daly, JamesHis body found.08/23/1877
Damon, Mrs. Isaac of Wilmington Obituary.08/07/1884
Danforth, Phebe (Carter)Burlington. Obituary.05/24/1888
Dark Day, The---05/20/1880
Dark Day of 1780Account of, taken From an interleaved almanac, kept by Rev. Jon Marett, Woburn, 2d Precinct, (Burlington).09/15/1881
Dark Day of 1881, The ---09/08/1881
Davis, Frank E. Body found in East Woburn. Brutal murder.06/13/1878
Davis, Frank E. The murder of young Davis.06/20/1878
Davis, Frank E. The murder of young Davis.06/27/1878
Davis, Frank E. The murder of young Davis.07/04/1878
Davis, Frank E. The Davis murder.07/18/1878
Davis, Frank E. Why the mystery is not cleared up.12/19/1878
Davis, Horace W. Sudden death of.01/04/1877
Davis, John BradfordRemembered.05/31/1883
Davis, Mr. & Mrs. John B. 25th wedding anniversary.01/21/1875
Day, Charles H.Killed by a street car on Salem Street. Obituary.12/06/1888
Day, John W. Correspondence regarding Joseph J. Hurst et al.11/07/1873
Day, John W. Masonic funeral.07/02/1874
Dean, AlexanderOf Burlington. Funeral of.02/16/1882
Dean, BetsyDeath of.09/27/1888
Dean, Mrs. Henry V. Farewell reception.10/18/1888
Dearborn, Mrs. Mary E. Obituary.01/24/1884
Dearborn, Mrs. L. W.Attempted suicide.11/21/1873
Delano, Mr. & Mrs. C. H. Tenth wedding anniversary.07/21/1887
Deller, ThomasSent to the Insane Asylum, Worcester.05/14/1874
Deloriea, James W. Surprise.03/12/1885
Deloriea, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Silver wedding.11/08/1877
DeNoyer, J. J. Alleged fraudulent divorce.07/14/1881
Dennett, John RichardObituary.12/03/1874
Deshneaux, Mr. & Mrs. RoderickSurprised.09/01/1887
Devine, JohnProspect Street. Serious results from a blow.08/22/1878
Devlin, Fire Engineer John H.Presented with a gold badge.05/29/1884
Dewhurst, WilliamNeglecting to assist an officer.01/22/1874
Dewhurst, WilliamSuicide.03/07/1878
Dickinson, Mr. & Mrs. HerbertTenth wedding anniversary.04/08/1886
Dickson, George H.Arrested in Boston.04/20/1882
Dike, George W.Of Stoneham. Obituary.07/12/1883
DistancesFrom corner, High & Prospect Streets to corner, Montvale Ave and Main Streets, via Prospect and Montvale Ave., 915 feet; via High and Main to Montvale Ave., 1105 Feet.12/20/1883
District Court A---02/13/1879
District CourtFor the town of Woburn, Winchester and Burlington, Petitioned for.02/02/1882
Dix, James H. Of East Woburn. Obituary.08/09/1877
Dodge, EarnestFarewell presentation.03/04/1886
Dodge, Mr. & Mrs. Frank F. Wooden wedding.02/11/1886
Dodge, Dr. George L. Liquor case.12/23/1886
Dodge, Dr. George L. Acquitted in the Superior Court.03/03/1887
Dodge, Mr. & Mrs. George S.17th Anniversary wedding surprise.07/11/1878
Doherty, HughNo bill found against him by the Grand Jury for the murder of Michael Doherty, on Oct. 25, 1873.02/19/1874
Dolan, PeterAlbany Street Montvale. His daughter, aged 24 years drowned in the Canal at East Woburn.06/28/1888
Doherty, JohnWandering about Medford temporarily insane.12/02/1886
Doherty, John D. Fatal mistake.11/01/1883
Doherty, MichaelRag Rock. Killed.10/31/1873
Doherty, MichaelThe Doherty murder.11/07/1873
Doherty, MichaelThe verdict.11/14/1873
Doherty, NellieMissing since August 22nd; said to be in Winchester.08/31/1882
Doherty, RoseWife of George Doherty. Killed on the railroad near Green Street.03/18/1886
Donavan, JosephSudden death.12/28/1882
Doneghy, Marym. Hugh Joseph Eskine, Winchester.05/13/1886
Donovan, Mrs. Johnof Boston. Died in Woburn from sunstroke.09/11/1884
Doorley, Jamesof Liberty, Maine, a former resident of Woburn. Obituary.09/24/1885
Dorr, C. W. Surprise.02/19/1874
Dorrington, Andrewm. Mary E. Duffy.09/04/1884
Dotten, Minniem. Henry Lawrence, Winchester.05/06/1886
Doughtery, Rev. Manasses P.Pastor of St. Peter’s Church, Cambridge, d. July 27, 1877. Was Woburn’s first priest.06/13/1878
Dow, A. A. & E. A. Complimentary banquet.05/17/1888
Dow, Herbert B. m. Vannie B. Robinson.01/04/1883
Dow, James N. Obituary.08/11/1887
Dow, Dr. JosephObituary.10/07/1880
Dow, L. HenryObituary.08/21/1879
Dow, StephenObituary.01/06/1887
Dow & Co. Stephan ABoston Water Board petition to restrain them from discharging sewerage into the Mystic Valley. Hearing continued.11/10/1881
Dow & Co. Stephan AHearing concluded; decision reserved.11/24/1881
Dow’s, BlockComplementary banquet to A.A. & E. A. Dow and postmaster Lawrence Reade05/17/1888
Downey, James A. Obituary.09/14/1882
Downey, WilliamObituary.09/13/1888
Doyle, JohnSudden requisition of wealth.07/20/1882
Doyle, JohnSomething more about that fortune.07/20/1882
Doyle, JohnThat fortune pure fiction.07/27/1882
Drainage Question---02/25/1875
Drainage Question---03/04/1875
Drake, Mrs. Frannie L. B. Of South Boston. Death of.02/07/1878
Drew, MartinOf Somerville. Killed by cars at Wilmington.01/26/1872
Drew, Dr. L. WatsonObituary.02/25/1875
D’lla PasqualeLaborer on the B. & L. R. R. Extension. Killed by the cars near South Wilmington.08/27/1885
Driscoll, DanielFatal railroad accident. Misplaced switch on Green Street.05/05/1881
Driscoll, DanielInquest.05/05/1881
Driscoll, DanielVerdict.05/12/1881
Driscoll, DanielSwitchman named.05/12/1881
Driscoll, DavidRailroad suit decided.01/18/1883
Doucette, Mrs. JosephFatal fall.10/26/1882
Duffy, Mary E.m. Andrew Dorrington.09/14/1884
Dunbar, HoseaSymmes Corner, Winchester. Death of.07/29/1886
Dunbar, Lorenzo A.m. Annie F. Wells.08/09/1883
Duncan, RobertInvestigation of the fire at his currying shop, Converse Place and Monroe Street.06/26/1884
Dupee, James A.Winchester. In memoriam.10/21/1886
Dupee, James H. Funeral, etc. 10/28/1886
Duren, Mr. & Mrs. George W. Tin wedding.11/14/1878
Dwinell, James H. m. Alice Magee, Winchester.06/26/1879
Dwyer, MauriceObituary.11/04/1886
Dwyer, Josephat San Francisco, California.06/30/1871
Eames, Mr. & Mrs. JacobSilver wedding.05/12/1871
EarthquakeShock felt about 7:30 yesterday morning.05/13/1880
Eaton, Rev Edwin A. A former resident of Winchester, died recently at Roxbury.01/27/1887
Eaton, Mary W. Widow of Daniel Eaton Found dead.11/13/1879
Eaton, N. W. A valuable relic. The revolver presented to and carried by the late Capt. Samuel I Thompson who lost it at the battle of Malvern Hill, Virginia.03/03/1881
Edgecomb, NoahOf North Woburn. Obituary.03/02/1882
Election, OldYesterday was the anniversary of Old Election.05/26/1881
Electric Lightingat N. J. Simmond’s.07/23/1885
Ellis, AnnieOf Woburn m. Bodwell Sargent Briggs of Winchester.06/24/1886
Ellis, LillianMysterious disappearance. 12/20/1883
Ellis, LillianFound at the Little Wanderer’s Home, Boston.12/27/1883
East Middlesex Street RR---04/21/1887
East Middlesex Street R.R.The first trip to Stoneham made last Friday.07/28/1887
East Middlesex Street R.R.Commenced running regularly last Saturday.07/28/1887
East Middlesex Street Railway Co. Article on.06/21/1888
Eastern Middlesex Street R. R. Now completed to Melrose and cars commence running to-day. 08/11/1887
Eastern Middlesex Street R. R.The first car from Melrose Highlands to Malden, passed over the tracks last Thursday evening.08/18/1887
Elm Tree at North WoburnCut down. This tree was set out in the spring of 1765, by Samuel Thompson, Esq. It measured 7 feet 5 Inches in diameter.09/30/1886
Emerson, Abner JonesProprietor Medford House, Medford. Death of.02/16/1882
Emerson, LincolnObituary.06/10/1886
Emerson, Ralph WaldoDeath of.05/04/1882
Emery, Mr. & Mrs. E. R.Silver wedding.12/06/1877
Encyclopedia, The GlobePublished by Estes and Lauriat. Subscribers claimed misrepresentation. Refused to pay.12/04/1879
Encyclopedia, The GlobeTrial Middlesex Superior Court before Chief Justice Brigham.02/03/1881
England, Church ofRejoining an old service.10/10/1878
England, Church ofRejoining an old service.10/24/1878
Episcopal Church“Rejoining an Old Service.” Short sketch of the Episcopal Church in Woburn, etc. 10/10/1878
Episcopal Church Second Memorial Service.10/24/1878
Episcopal Service---10/10/1878
Episcopal Service---10/24/1878
Episcopal Service, Reformed---01/26/1882
Episcopal Service, ReformedServices held last Sunday.02/02/1882
Episcopal Society, NewProposed.09/16/1880
Epizootic Prevalent---09/23/1880
Erskine, Hugh Josephm. Mary Donegy, Winchester.05/13/1886
Estabrook, W. F. The “Globe Encyclopedia” case.12/04/1879
Estabrook, W. F. The “Globe Encyclopedia” case02/03/1881
Estes and LauriatThe “Globe Encyclopedia” subscriber refused to pay.12/04/1879
Estes and LauriatTrial, Middlesex County Superior Civil Court, before Chief Justice Brigham.02/03/1881
Evans, Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Wooden wedding.03/27/1879
Evans, Thomas J.Obituary.03/31/1881
Evening School---11/22/1883
Everett’s Family, Edward---01/15/1880
Fairchild, Governor Luciusof Wisconsin. Letter acknowledging receipt of $500 donated by the people of Woburn.11/10/1871
Fallon, PatrickPresentation.09/25/1884
Farmer, ElijahBrutal assault by him.02/17/1881
Farnsworth, Carrie P. m. at Auburndale, Aug. 31, 1878, Rev. James Luther Fowle of Woburn.09/12/1878
Farrar, ReubenObituary.08/10/1882
Father Matthew’s BirthdayCelebration of.10/14/1875
Fay, Abigail (Davis)Wife of Martin Fay. Body found in Horn Pond.06/26/1884
Fay, Abigail (Davis)Inquest.07/03/1884
Featherstone, HughDied on St. Patrick’s Day aged 108 years and 10 months San Francisco Bulletin.04/03/1884
Feeney, DeliaInsane; taken to Danvers Asylum.05/28/1885
Ferrin, Chief EngineerPresented with an Elgin watch and a gold chain.04/04/1878
Ferrin, HenryHeld for the murder of Matilda Raymond.12/08/1881
Ferrin, HenryNew trial. Acquitted.11/23/1882
Ferrin, HenryTrial of. For causing the death of Matilda Raymond03/09/1882
Ferrin, HenryFive for conviction and seven for acquittal; new trial to be held.03/23/1882
Ferrin, HenryReleased on bail.09/28/1882
Fessender, Arthur E. Editor of the Woburn Courier, Printed in Boston, sold in Woburn.06/29/1882
Fetridge, Cyrus B. Presentation.12/20/1883
Fetridge, Winfield ScottWho has served five years in the U.S. Marine Corps, return home from California.12/13/1888
Field, Joseph W. Fifteenth birthday.09/15/1887
Field, Ms. J. W. Gored by a cow.01/06/1876
Fielden, Rev. J. F. m. Ada G. Gardner, Winchester.05/13/1886
Fifield, JohnPond Street sudden death.06/05/1879
Fifth Massachusetts RegimentGoing to Brooklyn, N.Y. to spend Decoration Day.05/26/1881
Fifth Massachusetts RegimentThe Fifth in New York.06/02/1881
Fifty-Third Mass RegimentReunion at R. T. Whittemore’s, East Woburn.09/09/1875
Fillmore, MillardDeath of.03/12/1874
Finn, LawrenceDropped dead.03/06/1879
Finnigan, Mrs. MichaelFound drowned in the canal at East Woburn.12/22/1881
Fire, BigHenry Young’s machine shop in the rear of Buel’s and Allen’s Blocks, Main Street.05/06/1880
Fire InquestIncendiary fire in building owned by Mrs. Teare.02/05/1885
Fireman’s MasterAt Lynn; Woburn represented.09/16/1875
Fireman’s MasterAt Portsmouth, N. H. Hose Co. No. 2 went.09/06/1883
Fireman’s Relief AssociationPreliminary steps taken towards organizing.05/27/1886
Fisher, A. F. m. Emma G. Richardson, of Winchester.08/09/1883
Fisk, Walter H. Of Winchester. Sudden death of.07/30/1885
Fiske, Eben W. Of Waltham. Appointed by the Governor Sheriff of Middlesex County, to fill this vacancy caused by the death of Charles Kimball.04/03/1879
Fiske, Elven W. High Sherriff, Middlesex County. Obituary.08/30/1883
Fitzgerald, AnnaDied of diphtheria.06/03/1880
Fitzgerald, MichaelOf Winchester. Sudden death of.10/15/1885
Fitzpatrick, DavidObituary.08/02/1888
Flagg, GeorgObituary.03/14/1878
Flagg, H. H. At Gold Hill City, Nevada.06/30/1871
Flaharty, ThomasFatal railroad accident. Inquest.11/24/1871
Flaharty, ThomasInquest.12/01/1871
Flaherty, PatrickFroze both of hands while on his way to school.01/14/1886
Flanders, HarrisonSurprise party.04/25/1873
Fleetwood, Mrs. JohnInsane.11/04/1875
Fletcher, AsaOf Winchester. Funeral of.11/25/1880
Fletcher, Hammond T.Alleged Bogus Bond Speculator.02//01/1883
Fletcher, Hammond T. And others went to the State House last week to prefer certain charges and to demand an investigation of matter connected with the Woburn Mechanic Phalanx….06/23/1881
Fletcher, Hammond T. Contradicted.06/30/1881
Fletcher, H. J. Incendiary fire at his currying shop, Allenville.01/13/1881
Fletcher, H. J. Examined before Trial Justice Parker L. Converse; discharged.01/27/1881
Fletcher, Solomon L. Of Winchester. Benefit.02/27/1879
Fletcher, Solomon LawrenceOf Winchester. Obituary.03/04/1880
Fletcher, Solomon LawrenceLetter from relatives.03/18/1880
Flying Machine---07/04/1878
Flying MachineA new flying machine has been constructed in England…10/11/1883
Folger, Eveline G.Committed suicide at Council Bluffs, Iowa.04/01/1886
Folger, Eveline DowDau. of Ebenezer Dow of Woburn. A cruel case.08/23/1883
Foot Race150 yards, for $50, between Thomas Beatty of the Center and Thomas Connolly of Cummingsville. Beatty won; time 19 seconds.08/09/1883
Ford, Mr. & Mrs. Howard M. Tin wedding.11//27/1879
Foresters, State Court of the Independent Order ofIncorporated.06/15/1882
Foresters, Catholic Order ofOrganized.02/24/1881
Forten, FrederickShot Jacob Light. Arrested; hearing continued.09/09/1880
Forten, FrederickHearing continued.09/16/1880
Foster, Aliah J. m. Nellie L. Cooper.01/05/1888
Foster, Charles G. Appointed postmaster at Burlington.09/29/1881
Foster, Duroy S. Of Burlington. Death of his youngest child.02/12/1885
Foster, IrvingMemorial.08/27/1874
Foster, Leonard F. Keene, N. H. m. Mary B. Hammond of Winchester.11/12/1885
Foster, Peter F. Shoe stock manufacturer missing.03/14/1878
Foster, Sumner W.Fatal railroad accident.09/06/1872
Foster, Mrs. Warren F. of Winchester. Sudden death.05/22/1884
Fountain, C. A. Taken to Danvers Asylum.08/05/1880
Fountain, Edward E. Presentation.05/01/1879
Fourth District CourtOf Eastern Middlesex. Parker L. Converse of Woburn appointed Judge, with George L. Littlefield of Winchester and Charles D. Adams of Woburn Assistants.06/01/1882
Fourth District CourtOf Eastern Middlesex was opened in due form on Monday at 9 o’clock A.M.07/06/1882
Fourth District CourtOf Eastern Middlesex. Edward F. Johnson nominated by the Governor as Clerk.05/25/1882
Fourth District CourtOf Eastern Middlesex. The hall in Dodge’s building corner of Main Street and Montvale Avenue…is to be fitted up for a courtroom.06/08/1882
Fourth District CourtEastern Middlesex. New Courtroom needed.09/17/1885
Fourth District CourtDescription of the new court room in the Municipal Building.07/01/1886
Fourth District CourtFor Eastern Middlesex has moved into its new room in the Municipal Building.08/12/1886
Fourth District Courtof Eastern Middlesex. Edward F. Johnson, clerk resigns.06/07/1888
Fourth District CourtBenjamin E. Bond, nominated and confirmed, clerk.07/12/1888
Fourth District CourtEastern Middlesex. The Judiciary Committee of the Legislature have reported a bill annexing Wilmington to the judicial district of the Fourth District Court.02/16/1888
Fourth of July Celebration---07/08/1875
Fourth of July Committee, PermanentList of.07/14/1887
Fowle, Arthur A. m. Kate W. Munn.06/14/1877
Fowle, Mrs. EllaDau. of Dea Hiram Whitford and wife of James E. Fowle. A Recent Event.08/15/1878
Fowle, Mrs. EllaThe Elopement.09/12/1878
Fowle, Mrs. EllaThe Fowle-Rand affair.09/19/1878
Fowle, Mr. & Mrs. George E. Tin wedding.07/15/1875
Fowle, James LutherOrdination.07/11/1878
Fowle, Rev. James Lutherm. at Auburn date, Aug. 31, 1878, Carrie P. Farnsworth.09/12/1878
Fowle, JeduthanSeriously injured.09/30/1886
Fowle, JeduthanDied of his injuries. His body brought to Woburn, for burial.10/07/1886
Fowle, JonathanFrom Woburn, residing at the house of Elijah Richardson, warned by the town of Stoneham, Feb. 23, 1776.02/03/1876
Fowle, Luther A. Sudden death.09/30/1886
Fowle, Ms. WalterFatal result.06/28/1877
Fox, J. Williamm. Carrie B. Cork.11/26/1885
Fox, Rev. JohnBook containing his autograph.01/22/1874
Fox, WarrenObituary.01/27/1887
Frampton, DavidTaken to Danvers Asylum.03/08/1883
Francis, JohnLamentable accident.11/27/1879
Francis, John W. Appointed janitor Woburn Public Library.10/10/1878
Fraternity HallNew Hall, Allen’s Block, 121 Main Street.06/29/1882
Freeman, Mr. James J. Obituary.09/09/1880
French, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G.Twenty years married. Surprise party.01/05/1888
Friendly Visitor, TheNew paper by Alfred T. Carter.03/06/1879
Frye, JohnObituary.09/02/1880
Frye, Susan M. Presentation.09/23/1886
Frye, TimothySurprise.03/26/1885
Fuller, Charles E. of Brooklyn, NY m. Mary E. Webb of Winthrop, Maine, at Winchester.06/12/1884
Fuller, Lieut. Charles E. Obituary.11/16/1882
Fuller, JohnPresentation.02/14/1878
Fuller, May E. m.. Arthur W. Wood.04/22/1886
Fuller, May E. of Burlington. Presentation.04/02/1885
Fuller, May E. of Burlington Presentation.04/02/1885
Fulton, Street CrossingStoneham Branch Railroad. Editorial on.09/26/1878
Furbush, John R. Currying shop burned. D. R. Chipman, killed by falling chimney.07/16/1874
Furlong, Mr. & Mrs. Simon E. Twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.02/11/1886
Gage, Carrie E. m. Frank B. Richardson.07/03/1884
Gage, Carrie E. Account of.07/03/1884
Gage, Mr. & Mrs. G. R. Silver wedding.01/09/1874
Gainey, JohnArrested at Albany, NY for alleged robbery of William Flagg.08/18/1887
Gallagher, Eugeneof North Winchester. Jumped from the cars near Conn St. Woburn; taken to the General Hospital, Boston.09/02/1880
Galvin, Mrs. MargaretFatal accident.02/18/1875
Gardner, Ada G. m. Rev. J. F. Fielden, Winchester.05/13/1886
Gardner, Orrin W. Former resident of Winchester. Obituary.12/06/1883
Garfield, President James A. Attempted assassinations of. Editorial; Public Meeting.07/07/1881
Garfield, President James A.Died at Long Branch, N.J., Monday September 19, 1881, at 10:35 P.M. aged 49 years and 10 months.09/22/1881
Garfield, James A. President of the United States. Account of the proceedings in Woburn, on his death. Editorial on. Sacredness of Life. 09/22/1881
Garfield, James A. A Day of Mourning.09/29/1881
Garfield, James A. Service at Winchester.09/29/1881
Garrison, William LloydObituary.05/29/1879
Garvey, Peterof Medford. Killed on Main St., Woburn, by a horse.01/17/1873
Gately, TimothySudden death.10/18/1877
Gibbons, EllenInsane; taken to Worcester Asylum.07/01/1875
Gibson, George B. Suicide.07/05/1888
Gibson, Nathanielof North Woburn. Insane; taken to Danvers Asylum.11/03/1881
Gibson, ReubenBurlington. Obituary.05/24/1888
Gibson, Mr. & Mrs. Reubenof Burlington. Surprise.03/05/1885
Gilcreast, FrankRetained temporarily, Assistant Librarian. Wob. Pub. Library.04/03/1879
Gillespie, William J. Found dead on the Railroad near Green Street.11/16/1882
Gilman, Charles H. Killed at Rockport was buried in Lowell.04/19/1877
Gleason, Rev. James A.Presented with $250.09/19/1878
Glennon, PatrickAttempted suicide.07/27/1882
Gloucester SufferersRelief of .04/03/1879
Gloucester SufferersBenefit of.04/10/1879
Gloucester SufferersBenefit of.04/17/1879
Gloucester SufferersBenefit of.04/24/1879
Gloucester SufferersAcknowledgement.05/01/1879
Goddard, Charlesof Brookline, a former resident of Winchester. Obituary.02/4/1883
Godkin, ThomasObituary08/10/1881
Gold DiscoveriesGold found on the old John Leathe estate at East Woburn.07/01/1875
Gold DiscoveriesGold found on the old John Leathe estate at East Woburn.09/16/1875
Golden Cross, United Order of Organized.10/30/1879
Good Samaritan BrotherhoodFirst started in Woburn, April, 1869.02/12/1874
Good Samaritan BrotherhoodMovement on foot for the revival of.10/13/1887
Good Samaritan BrotherhoodAbraham Lincoln Assembly No. 1, G. L. B., will resume their meetings shortly…11/17/1887
Goodwin, John R. of Wilmington. Fatal Accident; obituary.12/04/1884
Goodyear, CharlesRubber.11/28/1873
Gould, JonathanConductor, Woburn Branch. Death and funeral of.08/25/1871
Gove, Ira L. of Winchester. Suicide.04/08/1886
Gowing, Josephof Wilmington. Obituary.12/04/1884
Gowing Family ReunionAt Weston.09/06/1888
Grady, Missof Stoneham, organist of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, East Woburn, presentation.12/27/1877
Grammer, Caroline G. m. John Warren Johnson.01/09/1879
Grammer, Mary Elizabethwife of Col. William T. Grammer. Sudden death.11/13/1884
Grammer, Col. W. T. Confirmed by the Senate Postmaster.12/28/1882
Grammer, Col. W. T. Has received his commission.01/11/1883
Grammer, Col. W. J. Surprise.01/19/1872
G. A. R. Post 161Presented with a flagg.06/03/1886
Grand Army of the RepublicA new post is about to be organized.01/03/1884
Grand Army of the RepublicCharter Granted; officers elect. 01/17/1884
Grand Army of the RepublicInstituted as Post 161.01/24/1884
Grant, Mr. & Mrs. Alexander15th wedding anniversary.11/01/1883
Grant, BarnardFatal accident.08/18/1871
Grant, General M. S. Death of.07/30/1885
Grant, General U. S.Arrangements for memorial service.08/06/1885
Grant, General U. S.Memorial services.08/13/1885
Grattan EchoBrought out and submerged.07/06/1882
Grattan Literary SocietyOrganized.09/23/1880
Graves, WillardFather of Dr. F. W. Graves. Obituary.10/12/1882
Gray, Mr. & Mrs. David N. Resign as master and matron of the Woburn Almshouse.04/10/1884
Graydon, Mrs. H. M. Divorced from John E. Graydon, formerly of Woburn.10/25/1888
Greely, Edward A. Abandons suit brought against the town for services as teacher in the school.12/25/1884
Greely, Mr. & Mrs. CharlesTin wedding.11/02/1882
Green, Fernando A. Montvale, Masonic Funeral.03/04/1886
Green, Joseph R. Testimonial.08/07/1884
Green, Mrs. Joseph R. Dau. of L. H. Allen. Obituary.11/09/1882
Green, NathanSaid to have born in Woburn, died in Malden, upwards of 100 years.01/27/1881
Green, ReubenNight watchmen at North Woburn; paid by subscription.01/02/1874
Greenleaf, Sarah KimballDeath of.11/08/1888
Grimes, Markof Winchester. Fatal accident.07/06/1882
Grimes, Patrickof Winchester. Funeral of.11/20/1884
Grover, M. Died at Idaho Springs, California, June 16. Obituary.07/01/1880
Guiteau, Charles J. Exit of.07/06/1882
Hadley, Mr. & Mrs. E. W. 10th anniversary, marriage.09/29/1871
Hall, A. S. Winchester, complimentary dinner at Young’s Hotel, Boston.09/22/1887
Hall, Mrs. Alfred S. Death of.09/29/1887
Hall, Mrs. Alfred S. Funeral of.10/06/1887
Hall, Edward W. Of Medford m. Florence Allena Bacon of Arlington (formerly of Winchester) at the Unitarian Church, Arlington.05/06/1886
Halliday, Lieut Charles E. Presentation.05/19/1881
Hamilton, John R. Sudden death.06/23/1881
Hamilton, NoraInsane.06/11/1874
Hamlin, Emmons Of Winchester. Obituary.04/16/1885
Hammond, J. W. Presented with $104.01/02/1874
Hammond, Mary B. Of Winchester m. Leonard P. Foster of Keene, N. H. 11/12/1885
Hancock, Maj. Gen. Winfield ScottDeath of.02/11/1886
Hancock, Winfield ScottGeneral Hancock’s pedigree.08/19/1880
Hanley, MurtaghKilled by a locomotive.03/04/1886
Hanson, JamesPrincipal, High School, 41st birthday presentation.01/31/1884
Hanson, James I. Obituaries.04/19/1888
HarcourtName changed from Le Marquand by the Probate Court. A Soldier of Fortune.07/17/1879
Harcourt, Frank “A Touch of Nature.” 11/21/1878
Harding, Charles H. Missing.01/06/1887
Harding, Charles H. …in Kansas City.02/10/1887
Harkins, JohnSuicide.12/22/1887
Harlow, Dr. John M. m. Frances A. Kimball.08/02/1888
Harriden, Mr. & Mrs. TimothyAnnisquam, Gloucester. 10th Wedding Anniversary.07/12/1883
HarrisSon of Officer Harris, Station 10 Boston, visiting at John King’s, Burlington, drowned in Randall’s Pond.05/29/1884
Harris, Louie J. Invents a parlor car.03/17/1888
Harris, William B. Elected honorary member co. K. associate.11/29/1883
Harris, William B. “Linking the present with the past.” Fitting up the kitchen in the Woburn Public Library.01/06/1881
Harris, William B. Presentation, etc. 03/06/1879
Harris, Mr. and Mrs. William B. Golden wedding.04/21/1881
Harris, Mr. and Mrs. William B. Correction; additional.04/28/1881
Hart, David DexterObituary.03/09/1882
Hart, David DexterParalytic Shock. Death of. Funeral Sunday afternoon.03/02/1882
Hart, FrancisStabbed.06/30/1871
Hartshorne, George A. Obituary.10/21/1886
Hartwell, Harry G. Captures a white crow.06/23/1887
Haslam, W. A. Died in California, Nov. 8, 1879. Obituary.01/15/1880
Hastings, JosiahOf Waltham. Obituary.11/23/1876
Hatch, HoraceOf Winchester. Death of.08/11/1887
Hawes, Reuben G. m. Rachel Patterson, Winchester.11/12/1885
Hawk, FishShot at Horn Pond; measured nearly 6 feet from tip to tip.10/01/1874
Hawkins, Henry J. Obituary.11/29/1888
Hayden, Edward D. Elected Congressman.11/06/1884
Hayden, Edward D. Representative to Congress from the Fifth District. Reception and Complimentary dinner at the Tremont House, Boston by citizens of Woburn.03/10/1887
Hayes, JoannaMissing. 06/06/1878
Haynes, Alonzo J. Invents a Fire Escape.11/08/1883
Hayward, George W. Suicide.05/24/1888
Hazeltine, BessieAnother Woburn tragedy.06/28/1888
Hazeltine, BessieInquest. Verdict, suicide.07/12/1888
Heartz, ThomasPresentation.12/11/1884
Hemphill, Mrs. JohnSudden death.05/10/1883
Hendricks, Thomas A. Biographical sketch of.08/24/1876
Hendricks, Thomas A. Vice President of the United States. Death of. Obituary.12/03/1885
Hennessy, James S. Funeral of.12/17/1874
Hennessy, James S. Resolutions.12/17/1874
Hennessy, John S. Obituary.07/05/1888
Heron, BlueMeasuring from tip of toes to tip of bill 5 feet, and from tip of wing to wing about 6 ft., was shot in the vicinity of Martin’s Pond, North Reading.08/25/1871
Herrick, Mrs. Sarah KidderDied at the Albion in Boston, Nov. 26, 1881. Historical Items; obituary.12/15/1881
Hervey, FrankBenefit tendered.01/30/1879
Hevey, Thomas D. Surprise party.07/11/1873
Heywood, CharlesOf Gardner, a former resident of Winchester. Obituary.06/29/1882
Heywood, CharlesOf Heywood Brothers, Gardner, Massachusetts, was a former resident of Winchester.08/27/1885
Hickey, Thomas F. Aged 11 years, son of Michael Hickey, Fowle St., drowned in Horn Pond.07/11/1878
Highland Hose CompanyTheir New Hose House completed.08/15/1878
Highland Hose CompanyOpen House.09/05/1878
Hill, Mr. & Mrs. T. H. Tin wedding.11/20/1879
Hill, W. W. Presentation.02/16/1888
Hilliard, Rev. Samuel H.Of Lee, Massachusetts accepts call as rector of the Trinity Episcopal Church.09/24/1885
Hilliard, Rev. Mr.Trinity Episcopal Church has resigned.05/13/1886
Hines, JohnBrakeman; thrown from the train at N. Woburn.09/02/1875
Hinkley, EnochA former resident of Woburn died at Marston’s Mills. Obituary. Sunday, March 13, 1881, a. 87 y. 10 m.03/24/1881
Hogan, BartholomewAttempting to board the train at Cross Street Station, fell under the car, taken to the Hospital.01/21/1886
Holbrook, Capt. AaronOf Winchester. Obituary.05/14/1885
Holbrook, Florence L.Died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. C. N. Bacon, Arlington.09/20/1888
Holden, GeorgeObituary.02/10/1876
Holden, Joshua B. The Fourth at Lexington.07/10/1879
Holden, Mary RichardsonWidow of Luther Holden, died at Jamaica Plain, Apr. 14, 1886. Obituary.04/22/1886
Holden, SimonObituary.07/05/1888
Holden, Mr. & Mrs. Simon Golden wedding.03/13/1879
Holden, SarahWife of Simon Holden. Obituary.01/26/1882
Holland, Patrick HenryWinchester. Death of.09/06/1888
Holloran, GeorgeDrowned at Gloucester; buried in Woburn.05/21/1874
Holmes, Mrs. CyrusA sister of Ms. Limner Richardson of Winchester. Obituary.04/15/1880
Holt, HoraceWho was appointed postmaster of Winchester June 23, 1853, has recently died.10/01/1885
Hood, Rev. JacobOf Lynnfield. Obituary.01/28/1886
Hook and Ladder TruckThe New Hook and Ladder Truck was received by the Gilchrest H & L Company last Saturday, and was duly celebrated.03/05/1885
Hooper, Samuel T. Fatal accident.08/24/1876
Horn Pond, A Road Around---06/13/1873
Horn Pond, A Road Around---06/27/1873
Horn Pond, A Road Around---08/29/1873
Horn PondAnalysis of water.03/08/1872
Horn PondAncient Order of Hibernians have two postponed boat races.08/29/1878
Horn PondAquatic Notes. Boat races.09/14/1882
Horn Pond Aquatic Notes. Result of Boat races.09/21/1882
Horn PondBoat races. Frank Hunt and William Lewis manned one boat and John Welsh and James Burke the other.08/08/1878
Horn PondBoat race.08/30/1877
Horn Pond Boat RaceBetween Robert Rice and John Munroe.09/11/1884
Horn PondBoat race Between George F. Luce and Edward Phillips in one boat and Martin Carley and Charles Hennessey in another.08/15/1878
Horn PondBoat Race. Winchester against Woburn.10/24/1878
Horn PondJames Daly or Daley, supposed drown in Horn Pond.08/16/1877
Horn PondBody found.08/23/1877
Horn PondSad fatality. Denise Leary, Mrs. D. Leary, Thomas Kenney, Mrs. Bridget Rossitur, and Denise Leary, Mrs. D. Leary, Thomas Kenney, Mrs. Bridget Rossitur, and Robert Rossitur a child, were drowned. Robert Rossitur a child, were drowned.07/05/1877
Horn PondThomas F. Hickey, son of Michael Hickey of Fowle Street, drowned.07/11/1878
Horn PondThomas Kelley, aged about 15 years, drowned in Horn Pond.12/15/1881
Horn PondBartholomeau Lombard’s body found in Horn Pond.08/10/1882
Horn PondMrs. Patrick Lombard found drowned.08/14/1884
Horn PondThe body of Michael McDermott, Junior, found in Horn Pond.02/26/1885
Horse Car Fares, BostonFive cent fare on all the Boston Horse car lines.01/01/1885
Hoskins, PhilipSudden death.10/14/1880
Hotel, WindsorNew hotel corner Main and Union Streets.01/27/1887
Hotel, WindsorFire.06/30/1887
Houghton, JamesFormerly of Woburn. His supposed body found in the Mystic River, near Mystic Avenue, Somerville.08/30/1883
Houghton, Mrs. Nancyof Winchester. Fatal result.09/05/1878
Hourihan, JuliaKnown as Nannie Sullivan, of Woburn, killed by the cars at Winchester. Her age is given as over 100 years.12/28/1882
Hourihan, JuliaObituary.01/04/1883
Hourihan, JuliaInquest finding.01/18/1883
Hovey, Abner B. Of Stoneham. Found dead on Hill Street, East Woburn.12/13/1877
Howard, George W. Conductor: presented with a Conductor’s badge of gold.05/28/1874
Howard, George W. Presented with a gold watch, chain, and locket.03/21/1873
Howe, Humphrey B. Who was appointed, Dec. 29, 1842, postmaster at South Woburn, has recently died in Medford.10/01/1885
Hubbard, Mrs. Mother of Mrs. M. A. Herrick of Winchester. Death of.01/26/1888
Hudson, Barzilla N.Obituary.11/13/1884
Hudson Family, The---10/26/1882
Hudson, E. W. Presents Daniel McMurray, who has been in his employee for twenty-one years, with $1000.12/27/1883
Hurd, Mrs. Jamesof North Weare, N. H., formerly of Woburn and Stoneham. Insane, killed her son; committed suicide.05/03/1877
Hunt, Mrs. Mother of Mrs. Charles L. Lyman of Winchester. Death of.01/27/1887
Hunt, Mr. & Mrs. A. S. of Winchester. Golden wedding.10/25/1888
Hunt, Mrs. David A. Birthday surprise party.03/25/1886
Hunt and Family, George L. Smallpox case.01/24/1873
Hunting, William H.Obituary.02/28/1884
Hurst, Joseph J. ---11/07/1873
Hurst, Joseph J. Arrest of. Hurst-Meagher case.10/24/1873
Hurst, Joseph J. A review.10/31/1873
Hurst, Joseph J. Trial of John H. Chambers. See Daniel Meagher.10/31/1873
Hutchings, Dr. & Mrs. G. H. Fifteenth anniversary, wedding. Presented with a silver tea service.10/18/1877
Hutchinson, Ida Lillianm. John H. Willard, Burlington.03/25/1880
Hutchinson, Asa B. Hutchinson family of singers. Obituary.12/04/1884
Hutchinson, LizzieOf Boston, dau. Of Ira Gove, formerly of Winchester. Obituary.08/31/1882
Ice Dealers AssociationThe Ice dealers of Malden, Melrose, Medford, Stoneham, Woburn, Winchester and Wakefield have organized under the name of “The Suburban Ice Dealers Association.”05/17/1888
Incendiary FireH. F. Fletcher currying shop, Allenville.01/13/1881
Incendiary FireExamination of H.T.. Fletcher, before Trial Justice Parker L. Converse; discharged no case against him.01/27/1881
India Rubber ManufactureIn Woburn. Article on, by Charles Cowley.08/26/1886
Irish Brass Band Presentation.01/21/1875
Irish Land LeagueWoburn Branch of the Irish Land League, Organized January 1, 1881.02/17/1881
Irish Land LeagueSee also Land League.02/17/1881
Iron Hall, Order of the A local branch organized.01/27/1887
Jackson, Rev. W. A. Pastor, Union American Methodist Episcopal Church. Surprised.09/03/1885
Jarves, James JacksonOf Florence, Italy presents an ancient map to the Woburn Public Library.03/29/1883
Jenkins, Helenm. John Wallace Suter, Winchester.01/19/1888
Jenkyns, Rev. E. H. Of Boston held services of the Reformed Episcopal Church at the rooms of the Young Men’s Christian Association, in Allen’s Block last Sunday forenoon and evening.02/02/1882
Jewitt, Darwin E. of Winchester. Obituary.04/08/1886
Johnson, AndrewMember, Post 33, G.A.R. of Woburn. Obituary. 09/25/1884
Johnson, Edward F. About an advertisement, Street, London, England.07/16/1885
Johnson, Edward F. Clerk, Fourth District Court of Eastern. Middlesex. Resigns.06/07/1888
Johnson, Edward F. Has been nominated by the governor as clerk of the Fourth District Court of Eastern Middlesex.05/25/1882
Johnson, Edward F. Has prepared a digest of the record of Births in Woburn from 1640 to 1886.05/20/1886
Johnson, Edward F.m. Mary Lizzie Simonds.09/28/1882
Johnson, John WarrenCommunication regarding the resignation of Rev. W. L. Barnes.01/09/1879
Johnson, John Warrenm. Caroline G. Grammer.01/09/1879
Johnson, Leander T.A wreath displayed at the funeral of Mr. Johnson was subsequently frozen dry and its colors were preserved.02/22/1877
Johnson, Warrenm. Agnes Westcott of Winchester.10/15/1885
Jones, Elbridge P. Former resident of Woburn, attempts suicide at Milford, N. H. 08/19/1875
Jones, G. F.Surprise.02/17/1887
Jones, William ButlerWest Point Cadet.07/05/1883
Jones, William H. Death of a Soldier.10/05/1876
Jordan, Jamesof North Winchester. Fatal fall.07/05/1883
Judkins, Ellen Stevensm. Henry Prentiss Ayer, Winchester.02/04/1886
K. Company, 39th Regiment Gave a reception to Samuel M. Feeley of Streator, Illinois.01/21/1886
K. Co., 39th RegimentMaking arrangements for a reunion of the 39th Regiment in Woburn.07/29/1875
K. Co., 39th RegimentCommittee chosen.08/05/1875
K. Co., 39th RegimentArrangements for the reunion.09/30/1875
K. Co., 39th Regiment Reception to Gen. C. L. Pierson.02/15/1883
K. Co., 39th RegimentReception to Gen. C. L. Pierson.02/22/1883
K. Co., 39th RegimentReunion at the Central House.11/15/1883
K. Company, 39th RegimentReunion.04/09/1874
K. Co., 39th RegimentReunion.05/19/1881
K. Co., 39th RegimentReunion at Central House.05/02/1878
K. Co., 39th RegimentReunion at T. Morton Parker’s, Central Square.03/13/1884
K. Co., 39th RegimentReunion at Andrews R. Linscott’s.10/09/1884
K. Co., 39th RegimentReunion at the Central House.11/08/1883
K. Co., 39th RegimentReunion of the 39th Regiment in Woburn.10/07/1875
K. Co., 39th RegimentTestimonial of Company K, 39th Massachusetts Regiment Volunteer Infantry, of Woburn to Benjamin H. Witcher, Point Peter, Georgia, Sergeant Major, 6th Georgia Infantry.05/15/1884
K. Co., 39th RegimentTestimonial to Sergt. Benjamin H. Witcher Point Peter, Georgia.05/15/1884
K. Co., AssociatesW. B. Harris elected honorary member.11/29/1883
Kainey, BernardBody found on the railroad track between Green Street and the Highland Station; supposed run over by the cars.11/08/1888
Kane, Timothy D.Presentation.11/29/1883
Kearney, DennisThe California agitator, coming to Woburn.10/03/1878
Kearney, DennisIn Woburn.10/10/1878
Keating, SarahFatal burning accident.05/08/1879
Kelleher, Rev. J. F. Presented with $209.01/10/1884
Kelleher, John F. …received Holy Orders at the Grande Seminary Montreal, Can.12/27/1883
Kellen, W. V. City versus town.02/01/1883
Kellen, W. V. City versus town.02/08/1883
Kelly, ArthurFatal accident.05/08/1884
Kelly, Joseph J. Of East Cambridge. Speech on Total Abstinence at Lyceum Hall, Woburn.04/03/1884
Kelley, PatrickSuicide.02/17/1871
Kelley, ThomasAged about 15 years, son of Thomas B. Kelley, drowned in Horn Pond.12/15/1881
Kelsey, Rev. H. L. Presented with an elegant gold watch and chain.11/23/1876
Kendall, Abbie JosephineHigh school class ’70, died at Rome, Italy, Mar. 12, 1880.04/22/1880
Kendall, Abbie JosephineFuneral services.04/29/1880
Kendall, Frank I. of San Francisco, California. “A missing man found.”07/14/1881
Kendall, JacobObituary.05/20/1886
Kendall, JamesSudden death.01/19/1872
Kendall, NathanielCelebrated his 50th birthday.01/24/1873
Kendall, NathanielObituary. 08/26/1880
Kendall, NathanielOf Kilby Street. An old man’s grievance.08/08/1878
Kendall, Mrs. Nathaniel87 Years old. Birthday gathering.05/26/1881
Kendall’s Mills MaineLetter from Editor of the Advertiser mention is made of Dr. L. Anderson who formerly lived in Woburn; of Samuel Sewall of Bath, formerly a citizen of Woburn and speaks of meeting Horace H. Tidd.09/22/1871
Kennedy, James C. Funeral of. Resolutions.01/15/1885
Kennedy, BernardOf Great Falls N. H., buried in Burlington.01/29/1885
Kenney, Kieran J. Obituary.04/16/1885
Kenney, Lizzie G. Champion type-setter.03/04/1886
Kenney, Mary J. Fatal kerosene accident.07/18/1873
Kenney, Mr. & Mrs. PeterSilver wedding.01/05/1882
Kenney, Rev. T. H. Funeral of .04/05/1872
Kerrigan, ThomasHas been appointed postmaster at Montvale, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Albert L. Richardson. 06/24/1886
Keyes, Mary J. In her will she bequeathed to the Woburn Home for Aged Women, $2000.03/17/1887
Keyes, Mary J.Legacy of $2000 to the Woburn Home for Aged Women.04/14/1887
Kimball, CharlesSheriff of Middlesex County. Obituary.03/13/1879
Kimball, DanielObituary.11/29/1888
Kimball, Frances A. m. Dr. John M. Harlow.08/02/1888
Kimball, George W. Celebrated his 60th Birthday.10/07/1886
Kimball, Dea. JohnObituary.07/25/1878
Kimball Mrs. John P.In her will makes the Woburn First Cong. Church, residuary legatee.09/12/1878
Kimball, John R. of Lexington. Obituary.09/20/1883
Kimball, OzroWinchester. Killed by the cars on the Woburn Branch R. R. 11/19/1885
Kimmick, JohnDied at Fernandina, Florida, Mar. 13; burial last Friday.03/29/1877
King, JamesBurlington. Obituary.06/26/1884
King, Napoleonof Winchester. Fatal accident.03/07/1884
King, Mr. & Mrs. RobertGolden wedding.10/12/1882
King, WilliamSon of James King of Sudbury. Insane.11/25/1875
Kinney, P. W. Obituary.08/26/1880
Kinney, P. W.Funeral services. Resolutions.09/02/1880
Kinney, P. W.Will of.09/30/1880
Kinney, Mr. & Mrs. P. W. Surprise. Mrs. Kinney Presented with a gold watch, etc. 11/12/1874
Kinsman, L. Found gold on the Old John Leathe estate at E. Woburn.07/01/1875
Knight, John W. Obituary.11/04/1880
Knight, Stephan F. Obituary.03/24/1871
Knights of HonorEfforts being made to establish a lodge in Woburn.07/20/1876
Knights of HonorRumford Lodge, Knights of Honor, organized, Tuesday evening.05/10/1877
Knights of LaborThe Labor question in Woburn.03/11/1886
Knights Templar ParadeThe Knights of the Hugh de Payne Commandery of Melrose, visited Woburn, last Thursday, on the fall parade.10/24/1878
Kyle, PatrickSudden death of.06/24/1886
Labady, ElizabethObituary.11/04/1886
Labor DayMonday was the new holiday.09/08/1887
Labor Day Celebration---09/06/1888
Lamon, Mrs. Fanny S. Died at the house of Mrs. D. Parker, Burlington.08/06/1885
Lamson, Edwinof Winchester. Sudden death.07/27/1876
Land LeagueBranch of the Irish Land League organized at East Woburn. See also, Irish Land League.03/10/1881
Land League, LadiesOrganized. See also, Irish Land League.03/03/1881
Landrie, J. Of Malden, formerly of Woburn. Obituary.06/26/1884
Lansing, Rev. John A. Alleged financial delinquency.10/13/1880
Lansing, Rev. John A. Alleged financial delinquency.10/20/1881
Larkham, ThomasSunstroke.07/04/1878
Law and Order LeagueProposed.11/23/1882
Law and Order LeagueOrganization, constitution, etc. 12/14/1882
Lawn Tennis Frank B. Richardson, wins Championship10/25/1888
Lawn Tennis Association, Utopian---12/02/1886
Lawn Tennis Association, UtopianUtopian grounds to be opened on June 17th.06/02/1887
Lawn Tennis AssociationGrounds opened.06/23/1887
Lawn Tennis ClubOrganization of the Racquet Club “La Huit club” formed.06/30/1887
Lawn Tennis TournamentAnnual fall tournament of the Middlesex County Tournament League, Mount Pleasant grounds.09/06/1888
Lawrence, Harrym. Minnie Dolten, Winchester. 05/06/1886
Lawrence, WilliamOf Burlington dropped dead in E. Cambridge.04/05/1872
Layton, Mr. & Mrs. E. D.Tenth wedding anniversary.12/01/1881
Layton, Phebe M. Obituary.10/16/1884
Leahy, Mrs. J. W. Dropped dead. 01/13/1881
Leahy, Joseph M. Word from a Woburn Sailor.11/18/1880
Leathe, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence H. Tin wedding.06/15/1882
Leathe Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. 15th wedding anniversary.---
Leathe, JosiahKilled by lightning.08/15/1878
Leathe, Ruth MariaA High Fence .11/27/1884
Leathe, Ruth MariaThe Other Side of the Fence.12/04/1884
Leathe, Ruth MariaObituary.11/29/1888
Leathe, Ruth MariaWill of.11/29/1888
Leatherbee Family Reunion---12/27/1888
Leavitt, JosephObituary.10/18/1883
Lee, FitzhughSpring Bank, near Alexandria,Virginia. Letter to Charles K. Conn in regard to testimonial sent B. H. Witcher, Georgia.01/08/1885
Leeds, Henry W. Obituary.11/11/1886
Legion of Honor, American Organization of.12/01/1881
Le Marquand, F. H. Name changed by Probate Court, to Harcourt. A Soldier of Fortune.07/17/1879
Leslie, A. J. Left home; deserted his family.08/15/1878
Levers, Louis E. Died at Denver, Colorado. Buried in Woburn.10/11/1888
Levers, Louis E. Funeral services. Louis C., in record of death and funeral notice.10/18/1888
Levers, Louis Dio Death of.05/27/1886
Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. H. B. Silver wedding.11/29/1877
Libby, H. Great pedestrian feat.06/21/1872
Liberty, Statue ofNew York Harbor. An appeal for funds.09/11/1884
Light, JacobShot by Frederick Forten.09/09/1880
LightningSeveral places struck.05/06/1880
LightningThunder-Storm and Fire.04/22/1875
Linnell, JosephCelebrates 50th birthday.01/28/1886
Liquor Licenses RevokedMichael Shandly and Joseph Sykes.07/31/1884
Littlefield, ClarenceChief Engineer, Woburn Fire Department, presented with a silver service of twelve pieces by the Woburn Fire Department.11/17/1887
Littlefield, Joshua E. Obituary.12/09/1880
Littlefield, MarcellusPresents the Rumford Historical Association a Bronze Medal Struck by the Academy of Arts and Sciences in honor of Count Rumford.04/17/1879
Littlefield, EstateWoburn Center. Restrictions on, removed. 04/29/1886
Locke, General Benjamin, L. Born at Epson, N.H. July 28, 1801, died at Winchester, last Monday. Obituary.04/05/1883
Locke, Daniel Wymanof Winchester. Obituary.01/08/1885
Locke, George E. Better known as “Yankee Locke.” Obituary.01/08/1880
Locke, Hannah P. of Winchester, mother of James L. Locke.02/05/1885
Locomotive“Onward” a new style of.01/12/1888
Logan, Josephine C.Obituary.10/15/1885
Logue, WilliamFuneral of.03/11/1886
Lombard, PatrickAttempted suicide.07/22/1886
Lombard, PatrickAttempted suicide.05/19/1887
Lombard, BartholomewBody found floating in Horn Pond.08/10/1882
Lombard, Mrs. PatrickDrowned in Horn Pond.08/14/1884
Long, JamesFatal accident.02/03/1876
Longfellow, Henry WadsworthDied at Cambridge, Mar. 24.03/30/1882
Lord, Henry T. Died at Bandera, Texas.02/08/1877
Lovering, Mrs. Abigail (Flagg)Died at Oxford, Maine, May 15; 102y., 8m., 158d. Obituary.05/23/1878
Lowe, Edward E. m. Ida Perry of Wilmington.10/29/1885
Lyceum HallRenovation of.09/23/1886
Lyceum, Lewis J. Obituary.01/14/1886
Lynch, JohnSudden death.01/22/1885
Lynch, RichardPresentation.12/28/1882
Lynn, Mystery The---03/06/1879
Lynn, Mystery TheSupposed to be Jennie P. Clark of Dorchester.03/20/1879
Lyons, Mrs. T. F. Surprise.11/02/1882
McCall, StephenWanted For alleged assault.03/19/1885
McCarthy, CharlesOf Lynn, a former resident of Woburn. Fatal accident.07/17/1884
McCarthy, JohnInsane, taken to Danvers Asylum.05/15/1884
McCarthy, JosephGave a reception to Rev. J. F. Winckley, the New Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church.09/27/1877
McCarthy, JosephObituary.02/10/1881
McCarthy, JosephSurprise; presentation.02/14/1878
McGlay, EdwardMilitary funeral.06/19/1879
McCloskey, CardinalThe First American Cardinal died in New York on Friday last. Obituary on last page.10/15/1885
McClure, Mrs. Mother of Rev. E. L. McClure, Death of.11/11/1880
McClure, Father E. L. Presented with a Marshall scarf.08/16/1872
McClure, Rev. E. L. St. Charles (Catholic) Church, transferred to Georgetown, Mass. 08/02/1877
McClure, Rev. E. L. Farewell reception.08/16/1877
McClure, John E. m. Maude Swift at St. Charles.06/15/1876
McClure Cadets, TheVisit Georgetown.12/06/1877
McClure Temperance GuardsEntertainment and presentation.11/23/1882
McConologue, JohnHabeas Corpus case.07/07/1871
McCool, HannahFormer resident of Woburn alleged murder of.08/19/1875
McDearmid, James G. Sad affliction. Two children die of Scarlet fever.09/06/1883
McDermott, DanielOf Arlington Run Over by the cars at Woburn Center; Leg cut off.03/25/1886
McDermott, DanielTestimonial benefit.06/10/1886
McDermott, JosephSon of Michael McDermott of Grove Street. Supposed drowned.08/02/1888
McDermott, MichaelHis son Michael, aged 12 years, supposed drowned in Horn Pond.02/19/1885
McDermott, MichaelThe body of Michael McDermott, Junior, found in Horn Pond.02/26/1885
McDonald, AlexanderFormerly of Woburn, suicide.08/19/1875
McDonald, Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Bad accident at the Fulton Street Crossing, Stoneham Branch R. R. 05/30/1878
McDonald, G. F. Surprise.01/30/1879
McDonald, Rev. MatthewAppointed as an additional Assistant Priest St. Charles Church.11/27/1879
McDonald, Rev. St Charles Catholic Church. Presented with a gold watch.02/10/1881
McDonald, ThomasDrowned in Winter Pond, Winchester.08/04/1887
McDonough, ThomasObituary.02/28/1884
McElhany, EdwardFatal drowning of.04/23/1885
McFeeley, Samuelof Streator, Illinois, son of James McFeeley of North Woburn given a reception by old comrades of Company K, 39 Regiment.06/31/1886
McGinnis, JamesFatal railroad accident.05/05/1887
McGlennon, Patrick H. Attempted suicide.04/26/1883
McGovern, James F. Presentation.11/23/1882
McGovern, JohnFowle Street. His child 1 ½ years old fell in the brook near his house and was drowned.09/17/1885
McGovern, John F. Obituary.02/19/1885
McGovern, PatrickPresented with $100 and an armchair.03/22/1883
McGrath, James H. Autopsy.02/01/1883
McHugh, MichaelAsh Street. Run over by the cars at the Cross Street crossing; dies from his injuries.12/23/1886
McIntire, MaggieDrowned in brook near Dow’s Tannery.06/16/1871
McIntire, Danielof Burlington. The roof of his house fell in on account of the heavy weight of the snow on it.03/20/1884
McKay, Dennis J. Fatal accident.04/24/1884
McKenna, PhilipPresentation.12/28/1882
McKenna, WilliamSon of Patrick McKenna of Montvale Seriously injured in a railroad accident at the Albany Street crossing, Stoneham Branch R. R. 10/27/1887
McKinsie, D. BanksA former resident of Woburn, died at Salt Lake, Utah, Nov 12.11/13/1884
McLoud, NeilSuicide.03/19/1874
McLourd, JohnHomicide, Inquest, verdict.07/30/1874
McMahon, Ellen M. m. Bernard Murphy.11/05/1885
McMahon, Sarah Presentation.10/11/1883
McMurray, DanielPresentation with $1,000 by his employer, E. W. Hudson.12/27/1883
McNeil, FrancesOf Winchester m. General John M. Corse of Chicago Illinois.06/29/1882
McNiel, JohnOf Winchester. Obituary.04/16/1885
McNierny, JohnFatal accident.06/03/1875
McShaffery, Mrs. WilliamStrange affair.01/10/1878
McShaffery, Mrs. WilliamThe Water Street Mystery.01/17/1878
McSweeney, EdwardObituary.01/19/1882
McVicar, MaryDeath of a Centenarian. Obituary.10/22/1885
Mad DogKilled.07/23/1874
Mad DogKilled on Salem Street.02/01/1877
Mad DogMad dogs.02/08/1877
Madden, Dennisof Burlington presented with a gold watch.09/06/1883
MaGee, Alicem. James H. Drimell of Winchester06/26/1879
MaGee, Eleanor Maym. Robert Winsor, Winchester.11/01/1883
Maguire, JamesSurprise.01/29/1874
Mahoney, CorneliusObituary.12/15/1881
Mahoney, TimothyResolutions.02/28/1873
Mann, Elisha J. New Chief of Police.07/23/1874
Mann, William R. Obituary.03/08/1888
Manny, John T. Declines to serve Longer as treasurer of the town of Winchester. Acknowledgement of faithful services.06/02/1887
Mansfield, Emmam. John N. Mason, Winchester.10/14/1886
March, Anna BrooksWife of Rev. Dr. Daniel March. Obituary.04/10/1879
March, Rev. Dr. DanielInstalled pastor of Woburn First Congregational Church.01/23/1879
March, Rev. Dr. Daniel“A Model Study.” Description at his Study in the Congregational Church.12/07/1882
March, Rev. Dr. DanielReception.11/15/1888
March, Rev. Dr. DanielReception on his arrival home from the Holy Land.06/10/1880
March, Rev. Dr. DanielSketch of.11/18/1880
March, Rev. F. W.Mission Work in Syria. 09/09/1880
March, Rev. F. W.Reception to Rev. and Mrs. F. W. March.09/16/1880
March, Dr. & Mrs. DanielOf Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania given a reception at the residence of Rev. Dr. March and were presented with a tea service by the young people of the Cong. Church.10/10/1878
Marchant, EdgarObituary.01/17/1878
Marion, ElijahObituary.06/26/1884
Marrinan, Bridget L. Organist St. Charles Church, tendered a complimentary concert in Lyceum Hall.11/01/1883
Marrett, Rev. JohnWoburn second parish, (Burlington) account of the Dark Day, 1780.09/15/1881
Marriman, Kate J. Surprise; presentation.10/20/1881
Marriman, Thomas H.Presentation.06/03/1886
Marsh, Walter H. m. Miss Mason, dau. of John C. Mason of Winchester.06/18/1885
Mason, MissDau. of John C. Mason m. Walter H. Marsh, Winchester.10/18/1886
Mason, John N. m. Emma Mansfield, Winchester.10/14/1886
Massachusetts Rifle AssociationCorrespondence regarding stray shots.12/27/1883
Matthews, Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Christmas gathering.12/28/1882
Matthews, Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Tin wedding.07/04/1878
Matthew’s Birthday, FatherCelebrated as Lowell St. Charles Catholic T. A. Society attended.10/15/1885
Matthew’s Birthday, FatherCelebration of.10/14/1875
Mawhinney, E.C. Obituary.05/11/1882
Maxfield, LeviObituary.04/24/1879
Maxfield, MariaWidow of Levi Maxfield. Obituary.03/18/1886
Maxwell, FrankAged 11 years, son of Nathan Maxwell, drowned in Horn Pond.01/13/1876
Maxwell, John R. Funeral of12/27/1888
Mead, Peterof Newton. Found dead on the B. & L. R. R. tracks near Calvary Cemetery, East Woburn.12/15/1889
Meagher, DennisKilled in a midnight brawl.10/10/1872
Meagher, DennisThe inquest last week. See Joseph J. Hurst.10/17/1873
Medford BridgeAn ancient document.06/18/1874
Meehan, PeterFatal accident.06/07/1877
Meloney, Captain J. A. of Woburn won a rifle match at Windham, Maine.03/21/1878
Mendelssohn ClubNew musical association formed.11/30/1882
Merrill, ThomasWho left East Woburn 25 years ago, and has been supposed to be dead, arrived at Montvale yesterday.04/29/1886
Merrimac Chemical WorksGreat fire and loss of life.06/05/1879
Merrimac Chemical Co. Want a fire alarm box at their works.04/28/1887
Metcalf, Jennie E. m. Samuel S. Symmes, Winchester12/10/1885
Metcalf, Rev. RichardPhotos, Unitarian Church, Winchester. Death of.06/30/1881
Metcalf, Rev. RichardIn Memoriam.06/07/1881
Meteor, Probably aCommunication from Marshall Tidd of North Woburn.10/20/1887
Meteoric Display---09/09/1880
Methodist Building…preparation made to take off the slate and put on shingles.05/12/1881
Methodist CentennialNext Sunday will be centennial day at the Methodist Episcopal Church.12/25/1884
Methodist Episcopal ChurchCelebrate 25th anniversary.06/15/1876
Methodist Episcopal ChurchNew Methodist Church.04/02/1874
Middlesex Canal---05/25/1882
Middlesex Fells AssociationThe Festival of the Forests.10/20/1881
Middlesex FellsMeeting held in Medford of some fifteen gentlemen representing Medford, Woburn, Malden, and Winchester, to consider the furtherance of the Middlesex Fells project.07/14/1881
Middlesex Fells---01/08/1885
McDonald, Rev. MatthewAppointed as an additional assistant priest, St. Charles Church.11/27/1879
Miles, Mrs. G. G. Temporarily deranged; wandered from home.04/25/1878
Miller, W. M. Railroad accident; foot crushed.07/22/1875
Mills, Rev. E. Bitten by a vicious dog.12/01/1881
Mills, Rev. E. Preached his farewell sermon, Sunday; left Monday, for Eastport, Maine. Presented with $100 and a copy of Knights History of England.12/01/1881
Mills, Rev. Edward---02/18/1875
Mills, Rev. EdwardRecognition as pastor, First Baptist Church, Woburn.04/01/1875
Mills, Rev. E. Resigns as pastor of the Woburn First Baptist Church; has received a call from the Baptist Church at Eastport, Maine.11/10/1881
Mills, Rev. & Mrs. EdwardSilver Wedding.06/10/1875
Mills, William T. Son of Rev. Edward Mills. Obituary.10/23/1879
Milton, DollieSocial visit.10/25/1888
Mishawum ClubTenth anniversary.05/17/1877
Missionaries, Farewell to theJames L. Fowle and wife. Rev. William March.09/12/1878
Mitchell, JohnBelmont street. His daughter, aged 3 years, drowned in Dell Pond.06/21/1888
Money Scare, TheEditorial on the run of the Woburn Five Cents Savings Bank and on the Woburn Agricultural and Mechanics Association.01/10/1878
Montague, CharlesInventor of the Acme Printing Press. Obituary.12/10/1885
Monument, Washingtonat Washington, D. C., dedicated.02/26/1885
Monument, WashingtonCharles E. Nichols and John P. Buckman go to the dedication at Washington, with the Lawrence Light Guard of Medford, as representatives of Co. G, 5th Mass. Regt. 02/26/1885
Moody, HerbertObituary.03/27/1879
Moran, MichaelAt Winchester, claims that the Knights of Labor might do him harm.02/25/1886
Morandi, F. W. Silver mine near Spot Pond, Medford.09/08/1881
Moreland, David S. Obituary.07/24/1884
Moreland, Mr. & Mrs. D. S. 30th Anniversary of their marriage.01/17/1884
Morgan, Rev. Henryof Boston. Obituary.03/27/1884
Morris, JohnA tramp dies from the effects of rat poison at the Winchester lock up.01/14/1886
Morse, GeorgeDropped dead.03/03/1881
Morse, GeorgeInsane; wandered away. Found in Reading.12/06/1883
Morse, William G. m. Clara P. Norman, Winchester.07/17/1884
Morss, JosephAn alleged counterfeiter.01/18/1877
Mosher, HenryHis son Henry Everett Mosher drowned in Winter Pond, Winchester.12/13/1877
MosquitoesWhat mosquitoes are for.02/04/1875
Motor, A NewPower from soda.04/29/1886
Moulton, John R. of North Woburn. Suicide; inquest.06/14/1877
Mower, Gera W. Insane; taken to McLean asylum, Somerville.03/28/1878
Mower, Gera W.Obituary.04/18/1878
Mullen, PeterDropped dead.08/19/1886
Munn, Kate W. m. Arthur A. Fowle.06/14/1877
Munroe, J.Pleasant Valley, Scott Co., Iowa. Old Times.06/12/1882
Munroe, Mary E. A sad affair.12/22/1871
Munroe, Mary E. Obituary.12/29/1871
Munroe and Newton Skating Rink---03/13/1884
Munroe and Newton Skating RinkTo be enlarged.03/20/1884
Munroe and Newton’s Skating RinkThe Catholic Church object to the granting of a license. Hearing before the Selectmen.05/08/1884
Murdock, Clarence J. Fatal accident.07/05/1883
Mooney, PatrickStabs John Connolly at E. Cummings Co.’s Tannery.03/06/1879
Murphy, Bernardm. Ellen M. McMahon.11/05/1885
Murphy, DennisLarge funeral.10/09/1879
Murphy, JamesTaken care of.09/04/1879
Murphy, Rev. M. D. About the Woburn Post Office.01/13/1887
Murphy, Rev. M. D.Presentation.01/15/1880
Murphy, Rev. M. D. Presented with a horse and buggy.08/23/1883
Murphy, Rev. M. D. Saint Charles Catholic Church. Presented with $250 in gold.10/06/1881
Murphy, ThomasStrayed away; found.07/15/1875
Murphy, ThomasSuicide.07/01/1880
Murray, HughOf Wilmington. Frozen to death.12/08/1871
Murray, JamesBurlington obituary12/31/1885
Murther, JamesKilled at the Cross Street bridge, North Winchester.02/23/1888
Mystic Pond Nuisance Text of the bill presented to the Legislature, by the Committee on Public Health.03/31/1881
Mystic Pond NuisanceBill passed to a third reading.04/14/1881
Mystic Pond NuisanceBill amended, passed third reading.04/21/1881
Mystic Pond NuisanceCorrection.04/28/1881
Mystic Pond NuisanceAmendment made to the bill and then ordered to be engrossed.05/05/1881
Mystic Pond NuisanceBill approved by the Governor. 05/19/1881
Mystic Pond NuisanceHearing given at the State House by the State Board of Health, Lunacy and Charity.06/23/1881
Mystic Valley, Drainage of the---06/12/1882
Mystic Valley RailroadPublic meeting to be held.09/21/1876
Mystic Valley RailroadEditorial on.09/28/1876
Mystic Valley RailroadHearings held on locations.06/03/1878
Mystic Valley Railroad---01/10/1878
Mystic Valley Railroad---01/31/1878
Mystic Valley Railroad---02/07/1878
Mystic Valley Railroad---02/14/1878
Mystic Valley RailroadEditorial.02/21/1878
Mystic Valley Railroad---02/28/1878
Mystic Valley Railroad---03/07/1878
Mystic Valley RailroadIncorporation.03/14/1878
Mystic Valley RailroadPermanent organization.03/21/1878
Mystic Valley RailroadStaking route.04/25/1878
Mystic Valley Railroad---05/02/1878
Mystic Valley Railroad---05/09/1878
Mystic Valley Railroad---05/16/1878
Mystic Valley Railroad---05/23/1878
Mystic Valley Railroad---05/30/1878
Mystic Valley Railroad---06/20/1878
Mystic Valley Railroad---06/18/1878
Mystic Valley Railroad---08/01/1878
Mystic Valley Railroad---08/29/1878
Mystic Valley Railroad---09/26/1878
Mystic Valley RailroadArticle on, from the Somerville Jour.10/03/1878
Mystic Valley Railroad---10/24/1878
Mystic Valley Railroad---11/07/1878
Mystic Valley Railroad---11/14/1878
Mystic Valley RailroadAnnual meeting.01/02/1879
Mystic Valley Railroad---12/05/1878
Mystic Valley RailroadThe trouble that the Mystic Valley is in.12/12/1878
Mystic Valley RailroadTo petition to extend road to North Chelmsford.12/19/1878
Mystic Valley RailroadAnnual meeting.01/02/1879
Mystic Valley Railroad---01/16/1879
Mystic Valley RailroadLong editorial on.01/23/1879
Mystic Valley Railroad---02/06/1879
Mystic Valley Railroad---02/13/1879
Mystic Valley Railroad---02/20/1879
Mystic Valley Railroad---02/27/1879
Mystic Valley Railroad---03/06/1879
Mystic Valley RailroadTwo notices.03/13/1879
Mystic Valley RailroadHistory Of.03/20/1879
Mystic Valley RailroadHistory Of.03/27/1879
Mystic Valley RailroadHistory Of.04/03/1879
Mystic Valley RailroadHistory Of.04/10/1879
Mystic Valley RailroadHearing before the County Commissioners on the question of damages to the property of John Cummings on Winn Street, and the Town Meadow.06/12/1879
Mystic Valley RailroadRumors regarding.11/13/1879
Mystic Valley RailroadAnnual meeting, adjourned.01/08/1880
Mystic Valley RailroadAnnual meeting, adjourned again.02/05/1880
Mystic Valley RailroadAdjourned annual meeting held. Officers elected.04/15/1880
Mystic Valley RailroadNashua & Lowell R. R. officials went over the route.07/29/1880
Mystic Valley RailroadCorrection.08/05/1880
Mystic Valley RailroadArticle on from the Boston Herald.01/20/1881
Mystic Valley RailroadRumors regarding the Fitchburg R.R. being interested.03/12/1881
Mystic Valley RailroadEditorial on.05/19/1881
Mystic Valley RailroadThe great railway scheme of Burt and others gives considerable promise…02/17/1881
Mystic Valley RailroadEditorial on.11/24/1881
Mystic Valley RailroadEditorial on.12/01/1881
Mystic Valley RailroadEditorial on.12/08/1881
Mystic Valley RailroadEditorial on.12/15/1881
Mystic Valley RailroadEditorial on.12/22/1881
Mystic Valley RailroadJohn M. Fuke, Deputy Sheriff, Middlesex County, to sell the personal property etc. of the M.V.R.R.01/14/1882
Mystic Valley RailroadPetition the Legislature for extension of time.02/16/1882
Mystic Valley RailroadArticle from the Globe.03/09/1882
Mystic Valley RailroadThe true inwardness of it.03/23/1882
Mystic Valley Sewer---02/03/1881
Mystic Valley SewerCatch basin at Winchester to be built.12/08/1881
Mystic Valley SewerInjunction against the City of Boston asked for by the town of Medford.08/18/1881
Mystic Valley SewerMedford Objects to the pollution of the Lower Mystic Pond.12/16/1880
Mystic Valley SewerArticle on, from Medford Chronicle.12/30/1880
Mystic Valley Sewer---01/13/1881
Mystic Valley SewerNuisance.01/13/1881
Mystic Valley SewerHearing on the nuisance before the Legislative Committee.01/20/1881
Mystic Valley SewerOfficial inspection by the Legislative Committee.01/27/1881
Mystic Valley Sewer Meeting---11/10/1881
Mystic Valley Sewer NuisanceHearing.02/17/1881
Mystic Valley Sewer NuisanceImportant if true.02/24/1881
Mystic Valley Sewerage---08/21/1879
Mystic Water---08/21/1879
Mystic Water SupplyPolluting of, Stephen Dow’s Co. summoned to appear before the State Board of Health, in petition of the Boston Water Board. Injunctions refused.01/08/1880
Nash, Frank D. Suspicious death.10/26/1876
Nason, J. H. The Spring Campaign opened. Communication from. 02/10/1881
Nason, Mr. & Mrs. J. H. 20th wedding anniversary.08/30/1883
Naval CadetshipBoard of Examiners, etc. 07/17/1879
Naval CadetshipEleven boys applied. Alonzo E. McIntire of Medford, passed.07/31/1879
Naval CadetshipArthur W. Wood of Burlington withdrew.08/14/1879
Nelson, Chief of PolicePresented with a gold badge.12/02/1886
Nelson, Jamesof Winchester. Fatal Accident.08/28/1884
Newhall, Alfred A. All articles in the Advertiser signed N., unless otherwise stated, are by him.---
Newhall, Alfred A. Account of his son’s, Rev. A. A. Newhall Jr., return journey to India.04/05/1883
Newhall, Alfred A. Cold winters, etc. 04/05/1883
Newhall, Alfred A. Shoe Making in the Past.06/07/1883
Newhall, Alfred A. Shoe Making in the Past.07/19/1883
Newhall, Alfred A. Shoe Making in the Past.09/20/1883
Newhall, Alfred A. Shoe Making in the Past.10/04/1883
Newhall, Alfred A. Articles by, signed N.
“Woburn Fifty Years Ago,”
Newhall, Alfred A.“Reminiscences,” “Quaint Laws of ‘Olden Times.’---
Newhall, Mr. & Mrs. A. A. Fiftieth anniversary of their marriage.05/11/1882
Newhall, Alfred A. Letter from. About a trip from Woburn to Concord NH.09/15/1887
Newhall, Alfred A. Letter from. About a trip from Woburn to Concord NH. 09/29/1887
Newhall, Alfred A. Letter from his son Rev. A. A. Newhall, Jr. 01/31/1884
Newhall, Alfred A. Reminiscences of Lynn.11/02/1882
Newhall, Alfred A. Shoe making in the past.10/04/1883
Newhall, Alfred A. Shoe making in the past.11/01/1883
Newhall, Alfred A. Shoe making in the past.11/29/1883
Newhall, Alfred A. Woburn as it was. As it is. As it might be. As it was. One.01/01/1885
Newhall, Alfred A. Woburn as it was. As it is. As it might be. As it was. Two.01/08/1885
Newhall, Alfred A. Woburn as it was. As it is. As it might be. As it was. Three.01/22/1885
Newhall, Alfred A. Woburn as it was. As it is. As it might be. As it was. Four.02/12/1885
Newhall, Alfred A. Woburn as it was. As it is. As it might be. As it was. Five.03/12/1885
Newhall, Alfred A. Woburn as it was. As it is. As it might be. As it was. Six.04/09/1885
Newhall, Jr. Rev. Alfred A. Account of his return journey to India. N.04/15/1883
Newhall, Rev. Alfred A. Missionary reception.06/17/1880
Newhall, Jr. Rev. Alfred A. Personal.09/28/1882
Newhall, Jr., Rev. Alfred A. Personal. Arrived at Madras, Dec. 28, 1882.02/15/1883
Newhall, Jr. Alfred A. To be ordained.08/26/1875
Newhall, Alfred A. Ordained.09/09/1875
Newhall, Margery FowleWife of Alfred A. Newhall. Obituary.04/15/1886
Nichols, Benjamin H. Investigation of the fire at his grease factory on Conn St. 06/26/1884
Nichols, Charles E.Woburn Mechanic Phalanx goes to the Dedication of the Washington Monument with the Lawrence Light Guard of Medford as a representative of Co. G. 02/26/1885
Nichols E. HomerOf Lowell. Son of E. W. Nichols of Woburn. Obituary.06/14/1883
Nichols, E. W. Jones Court. Ancient Desk etc. 09/21/1882
Nichols, Mr. & Mrs. E. W. Jones Court. Surprise.02/12/1885
Nichols, George C. Obituary.09/30/1886
Nichols, H. M. m. Hannah F. Walker of Burlington, May 18, 1886.05/27/1886
Nichols, HenryOf Burlington. Obituary.07/17/1884
Nichols, StephanApopletic stroke.11/27/1879
Nichols, StephanDeath of.12/04/1879
Nichols, Warren C. Obituary.10/16/1884
Ninth Massachusetts RegimentReunion held in Woburn.06/22/1882
No Surrender Lodge of Woburn No 110 of the Loyal Orange Institution of the United States of AmericaIncorporated.08/16/1883
Noah’s ArkDiscovery of.08/16/1883
Nolan JamesOf the Boston Museum presented the Rumford Historical Association a trunk which formerly belonged to Count Rumford.10/28/1880
Nolan, PatrickFound dead.08/10/1881
Noon, CharlesAccidentally cut.10/ 24/1878
Noon, CharlesThe Noon Homicide. Inquest.10/31/1878
Noon, CharlesThe Noon Homicide. Inquest.11/07/1878
Norman, Clara P. m.William C. Morse of Winchester.07/17/1884
Norman, MayDau. of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Norman of Winchester. Obituary.10/21/1886
Norris, Lawrence B. Obituary.02/22/1883
Nourse, DanielLate of Denman Thompson’s Company. Obituary.04/08/1886
Nourse, Mrs. DanielWidow of Daniel Nourse. The well known Aunt Matilda of Denman Thompson’s Company. Obituary.04/15/1886
Nunn, Charles Of East Lexington. Obituary.02/02/1882
Nute, BerthaAttempted kidnapping of.10/10/1878
Nutter, LeonardOf Winchester. Obituary.05/14/1885
Oakes Capt. Charles T. Of Winchester. Obituary.12/11/1884
O’Brien, AnnieOf Burlington. Obituary.11/22/1888
O’Brien, DavidOf Burlington. Obituary.10/29/1885
O’Brien, JohnFuneral Of, Post 33 G.A.R. attended. Obituary.06/02/1887
O’Brien, Mary A. Daughter of William O’Brien, Church Avenue. Obituary.11/22/1883
O’Brien, Michaelof North Woburn. Obituary.10/18/1888
Odd Fellows Independent Order of Memorial Service. 10/25/1889
Old Homestead, A Visit to thePoetry by O. H. Wilmarth.07/08/1886
Olden Times, Quaint Laws ofN. (Alfred A. Newhall). 11/23/1882
Olden Times, Quaint Laws OfN. (Alfred A. Newhall).12/21/1882
Olden Times, Quaint Laws OfN. (Alfred A. Newhall).01/25/1883
Oldest Living Person KnownThe oldest person in France, perhaps in the world, is said to be a woman who lives in the Village of Auberives en Royans. She was born March 16, 1761 and is therefore 125 years old….02/10/1887
O’Leary, Mrs. CatherineWife of John O’Leary. Suspicious death.08/15/1878
Orange Institution of the U.S.A.The State Grand Lodge of Massachusetts of the Loyal. Semi-annual meeting held in Fraternity Hall, 121 Main St., Woburn to-day.12/03/1885
Orthographical Variationsof the spelling of Woburn.01/27/1887
Osgood, Lewis WilliamObituary.12/03/1874
Osgood, Lewis WilliamObituary.12/10/1874
Osgood, SamuelOf Woburn. Burial at Burlington.12/20/1883
Osgood, SamuelOf Woburn. Burial at Burlington.01/03/1883
Owens, HenryA former resident of Woburn, found dead in bed at the Marshall House, Marietta, Ohio.05/26/1881
Owens, R. J. Mysterious disappearance. 02/03/1876
Owens, R. J. Body found in Horn Pond Inquest.04/06/1876
Oxford, C. W. Serenaded July 4, 1876.07/13/1876
Paddock, Bishop Benj. H.Annual Visitation Trinity Episcopal Church. 03/01/1877
Page, Frederick H.Of Medford m. Grace W. Conant of Winchester.06/18/1885
Parker, Abigail H.Born in Charlestown, September 10, 1782. Death of.08/24/1876
Parker, EbenezerObituary.07/17/1884
Parker, EdmundWinchester. Obituary.12/05/1878
Parker, Elsie J. Obituary.02/28/1878
Parker, Mr. & Mrs. F. ChandlerSilver wedding.07/06/1882
Parker, GeorgeReported fatally stabbed, on stmr. Rhode Island at New York.06/18/1874
Parker, Mr. & Mrs. Harrison45th wedding anniversary surprise and presentation.07/17/1879
Parker, JosiahTogether with his twin sister, Mrs. Hannah Wellington of Lexington, celebrated their fiftieth birthday.10/26/1882
Parker, Mrs. L. of North Reading died Feb 20, 1880, a. 104 y. 4m. 8d. Obituary.03/04/1880
Parker, Luther L. Deputy Sheriff, Middlesex County. Obituary.June 18, 1995
Parker, Robert W. Presented with A “Butler” Spoon.10/02/1884
Parker, T. M. Presentation.02/13/1879
Parker T. MarvinTestimonial Benefit.04/19/1872
Parker T. MarvinTestimonial Benefit.04/26/1872
Parker, Mr. & Mrs. W. B. Presentation.09/18/1879
Parkhurst, Mrs. M. M. Death of.04/19/1872
Parley MeadowThe Parley family.03/21/1878
Parson’s Gorhamof Gloucester. Obituary.01/28/1886
Parsons, OscarAbout Captain Tidd, Etc. 06/28/1883
Partridge, Mr. & Mrs. JamesGolden wedding.---
Patterson, Rachelm. Reuben C. Hawes. Winchester.11/12/1885
Payne, George A. His team smashed up in a railroad accident at the Fulton Street Crossing of the Stoneham Branch RR.09/19/1878
Payne, George A. He is improving and will be able to be out in a few days.09/26/1878
Payne, NathanielOf Winchester. Obituary.08/30/1883
Peak, Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Tin wedding.11/13/1877
Pearson, JessieDau. of Herbert J. Pearsons found drowned in the Aberjona River, Winchester.04/05/1883
Pearsons, OscarAbout Captain Tidd, etc.06/28/1883
Pearson’s Willard JonesObituary.09/15/1881
Pease, Mrs. EdwardFowle Street. Attempted suicide.08/08/1878
Pendleton, Joseph H. Of East Somerville. His body found in a swamp in Cummingsville.01/02/1879
Peierson, General Charles, L.Reception by K. Co., 39th Regt. 02/15/1883
Peierson, General Charles, L.Reception by K. Co., 39th Regt. 02/22/1883
Perham Hose Co., L. W. Presented with a clock and a Bible.03/22/1872
Perham, John L.Funeral of. Resolutions, etc. 06/14/1883
Perkins, SethWinchester. Sudden death.10/11/1883
Perley Family, TheSupposed to have first located at or near Parley Meadow.03/21/1878
Perley, William H. Obituary.03/30/1882
Perry, Benjaminof Wilmington. Surprise; presentation.09/29/1887
Perry, E. E. and family remove to Racine, Wisconsin.09/01/1881
Perry, Idam. Edward E. Lowe of Wilmington.10/29/1883
Persons, Mrs. Jesse W. Paralysis.07/04/1878
Pervear, PhilipOf Sedgwick, Maine, is among the oldest of living Americans, having been born in 1779.12/09/1886
Peterson, PeterPresentation.03/01/1888
Phalanx AssociatesOrganization of.01/19/1882
Phalanx AssociatesOrganization of.01/26/1882
Phelps, Mrs. Aurora Women’s Homestead League.07/28/1871
Phelps, Aurora, H. C. Homestead League.09/26/1873
Phelps, Aurora, H. C. Aurora Village.10/24/1873
Phelps, Aurora, H. C. Bethesda Laundry.11/07/1873
Phelps, Aurora, H. C. Bethesda Laundry.12/26/1873
Phelps, Aurora H. C. ---07/01/1875
Phelps, Aurora H. C. ---07/08/1875
Phelps, Aurora H. C. ---07/15/1875
Phelps, Aurora H. C. ---07/29/1875
Phelps, Aurora H. C. ---08/05/1875
Phelps, Aurora H. C. ---11/25/1875
Phelps, Aurora H. C. Obituary.01/06/1876
Phelps, Aurora H. C.The Phelps Estate.11/30/1876
Phelps, Aurora H. C. The Phelps Estate.12/07/1876
Philbrick, WilliamInsane; taken to Worcester.10/03/1878
Phillips, Edward J. Presented with a gold watch.07/19/1888
Phillips, WendellObituary.02/07/1884
Pickering, IraPresented with a silver mounted whip.08/12/1875
Pickering, RufusPresentation.02/12/1880
Pierce, Elmore A. Testimonial benefit.10/02/1879
Pierce, WilliamOf Somerville. Sudden death.02/05/1880
Pilgrim, Fathers United Order ofLodge instituted.07/01/1880
Pilgrim’s Progress, New---02/04/1875
Pine Tree ShillingFound in Burlington. 06/23/1881
Pinkham, J. L. Presentation.01/29/1880
Pinkham, Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Silver wedding.09/27/1877
Pleasant StreetChanges on.04/19/1877
Pleasant Street WideningDamages awarded.01/13/1876
Plummer, John C. Presented with a gold watch, chain and seal.11/02/1882
Plummer, Wealthy E. Mother of H. W. Plummer of Winchester. Obituary.01/21/1886
Pocahontas, Council of the Degree of the Improved Order of Red MenPreliminary meeting held… for the purpose of organizing.11/15/1888
Named Key Counsel No. 17 of the Improved Order of Red Men was InstitutedNameokee Counsel No. 17 of Degree of Pocohontas of the Improved Order of Red Men, was instituted….12/06/1888
Pollard, EmilyAppointed assistant Librarian Woburn Public Library.04/03/1879
Pollard, Joseph G. Testimonial.07/18/1878
Pollard, Samuel M. or Sarah M. Pollard. A strange affair.06/06/1878
Pollard, Samuel M. Nevada man-woman.06/13/1878
Pollard, S. O. Narrow escape from death.02/07/1878
Pollard, S. O. Presentation.12/27/1872
Pollard, Samuel O. Accidentally shot himself; died almost instantly.11/06/1879
Pond, J. Shepardof Winchester. Obituary.01/05/1888
Pond, Prestonm. Miss White dau. Of S. B. White, Winchester.10/22/1885
Poole, Mr. & Mrs. RufusGolden wedding.01/25/1883
Poole, Mr. & Mrs. Rufus20th anniversary, wedding.08/24/1882
PorcupineWeighing about 17 lbs. shot by George Duren, west side, Woburn.09/30/1875
Porter, AshaelTablet.04/22/1875
Porter, Harriet E. Presentation.07/09/1885
Porter, Thomas J.Died at Canaan, N. H. last Thursday at the age of 70 years old. Obituary.03/16/1876
Post Office, WoburnNew post office in the new Methodist Church, corner of Main and Walnut Streets.04/02/1874
Post Office, The WoburnHistorical sketch.02/28/1878
Post Office, The WoburnCorrection and additional.03/07/1878
Post Office, WoburnCol. W.T. Grammer confirmed by the Senate, as Postmaster.12/28/1882
Post Office, WoburnCommissioned.01/11/1882
Post Office, WoburnSketch of.02/04/1886
Post Office, WoburnCorrection, etc.01/11/1886
Post Office, Woburn SouthHistory of the post office at South Woburn and Winchester, list of the postmasters there.07/08/1886
Post Office, WoburnTo be moved to Dow’s Block.12/15/1887
Post Office, WoburnFree delivery of mail. The Woburn Board of Trade petition to the Selectmen of Woburn to have the houses on the streets numbered. It being one of the requirements of the post office department therefore the free delivery of the mail.02/23/1888
Post Office, WoburnNew post office, Dow’s Block.03/08/1888
Post Office, Our NewDow’s Block.03/08/1888
Post Office, WoburnWill become a second class office, July 1, 1888. 06/28/1888
Woburn Post OfficeFree delivery service, October 1, 1888.09/06/1888
Woburn Post OfficeFree delivery will commence Monday.10/04/1888
Postal Rates Ninety Years Ago---11/01/1883
Potter, H. B. Of Reading has a curious sleigh.01/29/1885
Powell, W. J. Insane.06/11/1874
Powers, JohnPresented with a gold headed cane.05/29/1884
Pratt, Daniel“The Great American Traveler.” Obituary.06/23/1887
Prentiss, John M. Sent to the Insane Asylum, Worcester.05/14/1874
Prentice, John N. Removed again to Insane Asylum. Worchester.06/24/1875
Prentice John N. Death of.07/01/1875
Prescott, Joseph T. Surprise.04/24/1884
Prescott Susan J. Wife of Charles C. Prescott of Wilmington. Obituary.02/17/1881
Pressey, Charlesof Winchester. Obituary.05/11/1882
Prince, Annie L. of Winchester m. Edward L. Rauson of New Haven, Connecticut. 10/01/1885
Prince, Katherine R. of Winchester m. Charles F. Chamberlain of East Boston.11/01/1888
Prospect StreetImprovement on. 05/26/1881
Public Improvement AssociationOrganized.01/19/1882
Public Improvement AssociationEditorial on.01/26/1882
Public Improvement AssociationConstitution and officers of.02/16/1882
Public Safety Committee of Home Protection and---03/04/1880
Public Safety Committee of Home Protection and---03/11/1880
Public Safety Committee of Home Protection and---03/25/1880
Punched Tickets Railroad Season Tickets to be punched.09/01/1881
Pushee, Mrs. Frank M. Obituary.06/14/1883
Quaint Laws of Olden timesBy N. (Alfred A. Newhall).11/23/1882
Quaint Laws of Olden timesBy N. (Alfred A. Newhall).12/21/1882
Quaint Laws of Olden timesBy N. (Alfred A. Newhall).01/25/1883
Quealy, Rev. JohnPresented with a gold watch and chain.01/04/1877
Quealy, Rev. JohnTo visit his old home in Waterford, Ireland.01/24/1878
Quealy, Rev. JohnFarewell.02/07/1878
Quealy, Rev. JohnReturn home.09/12/1878
Quinn, TommySurprised.09/15/1881
Rag Rock, A Legend of By Rekrap (Parker L. Converse).04/22/1886
Railroad Agitation---10/09/1884
Railroad, AnotherEditorial on another railroad.11/29/1877
Railroad Controversy---01/14/1875
Railroad Controversy---01/21/1875
Railroad, The New---02/04/1875
Railroad, The New---04/01/1875
Railroad, NewPresident N. G. White and the Chief Engineer of the Boston and Maine R. R. were in town Friday; an extension of the Medford Branch R. R. is apparently thought of.05/10/1877
Railroad, NewSurvey being made.05/17/1877
Railroad Projected, New---11/03/1881
Ramsdell, Alice Jonesof Winchester. Obituary.03/08/1888
Rand, Rev. Charles A. Of Haverhill, one of the victims of the “City of Columbus” disaster, a former rector of the Trinity Episcopal Church Memorial Service…01/24/1884
Rand, William PerkinsEnlisted in the U. S. Army.02/13/1879
Rawson, Edward L. New Haven, Connecticut m. Annie L. Prince of Winchester.10/01/1885
Raymond, MatildaAssault on.11/24/1881
Raymond, MatildaWas it murder.12/01/1881
Raymond, MatildaThe Raymond Homicide.12/08/1881
Raymond, MatildaHenry Ferrin held.12/08/1881
Raymond, MatildaBrutal assault.11/27/1879
Raymond, MatildaAssault case.12/04/1879
Reade, LawrenceNominated by the President for the postmastership. Sketch of. 02/03/1887
Reade, LawrenceConfirmed by the Senate.03/03/1887
Reade, LawrencePostmaster Complimentary Banquet.05/17/1888
Reade, LawrencePresented with a gold watch.01/13/1881
Reade, Mr. & Mrs. LawrenceSilver wedding.01/01/1885
Rebekah, Daughters ofHope Lodge, No. 39. Instituted. 10/18/1883
Record Since 1870, TheAccidents, murders, etc. 01/02/1879
Red Men Improved Order ofTo be organized. 06/23/1881
Red Men Improved Order ofTo be organized. 06/30/1881
Red Men Improved Order ofTo be organized. 07/28/1887
Red Men Improved Order ofShawsheen Tribe to be instituted, Oct. 4.09/29/1887
Red Men Improved Order ofShawsheen Tribe No. 49, instituted Tuesday evening.10/06/1887
Red Men Improved Order ofNameokee Council No 17 of the Degree of Pocahontas instituted.12/06/1888
Reddy, MaggieTestimonial benefit at Cummings Hose Hall.10/18/1888
Reed, Dr. Charles F. Singular condition of.05/13/1886
Reed, Dr. Of Brooklyn, NY. Sketch of.12/07/1876
Reed, Mrs. F. O. of Boston. Buried in Burlington.11/22/1883
Reed, George W.Sudden death of.01/25/1877
Reed, Moses W. of Burlington. Obituary.08/06/1885
Reform Club, The---04/27/1876
Reform Club, The New---03/14/1878
Relief Corps, Woman’sNo. 83 Instituted. No. 84 Instituted. 03/24/1887
ReunionThe five remaining boys who forty-eight years ago attended the private school of Rev. Mr. Leamon, a Baptist Minister in Woburn, held a reunion at the house of John Cummings, Esq. 10/25/1872
Rhodes, Mrs. Mother of John B. Rhodes of Winchester. Death of.01/28/1886
Rhodes, W. H. Presentation.05/23/1878
Rice, Mrs. C. V. Farewell.03/14/1878
Rice, Georgeof Winchester. Obituary.03/08/1888
Rice, JamesDriver of Steamer No. 1. Obituary.04/16/1885
Rice, Mrs. Lenora P. Wife of Capt. J. F. Rice of Burlington. Obituary.05/12/1887
Rice, Mrs. NancyThe oldest person in Plymouth County died last week aged 101 years, 9 months and 27 days.08/19/1886
Rice, Mr. & Mrs. ThomasSilver wedding.08/23/1883
Rich, O. Printed letter attacking Rev. J. F. Winckley, rector Trinity (Episcopal) Church, Woburn.07/15/1880
Richards, D. H. Salem Street. Birthday party.12/27/1883
Richardson, Albert L. Obituary.04/29/1886
Richardson, Emma C. m. A. F. Fisher of Orange.08/09/1883
Richardson, Frank B. m. Carrie E. Gage.07/03/1884
Richardson, Frank B. Account of.07/03/1884
Richardson, George W. of Winchester. Unsound mind; taken to an Asylum.03/03/1887
Richardson, Capt. HenryOf Cleveland, Ohio. Son of Samuel Richardson of Winchester. Obituary.09/18/1884
Richardson, Herbert L. Presentation.01/25/1883
Richardson, JeduthanNarrow escape from being run over at the Highland Station.07/17/1879
Richardson L. GerrishObituary.01/24/1884
Richardson L. GerrishResolution.01/24/1884
Richardson, P. L. Return to Woburn.11/14/1878
Richardson, Samuelof Lawrence Street. Insane; taken to the McLean Asylum.04/06/1882
Richardson, Mr. & Mrs. Sumnerof Winchester. Golden Wedding.12/01/1887
Ricker, CliffordMysterious disappearance.12/25/1884
Ricker, CliffordReturns home.01/01/1885
Ricker, CliffordCorrection.01/08/1885
Robbery Attempted HighwayThomas Wolf and Benjamin M. Allerton, held up, near the Chemical Works, North Woburn.12/16/1880
Robbery Attempted HighwayThe Robbery Case.12/23/1880
Robertson, Mrs. JamesOf North Woburn. Fatal accident.08/17/1882
Robie, ToppanObituary.02/04/1875
Robinson, Charlesof Lexington, father of Governor Robinson. Death of.05/27/1886
Robinson, Rev. J. A. Pastor, St. John’s Baptist Church. Resigns.09/20/1888
Robinson, Vanie B. m. Herbert B. Dow.01/04/1883
Robinson,Vanie B. Presentation.12/28/1882
Rogan, Mrs. P.Burlington. Presented with a silver cake basket.06/07/1888
Rogers, Ann (Faulkner)Widow of Caloni Rogers of North Billerica “A Remarkable Old Lady.”08/09/1888
Rogers, JamesArraigned for Perjury. Naturalization Case.02/12/1874
Rogers, JamesThat perjury case. 02/19/1874
Rogers, JamesThe perjury case.02/26/1874
Rogers, James E. Of Montvale has identified and recovered a silver cake basket and pitcher found in the “Robbers Cave” at Reading, which were stolen from his residence three years ago.12/28/1882
Rogers, John F. Suicide.04/26/1872
Roller SkatingSee also Monroe & Newton. New Skating Rink. Woburn Skating Academy.02/07/1884
Rollins, Susie J. m. Edward Simonds. Burlington.11/22/1883
Rooney, FrankDrowned in the Aberjona River, Winchester.12/28/1882
Roulo, WilliamPresentation.11/23/1882
Royal Conclave of Knights and Ladies, TheSome preliminary steps have been taken to institute another secret co-operative insurance organization in Woburn.05/17/1888
Rumford, CountArticle on.11/29/1883
Rumford, CountArticle on by Charles Cowley.09/02/1886
Rumford, CountBuilding, 77-89 Union St., Boston Where Count Rumford served an apprenticeship partially destroyed by fire.01/22/1874
Rumford, CountPortrait of.09/14/1876
Rumford, CountPortrait at the Woburn Public Library.05/03/1883
Rumford, CountA violin said to have belonged to him now owned by S. L. Chandler, Fryeburg, Maine. 12/13/1883
Rumford, Count“Was Rumford A Tory.”05/25/1876
Rumford, Count“Was Rumford A Tory.”06/08/1876
Rumford, CountAn Absentee.07/27/1876
Rumford Estate, TheA list of the claims exhibited and allowed against the estate of Benjamin Thompson, late of Woburn, absentee.03/22/1877
Rumford Historical AssociationAnnual meeting.03/31/1881
Rumford Historical AssociationSpecial Meeting.08/10/1881
Rumford Historical AssociationCorrections.08/18/1881
Rumford Historical AssociationAdjourned meeting.10/13/1881
Rumford Historical AssociationAnnual meeting.03/29/1883
Rumford Historical AssociationAnnual meeting.04/01/1886
Rumford Historical AssociationAnnual meeting.03/31/1887
Rumford Historical AssociationAdjourned meeting.04/14/1887
Rumford Historical AssociationOrganized on the 6th inst., etc. 04/19/1877
Rumford Historical AssociationPresented by M. Litchfield with a Rumford medal.04/17/1879
Rumford Historical AssociationPresented with an antique mahogany bedstead by Prentice L. Barnard.10/15/1885
Rumford Historical AssociationPresented with trunk which formerly belonged to Count Rumford, by James Nolan of the Boston Museum.10/28/1880
Rumford Historical AssociationSpecial meeting.12/09/1888
Rumford Historical AssociationSpecial meeting held at W. R. Cutter’s this evening May 25 to hear an address of Rev. E. G. Porter of Lexington, on Count Rumford, etc. 05/25/1882
Rumford House, The--12/31/1874
Rumford Library AssociationOrganized.04/12/1877
Rumford Library, TheCommittee to purchase the Rumford estate at North Woburn.04/20/1876
Rumford Library, TheCommittee to purchase the Rumford Estate at North Woburn.07/20/1876
Rumford MemorialA number of gentlemen… met at the Residence of the Hon. John Cummings…to consider the matter of giving the memory of Count Rumford some proper recognition in this, his native town.09/28/1882
Rumford Residence45 Brompton Row, London, Eng. Advertisement. Auction Sale of Household Furniture, Paintings, etc. 10/25/1883
Rumford’s Wife Count---05/08/1884
Russell, Martha A.. Resolutions.04/07/1887
Ryan, RebeccaAged 4 years, dau. of Thomas Ryan, Cummingsville, burned to death.12/14/1876
Sabbath School Teachersof the Boston North Baptist Association hold their 25th annual convention at the First Baptist Church, Woburn.02/22/1877
St. Charles Catholic T. A. SocietyWill dedicate their new hall on Broad Street, Monday evening, Oct. 2.09/20/1888
St. Charles Catholic T. A. SocietyDedication.10/04/1888
St. Charles Catholic T. A. SocietyTo dedicate their new room, Lyceum Hall Building, next Thursday evening.02/07/1884
St. Charles Catholic T. A. SocietyTo dedicate their new room, Lyceum Hall Building, next Thursday evening.02/14/1884
St. Charles Catholic Temperance SocietyParade.10/15/1874
St. Charles Catholic T. A. SocietyCelebrate St. Patrick’s Day.03/19/1874
St. Charles Catholic T. A. SocietyDedication of St. John’s Institute. 10/24/1878
St. Charles T. A. SocietyNew hall, St. John’s Institute, nearly completed.05/16/1878
St. Charles Total Abstinence Soc. Dedication of their new hall.06/07/1872
St. Charles Total Abstinence Soc.Presented with a banner.08/16/1872
St. Clair, WilliamAged 85 years, dropped dead at the residence of his son-in-law Joseph A. Merrill, Beacon Street.02/20/1879
St. John’s InstituteDedication of.10/24/1878
St. Josephs (Catholic) Church East Woburn. The parish of East Woburn and Winchester are bringing to completion their new church building in East Woburn.01/30/1879
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church East Woburn. Dedication of.05/08/1879
St Mary’s Catholic Church Winchester. Dedicated Last Sunday.02/28/1884
Salmon, AnnWife of Thomas Salmon. Obituary.03/31/1881
Salvation ArmyEditorial “A Small Affair” about the Salvation Army parading on the streets, etc. 06/14/1888
Salvation Army Commonwealth vs. Hummell.06/21/1888
Salvation Army of AmericaWill open meetings in Rifle Hall, Opposite Central Hotel.10/06/1887
Samson, Mr. & Mrs. S. D. of East Woburn. Silver wedding.05/09/1878
Sanborn, Carolineof Winchester. Burial of.04/08/1886
Sanborn, OrrinObituary.05/20/1880
Sanborn, S. T. of Winchester. Killed in a railroad accident at Carter’s Crossing, Wilmington.09/23/1880
Sanborn, S. T. Obituary.09/30/1880
Sanborn, Mrs. S. T. of Winchester. Seriously injured in a railroad accident at Carter’s Crossing, Wilmington.09/23/1880
Sanderson, Edwardand Charles E. Sanderson. Lawn party. Celebrating the 70th birthday and 43rd anniversary of the marriage of Edward Sanderson, and 17th anniversary of his son’s Charles E. Sanderson, marriage.06/23/1887
Sargent, William H. Son of Dr. I. Sargent of Woburn died at Elizabeth, New Jersey, June 25th .07/12/1883
Sayford, S. M. Secretary Y.M.C.A. of Mass. tendered a reception in Woburn.09/17/1882
Scales, Dr. Thomas S.Obituary.06/16/1881
Scales, Dr. Thomas S. Funeral of.06/23/1881
Scandinavian Prohibition ClubOrganized.09/22/1887
Scandinavian ServiceService in the Scandinavian language will be held in the rooms of the Young Men’s Christian Association, Allen’s Block, next Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock.08/10/1882
Scandinavian ServiceService held.08/17/1882
School, Evening---11/22/1883
Schwabe’s, CountGallery of Fallen Heroes.10/20/1871
Seaman, Rev. Mr. The five remaining boys (John Cummings, Joshua P. Converse, Geo. Winn, Henry Tidd, and Stephen Nichols) who attended the private school 48 years ago of Rev. Mr. Seaman, a Baptist minister in Woburn, held a reunion at the house of John Cummings, Esq. Two of the original seven, Jeremiah Mead and Sumner Young have died.10/25/1872
Senatorship, Contested---01/21/1875
Senatorship, Contested---01/28/1875
Senatorship, Contested---02/04/1875
Sewall, Samuel Brownof Burlington. Obituary.07/12/1883
Seward Farm, JoshuaSold to E. C. Coleman.07/22/1886
Seward, JoshuaArticle on the will of. 09/17/1885
Sexton, TimothyIllegal voting.05/14/1874
Shandley, MichaelLiquor license revoked.07/31/1884
Sharon, Mrs. J. D. of Winchester. Obituary.06/18/1885
Sharon, JosephWinchester. Recognition of Faithful Services05/19/1887
Sharon, JosephPresented with $105 in gold.05/26/1887
Sharon, MaryOf Winchester. Birthday anniversary. 85 Years Old.03/05/1885
Sharry, Patrick J. His daughter, 4 years old, fatally burned.01/17/1884
Shattuck, AmosFatal accident.12/20/1888
Shattuck, AmosInquest.12/20/1888
Shaw, LewisObituary.02/27/1879
Shaw, Marcus M. Presentation.12/28/1882
Shea, MichaelTreasurer. St. Chas. T. A. Soc. Funeral of.03/04/1875
Shearman, Rev. S. M. Resigns as Rector of the Trinity Episcopal Church.11/16/1876
Shearman, Rev. S. U. Farewell sermon of Trinity Episcopal Church.11/30/1876
Shearman, Rev. Sumner U. of Jamaica Plain m. Mary D. Wyman of Woburn.06/14/1877
Shedd, Susanof Burlington. Obituary.03/10/1887
Sheehan, JamesObituary.01/21/1886
Sherburne, BoodyObituary.12/10/1874
Shipton’s Prophecy, Mother---12/29/1871
Shipton’s Prophecy, MotherArticle On. Charles Hindley pretended to republish the same in 1862 and interpolated ten prophecies of his own composition; Hindley confessed his imposition in 1873.02/10/1881
Shoe Making in the PastN.06/07/1883
Shoe Making in the PastN.07/19/1883
Shoe Making in the PastN.09/20/1883
Shoe Making in the PastN.10/04/1883
Shoe Making in the PastN.11/01/1883
Shoe Making in the PastN.11/29/1883
Shoe Stock Manufacturers---01/15/1874
Short, J. E. of Lowell. an old conductor, B.&L. R. R. Death of.01/21/1886
Silk Culture in WoburnCharles Cowley.08/19/1886
Silver MineNear Spot Pond, Medford.09/08/1881
Simmonson, Rev. George A. of Newark, N. J., accepts call of the First Baptist Church, Woburn.04/17/1882
Simonds, Carriem. H. E. Blakely.12/22/1881
Simonds, EdwardCowardly assault on. 09/27/1872
Simonds, Edwardm. Susie J. Rollins. Burlington.11/22/1883
Simonds, George H. Presented with a regulation sword and two belts.05/12/1881
Simonds, Mary Lizziem. Edward F. Johnson.09/28/1882
Simonds, N. J. Fiftieth birthday presentation.10/15/1885
Simonds, N. J. Inaugurates the electric light system.07/23/1885
Simonds, N. J. Presentation.12/29/1871
Simonds, Jr. SullivanObituary.02/14/1884
Simonds, Rev. U. M. Pastor, Methodist Episcopal church, preached a discourse on the attempted assassination of President Garfield.07/14/1881
Simonson, Rev. George A. Installation as pastor of the Woburn First Baptist Church this evening.06/08/1882
Simonson, Rev. George A. Installation. 06/15/1882
Simonson, Rev. George A. Obituary.01/24/1884
Simonson, Rev. Rev. J. Frank Winchley, rector, Trinity Episcopal church, in his sermon last Sunday made kind allusion to the late Rev. Mr. Simonson and prayers were offered for his family.01/24/1884
Sinclair, Alonzo L. Fowle St, Woburn. Seriously injured by the cars at Lynn.12/09/1886
Sister, Ignatius of the Cross(Anastasia Cullen) of the Order of Notre Dame. Obituary.11/25/1886
Sisters’ SchoolRev. John Quealy has given permission to the Sisters of Notre Dame of Cincinnati, Ohio, to organize a school in St. Charles Parish…10/12/1882
Skating Rink, NewJ. W. McDonald, Charles Shute and William Carter are going to build a Skating Rink on the Leathe Lot, Montvale Ave.03/20/1884
Skating Rinks, RollerMonroe and Newton. Main Street. Woburn Skating Academy. Montvale Avenue.05/29/1884
Skeleton, Bradfordof Burlington. Obituary.06/11/1885
Skelton, Catherineof Burlington. Obituary.10/09/1884
Skelton, Davidof Burlington. Obituary.11/15/1883
Skelton, Mrs. Wymanof Burlington. Obituary.07/10/1884
Skillings, David N. Of Winchester. Death of.03/11/1880
Skillings, David N.Obituary.03/18/1880
Skillings, David N.Bequests.03/25/1880
Skilton, Stephenof Burlington. Sudden death.06/27/1873
Skinner, Mr. & Mrs. JamesWooden wedding.11/05/1874
Slack, Charles W. Editor, Boston Commonwealth. Obituary.04/23/1885
Sleeper, Horace L. of Winchester. Obituary.12/04/1884
Sloan, JohnRailroad accident.02/19/1874
Sloan, JohnOut again: discharged from the Mass. Genl. Hospital.06/11/1874
Small, ElizabethWidow of Dr. Samuel Sewall died at Lewiston, Maine, Tuesday aged 100 years.08/05/1886
Smith, Brooksof Lexington, sudden death in Winchester.03/25/1875
Smith, C. Willardm. S. Lillian Thompson.09/22/1881
Smith, Cyrusof Lincoln, father Mrs. Leonard Thompson. Obituary.01/05/1882
Smith, Gardner H. A former resident of Winchester, seriously injured in a railroad accident, near Denver, Col. 11/27/1884
Smith, Gardner H. Correction.12/04/1884
Smith, Hon. Hezekiah B. of Smithville, New Jersey. Interesting sketch of.11/28/1878
Smith, MariaA false claim for a pension. Said to be the wife of Moses Butler, Co. K., 39th Massachusetts Regiment, who died at Salisbury N. C., winter of 1864-5.10/28/1886
Smith, MariaA fake claim for a pension. Said to be the wife of Moses Baster, Co. K., 39th Massachusetts Regiment, who died at Salisbury N. C., winter of 1864-5.10/28/1886
Smith, Mary Frances (Tenney)Winchester. Death of.09/29/1887
Smith, Thomasof Winchester. Found dead.11/10/1887
Smallpox ---01/03/1873
Snake, BlackSeen on Horn Pond mountain, with a white ring around his neck, about eighteen feet long and 4 inches in diameter.07/27/1882
Snow, John F. At San Francisco, California.06/30/1871
SnowstormA Blizzard03/15/1888
SnowstormOne snowstorm.02/02/1882
SnowstormAnother big storm.02/09/1882
Snowstorm, Big---02/07/1878
Soldier’s Headstones---03/27/1879
Soldier’s Headstones---04/10/1879
Soldier’s HomePowder Hill, Chelsea. Opened Tuesday, for the reception of guests.07/27/1882
Soldiers Home, Trustees ofTo visit Woburn…to examine the old Flagg Place, Vernon Street, with a view to purchase.03/11/1880
Somerville, City ofA committee from the City Government of Somerville visited Woburn to examine the working of the steam fire alarm gong.02/26/1885
Sons of TemperanceGrand Division, held Quarterly meeting in Lyceum Hall, Woburn.07/22/1875
Sons of VeteransCharles Meriam Camp, No. 3, sons of veterans of the United States, was instituted last night…07/12/1883
Sounding Board, TheA Woburn Ditty.06/10/1886
Souther, Carrie A. M. Winchester, Death of.08/25/1887
Spear, CharlesKeeper of the Almshouse bitten by an inmate.08/05/1880
Spelling MatchBetween High School graduates and scholars at Lyceum Hall.04/08/1875
Spelling MatchWoburn vs. Winchester.04/15/1875
Spelling MatchSpelling match at Lyceum Hall.04/29/1875
Spicer, Commodore William F. U. S. Navy, Commandant at the Boston Navy Yard, died Nov. 29, 1878. Obituary.12/05/1878
Sprague, Timothyof Stoneham, died Jan. 24, 1881 a. 95 y.01/27/1881
Standard Time and Measurement---01/10/1884
Standard Time, Change InOn Sunday, Nov. 18, the time ball will fall and the noon bells will ring in Boston at 44 minutes 16 seconds after 11 o’clock.10/18/1883
Standard Time, Change InThe Standard Time.11/22/1883
Standard Time, NewIs Legal time, Decision of Judge Holmes, Supreme Court.12/06/1883
Standard Time, NewThere was quite a gathering at the Woburn Centre Railroad Station at high noon Sunday waiting for the new time to be telegraphed from Boston.11/22/1883
Standard Time, NewThe time ball, the dropping of which at the top of the Equitable Building in Boston, has marked the noon hour, is to be discontinued for want of the necessary funds to keep it going.09/11/1884
Stanley, Mr. & Mrs. FrederickWooden wedding.01/31/1884
Stark, Caroline J. of Winchester. Death of.01/19/1888
Stark, FrancisSudden death.04/20/1882
State Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, Theof the Loyal Orange Institution of the U.S.A. Semi-Annual meeting held in Fraternity Hall, 121 Main Street, Woburn, to-day.12/03/1885
Statue of LibertyNew York Harbor. An appeal for funds.09/11/1884
Stearns, Mr. & Mrs. Isaac D. Silver wedding.09/21/1882
Stearns, Onslowof Concord, N. H. Obituary.01/02/1879
Steele, Frederickm. Alice Howitt Allen at Osterville.09/23/1886
Stevens, Charles H. Co. G., Woburn Mechanic Phalanx charges brought before the Court Martial sustained; decision reserved.12/01/1881
Stevens, Charles H. Launched his new yacht, the “Winnie D”, upon Horn Pond last Wednesday forenoon…05/17/1888
Stevens, Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Surprise party.10/13/1887
Stevens, Darius R. Fatal accident.12/27/1872
Stevens, Joseph H. Fatal result.11/15/1877
Stevens, Mr. & Mrs. Orrin W. 25th wedding anniversary. A jolly party.01/15/1880
Stewart, Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Wooden wedding.05/30/1878
Stewart, HughA young child of Mr. Hugh Stewart, formerly of Burlington, buried there last Sunday.07/26/1883
Stewart, HughOf Cambridgeport. Burial of his young son at Burlington. Diphtheria.08/02/1883
Stickney, Sadie (Baldwin)In memoriam.06/28/1883
Still, Mrs. L. A. Widow of O. R. Still. Sudden death of.08/18/1887
Still, O. R. Obituary.09/09/1880
Stockenbury, Nelson J. Burial of.12/20/1888
Stockman, John M. At San Francisco, California.06/30/1871
Stone, Josiah F. of Winchester. Obituary.01/27/1881
Stone, Mrs. J. FrankWinchester. Funeral of.02/23/1888
Stone, Mrs. J. FrankDeath of.02/16/1888
StormSevere thunder storm accompanied by hail; much damage done in Woburn and Winchester.09/14/1882
Stoneham and WoburnHorse Railroad bought by the Lynn Horse Railroad Company.11/11/1886
Stoneham Street Railroad Co.Granted a location connecting with the North Woburn Street R.R. Co., at Main and Salem Streets, thence Salem, Pine, Orange, Central and Montvale Stoneham Line.01/27/1887
Stoneham Street R. R. Company Petition the legislature to change their name to East Middlesex Street R. R. Company.04/21/1887
StormA Tempest. Much damage done.07/17/1879
Storm, The---03/23/1876
Storm, TheFreshet in Winchester.03/23/1876
Storm, The GreatMuch damage done by lightning.08/15/1878
Storm, TerrificThe thunder and rain-storm of last Friday afternoon was the most severe that has visited Woburn for years.08/04/1887
Stowers, Joseph B. Obituary.03/27/1879
Strafford, MauriceA lad of fifteen missing Since Aug. 15.08/30/1877
Strafford, ThomasCo. G, Woburn Machine Phalanx Court Marshall recommends his dishonorable discharge.09/29/1881
Strafford, WilliamHuman Cussedness. 08/08/1878
Strafford, WilliamHuman Cussedness.08/15/1878
Stratton, Abigail (Richardson)of Winchester. Obituary.07/19/1888
Strout, Mr. & Mrs. C. W. 11th wedding anniversary.02/17/1887
Subterranean RetreatFound near the Chemical works, North Woburn…10/26/1882
Sullivan, BridgetFrom the State almshouse, Tewksbury, found in Woburn.11/29/1888
Sullivan, Katie E. m. James P. Collins.02/28/1884
Sullivan, MichaelFatal accident.11/03/1871
Sullivan, MichaelInquest.11/10/1871
Sullivan, Nannie(Julia Hourihan) of Woburn, aged 100 years, killed by the cars at Winchester.12/28/1882
Sullivan, NannieObituary.01/04/1883
Sullivan, NannieInquest finding.01/18/1883
Sullivan, Sarah ElizabethA sad affair. Inquest.06/08/1876
Sullivan, Sarah ElizabethVerdict.06/15/1876
Sumner, CharlesDeath of.03/12/1874
Sunday CoachBetween Woburn and Winchester connecting with the trains to and from Boston.05/10/1877
Sunday Railroad TrainsEditorial on.05/24/1877
Sunday Railroad TrainsEditorial on.05/31/1877
Sunday Trains to and from Bostonon the Woburn Branch R. R. commenced running last Sunday.07/19/1877
Suter, Rev. John Wallacem. Helen Jenkins, Winchester.01/19/1888
Sutton Medal, TheAward Co. G, Woburn Mechanic Phalanx.08/31/1882
Svenson, AnnieUnsuccessful attempt to down herself… in Frog Pond.09/08/1887
Swamp AngelsVolunteer Hose Company at Central Square, Organized under the name of. 01/02/1879
Sweetser, Hannah B. of Winchester. Bequests of.01/27/1887
Sweetser, Samuel ClarkSudden death.06/05/1879
Sweetser, Theodore H. Obituary.05/11/1882
Swift, HarryHis bake house on Railroad St., burned.10/14/1875
Swift, Maudem. John E. McClure at St. Charles Church.06/15/1876
Sykes, JosephLiquor license revoked.07/31/1884
Symmes, Charlotteof Winchester died Nov. 30, 1884 , a. 87.02/11/1884
Symmes, Jennie (Metcalf)of Winchester. Death of.09/15/1887
Symmes, Jennie (Metcalf)Funeral services.09/22/1887
Symmes, Mrs. Josephof Winchester. Sudden death of.03/31/1871
Symmes, Samuel S. m. Jennie E. Metcalf. Winchester.12/10/1885
Taffe, JohnFelonious Assault.05/10/1883
Taffe, JohnIndicted.06/14/1883
Talbot Ex Gov. ThomasObituary.10/15/1885
Talty, MaggieFatal burning accident.09/17/1885
Tanners and CarriersMass meeting.12/27/1888
Tanning Human Skin---04/19/1883
Tanton, Mr. & Mrs. WilliamSurprise.06/07/1872
Taxpayers$100 and Over.08/09/1872
Taxpayers$50 to $100.08/16/1872
TaxpayersThose who pay $50 and over.08/22/1878
TaxpayersThose who pay $100 and over.08/07/1879
TaxpayersThose who pay $100 and over.10/14/1880
TaxpayersThose who pay $100 and over.08/22/1873
TaxpayersThose who pay $100 and over.08/23/1877
TaxpayersThose who pay $100 and over.09/01/1881
TaxpayersThose who pay $100 and over.08/24/1882
TaxpayersThose who pay $100 and over.08/23/1883
TaxpayersThose who pay $100 and over.08/21/1884
TaxpayersThose who pay $100 and over.08/20/1885
Tay, Edward C.of Wilmington formerly of Woburn. Insane; taken to Danvers Asylum.08/07/1884
Taylor, Benjaminof Burlington. Fatal accident.12/26/1878
Taylor, Dolly97 years old last Saturday, May 13.05/18/1882
Taylor, DollyDied aged 97 years, 2 months, 25 days. Obituary.08/10/1882
Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. FranklinChina wedding.07/18/1873
Taylor, J. D. Presentation.01/02/1879
Taylor, Susieof Burlington. Obituary.12/31/1885
Taylor, Thomas C. m. Sofia Carpenter.01/09/1879
Teachers ConventionMiddlesex County Teachers Convention Held in Cummings Schoolhouse, Woburn.04/15/1875
Teare, MargaretWidow of Philip Teare, died at Brockton yesterday.02/04/1886
Teare, PhilipInsane; taken to Danvers Asylum.02/09/1881
Teare, PhilipObituary.09/15/1881
Tebbets, Mr. & Mrs. Enochof Burlington. Golden wedding.11/20/1879
Tebbets, Mrs. of Burlington. Obituary.04/02/1885
Tebbets, Mrs. E. of Burlington. 78th Birthday.12/06/1883
Telephone, TheLecture & concert to be given on, etc. 02/07/1878
Telephone, TheThe Telephone.02/14/1878
Temperance Convention CatholicThe Catholic Total Abstinence Union of the Archdiocese of Boston, held its Fifth annual convention in Woburn.04/14/1881
TelephoneCommunication with Boston the last of the week.11/24/1881
TelephoneNew in operation.12/15/1881
TelephoneA public telephone is to be put in the post office at North Woburn.07/20/1882
TelephoneTo introduce the telephone in town.06/12/1879
Telephone ExchangeReceived permission to erect poles for telephone lines in Woburn.09/15/1881
TelephonyProf. Bell’s demonstrations.01/25/1877
Temperance Document, An Old---08/10/1876
Temperance in WoburnForty Years Ago.12/29/1871
Temperance Movement, TheBy C. G. Waterman.06/25/1871
Temperance Movement, TheBy C. G. Waterman.07/02/1885
Temperance Movement, TheBy C. G. Waterman.07/23/1885
Temperance Movement, TheBy C. G. Waterman.07/30/1885
Temperance Movement, TheBy C. G. Waterman.08/13/1885
Temperance Movement, TheBy C. G. Waterman.08/20/1885
Temperance Movement, TheBy C. G. Waterman.08/27/1885
Temperance Movement, TheBy C. G. Waterman.09/03/1885
Temperance Reform, The---02/17/1876
Temperance Reform, The---02/22/1876
Temperance Reform, The---03/02/1876
Temperance Reform, The---03/09/1876
Temperance Reform, The---03/23/1876
Temperance Reform, The---03/30/1876
Temperance Reform, The---04/13/1876
Temperance Reform, The---04/20/1876
Temperance Reform, The---04/27/1876
Temperance Reform, The---05/04/1876
Temperance Reform, The---05/25/1876
Temperance Reform, The---06/01/1876
Temperance Reform, The---06/08/1876
Temperance Reform, The---07/06/1876
Temperance Reform, The---10/19/1876
Temperance, Sons ofSurrender of, Charter of Mishawum Division #59.12/28/1876
Temperance Union, Women’s ChristianHeld a County mass meeting in Woburn.04/22/1880
Temple, ElizaOf Milton. Aunt of Mark Allen. Obituary.11/04/1886
Temple of HonorUnited Temple No. 7 of the Order of the Temple of Honor…instituted in Woburn.11/01/1883
Temple of Honor UnitedNo. 7 surrenders its charter.05/14/1885
Tennis ClubOrganized.07/15/1886
Thatcher, Henry KnoxRear Admiral U. S. Navy. Obituary.04/08/1880
Thatcher, Susan CoreyWidow of Rear Admiral Henry Knox Thatcher of Wilmington died in Boston.02/02/1888
Thayer, JohnWyman Street. Found dead.08/25/1887
Thayer, John NorcrossOf Peterboro, NH, died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. H. M. Shephard, Winchester, and buried at Hartford, Conn. Obituary.06/02/1887
Theobald, WilliamOf Stoneham thought drowned in Spot Pond. Found in Concord, N.H.09/27/1888
Third Light Battery Association---10/03/1878
Third Light Battery AssociationReunion of the Third Light Battery association and the 22nd Mass Regt. in Woburn.10/10/1878
Thirty-Ninth Massachusetts RegimentFifteenth Annual Reunion held in Woburn.10/06/1881
Thirty-Ninth RegimentHistory of. 09/23/1875
Thirty Ninth RegimentReunion in Woburn.10/07/1875
Thompson, A. E. of Woburn. Candidate for Lieut. Governor Biographical sketch of.09/09/1880
Thompson, A. E. Contested Senatorship.09/09/1880
Thompson, A. E. Contested Senatorship.01/21/1875
Thompson, A. E. Contested Senatorship.01/28/1875
Thompson, A. E. Contested Senatorship.02/04/1875
Thompson, AaronObituary.06/21/1888
Thompson, AaronPresentation.01/07/1886
Thompson, AlbertNorth Woburn. Sudden death.01/07/1875
Thompson, Mr. & Mrs. E. E. Silver wedding.09/12/1873
Thompson, G. M. Surprise; presentation.02/23/1888
Thompson, Mr. & Mrs. L. W. Tenth wedding anniversary.10/28/1886
Thompson, Rev. LeanderTo write a sketch of the schools in Woburn for the last 100 years.02/10/1876
Thompson, Col. LeonardNahant a Hundred years ago.09/11/1879
Thompson, Colonel LeonardA veteran Democrat.11/18/1880
Thompson, Colonel LeonardObituary.12/30/1880
Thompson, Col. LeonardVisits Nahant.09/06/1880
Thompson, Colonel LeonardWill of.01/13/1881
Thompson, LeonardOf Woburn. Presents a portrait of his father, Colonel Leonard Thompson, to the Burlington Public Library.05/17/1888
Thompson, S. Lillianm. C. William Smith.09/22/1881
Thompson, Esq. SamuelThe Dark day.05/20/1880
Thompson, Samuel F. Insane; taken to Danvers Asylum.12/05/1878
Thompson, Capt. Samuel J. His revolver, lost at the battle of Malvern Hill, obtained by promise from parties in Virginia, by his son-in-law, N. W. Eaton.03/03/1881
Thompson, W. C. Son of Daniel P. Thompson at Omaha, Neb.06/30/1871
Thumb, General Tom(Charles Howard Stratton). Death of.07/19/1883
Thumb, General TomSketch of, on last page of the,07/26/1883
Thunet, HarryBurlington. Presented with $70.04/21/1887
Thurston, Samuel83 years old; surprise party.03/10/1881
Thurston, SamuelObituary.09/02/1886
Thurston, SamuelCorrection.09/09/1886
Tidd, Charles A. Obituary.05/25/1876
Tidd, John D. Obituary.04/03/1879
Tidd, John E.Appointed Deputy Sheriff to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Horace Collamore.01/14/1886
Tidd, John E. Deputy Sheriff Qualified for Office.01/21/1886
Tidd, Mr. & Mrs. Marshall25th Anniversary Wedding.06/23/1871
Tidd, MarshallDiscovers a Natural Curiosity at Mount Willoughby, Willoughby Lake.10/19/1882
Tidd, MarshallA Cent on its Travels.05/10/1883
Tidd, MarshallOf Northern Woburn Writes…With Reference to a Brilliant Celestial Phenomenon He Witnessed One Evening Last Week.10/20/1887
Tidd, Mrs. MarshallWho is 80 Years Old Today Visited Last Saturday, Two of her Schoolmates in Lexington.07/05/1888
Tilden, Samuel J. Died at Greystone, NY yesterday morning.08/05/1886
Tilden, Samuel JonesBiographical Sketch of.02/24/1876
Tillson, David E. Formerly of Woburn m. Virginia A. Burgess of Macon, Georgia.06/08/1882
Tillson, DavidFuneral of.12/12/1873
Tillson, David H. Serious Accident, Death of.01/19/1872
Tillson, David H. Masonic Funeral.01/27/1872
Toland, DominickWoburn John Cummings Hose Co., No. 3. Funeral of.05/03/1888
Tompkins, Dr. Orlando Of Boston, Obituary.12/04/1884
TortoiseOne caught weighing 16 lbs. near Rag Rock.06/18/1874
Tory Renegade, TheOr the Wife’s Judgement. A Patriotic Drama in Two Acts by Mark Allen.01/27/1876
Tory Renegade, TheOr the Wife’s Judgement. A Patriotic Drama in Two Acts by Mark Allen.02/10/1876
Totman, WilliamObituary.11/13/1884
Townly, Rev. H. C. Resigns as Pastor, Woburn First Baptist Church.04/26/1872
Townsend, JacobOf Wakefield.10/05/1882
Tracey, JamesMissing since March 14, found in the river at Chelmsford.04/30/1885
Tracey, JamesSee also, William Tracey in03/26/1885
Tracy, WilliamMissing.03/26/1885
Tracy, William See also James Tracey in Adv. 03/30/1885
Trinty ChurchUnsigned Communication.05/13/1880
Trinity Parish (Episcopal)The True Inwardness of Church government defined. G.08/18/1881
Trinity Parish (Episcopal)Modern Conservatism and the Primitive Church compared. G.08/25/1881
Trowan, Henry G. Attempted suicide.08/14/1879
Trowan, Henry C. His shop on Broad St., destroyed by fire.11/26/1874
Trowbridge, Alice A. Wife of Joseph S. Trowbridge of Winchester. Obituary.09/18/1884
True, Mr. & Mrs. John S. Surprise and presentation.02/10/1876
Trull, Alvahof New York. His remains buried in Burlington.03/02/1882
Trull, ElbridgeObituary.06/09/1887
Trull, Col. Ezra J. Obituary.05/06/1886
Trull, Dr. SamuelObituary.05/25/1876
Tucker, Sarah B. m. Henry H. Butler, Winchester.06/30/1887
Turner, A. C. Family reunion.06/03/1886
Tweed, Davidof Central Square, dropped dead.12/13/1877
Tweed, JamesObituary.07/21/1881
Twenty-second Massachusetts RegimentArrangements being made for the reunion of the regiment in Woburn.09/26/1878
Twenty-second Massachusetts RegimentReception of.10/03/1878
Twenty-second Massachusetts RegimentReunion of the 22nd Mass. Regt., and the 3d Light Battery Association, held in Woburn.10/10/1878
Twenty-second RegimentReunion at Quincy House, Boston.12/20/1883
Twombly, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel W. of Winchester. Coral wedding.09/20/1882
Twombly, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel W. of Winchester, 42d wedding anniversary.09/17/1885
Twombly, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel W. of Winchester, 44th wedding Anniversary.09/15/1887
Tyler, Frank E. of Belmont, accidentally shot himself in Cummingsville.09/12/1878
Tyler, James P. Obituary.08/25/1881
Tyler, James P. Correction.09/01/1881
Union Weekly, The Formerly known as the Woburn Courier.06/05/1884
Union Weekly, theIn dispute.06/12/1884
Unitarian ChurchVote to extend a call to Rev. H. C. Parker, Nashua, NH.04/05/1888
Unitarian Church ClockRope supporting one of the weights broke…and the weight, which weighs between 400 and 500 pounds crashed through the ceiling to the audience room…08/01/1878
Unitarian ClubOrganization of.10/11/1888
Unitarian ConferenceThe South Middlesex Conference of the Unitarian Churches, held in Woburn.06/10/1880
United American Mechanics, Order ofLiberty Council No. 38 of Woburn Order of United American Mechanics, recently instituted. Officers of. 12/13/1888
Universalist ChurchThe Old Murray Church, Gloucester, Massachusetts, the first Universalist Church in America, built for Rev. John Murray, in 1780, has been partially blown down and the remainder has been removed.12/06/1883
Upton, Mrs. David R. N. Wilmington. Obituary.03/27/1884
Usher, Mrs. John S. of Brooklyn, NY, in Winchester.06/30/1879
Utopian Lawn Tennis AssociationOrganization of. Grounds, corner Mount Pleasant and Prospect Streets.12/02/1886
Utopian Lawn Tennis AssociationGrounds to be opened June 17.06/02/1887
Utopian Lawn Tennis AssociationGrounds opened.06/23/1887
Valentine, Benjamin F. Attempted suicide; taken to Tewksbury Almshouse.09/09/1880
Van Colt, Maggie NewtonPreaches in the Methodist Episcopal Church.02/09/1872
Van Colt, Maggie NewtonPreaches in the Methodist Episcopal Church02/16/1872
Van Colt, Maggie NewtonPreaches in the Methodist Episcopal Church.02/23/1872
Van Colt, Maggie NewtonMiraculous Cure.03/01/1872
Vaughan, Mrs. MargaretBorn in County Mayo, Ireland, Mar. 15, 1766, died in Danville, Illinois, Oct. 10, 1881, aged 115 years and nearly 7 months.10/20/1881
Veterans, Sons ofCharles Meriam Camp, No. 3, instituted.07/12/1883
Village Union, North WoburnAn Association formed.05/01/1884
Vineyard BrookOn the scent.06/13/1873
Vining, John A.Missing from the Danvers Asylum.02/08/1883
Vining, John A.Found.08/09/1883
Wade, Benjamin F. Obituary.04/17/1879
Wade, BlockThe old wooden building, no. 176 Main St., in the Wade Block, lately occupied by John H. Ropes, as a butter store, has been pulled down and a brick building is to take its place.12/11/1884
Wade, Ebenezerof Burlington. Found dead. Inquest.12/19/1873
Wade House, OldMoved from Main Street to Park Street.07/03/1884
Wakeford, Robert W. His son 4 years old, burned to death.12/26/1873
Walker, HannahWidow of Edward Walker of Burlington. Obituary.07/26/1883
Walker, Hannah F. m. H. M. Nichols of Burlington, May 18, 1886.05/27/1886
Walker, D. D., Rev. JamesHis birthplace in Burlington.01/18/1883
Walker, D. D. Rev. JamesCorrection.02/01/1883
Walker, James H. of Burlington. Obituary.06/18/1885
Walker, Josiahof Winchester. Obituary.05/10/1876
Walker, Mr. & Mrs. S. E. of Burlington. Death of their twin sons.09/11/1884
Walking Match---07/25/1873
Walks About TownWinn St. looking up.04/28/1871
Walks About TownWinn St. looking up.05/19/1871
Walks About TownWinn St. looking up.07/11/1871
Walks About TownWinn St. looking up.09/01/1871
Walnut Hill Rifle RangeNew Rifle Range.11/23/1876
Walsh, JohnObituary.09/13/1888
Walsh, JohnFormer resident of Woburn killed in Arizona Territory.05/27/1886
Walsh, Michaelof the Woburn Police force, presented with a gold badge.12/15/1887
Walsh, ThomasHis daughter Leona, aged 11 mos., drowned in a pail of water.08/12/1886
Ward Boundaries in WoburnWards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.08/23/1888
Ward BoundariesIn Woburn, wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.08/30/1888
Ward, Mr. & Mrs. W.B.Silver wedding.05/11/1882
Ware, Rev. James PorterOf Providence, R. I. has accepted the rectorship of the Trinity Episcopal Church.07/01/1886
Ware, Rev. James PorterResigns as Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church; accepts rectorship of church in Central Pennsylvania.03/31/1887
Ware, Rev. James PorterResigns as Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church; accepts rectorship of church in Central Pennsylvania.04/07/1887
Warland, ThomasPresentation.01/19/1882
Warren AcademySketch of.12/19/1878
Warren Cadets ReunionReunion. 05/19/1881
Warren, General G. K. Obituary.08/10/1882
Warren, Maj. Gen G. K. Sketch of.09/30/1875
Warren, WilliamBoston Museum Company. Funeral of.09/27/1888
Warren, William A deserved tribute.10/04/1888
Washburn, Rev. C. H. of Berlin, Massachusetts, tendered a case by the North Cong. Church, Woburn, and the Burlington Cong. Church.10/25/1888
Washington, GeorgeDedication of the Monument at Washington, D. C. erected to his memory. Sketch of his life. 02/26/1885
Washington MonumentDedicated. 02/26/1885
Washington MonumentCharles E. Nichols and John P. Backman, Woburn Mechanic Phalanx, go to the dedication with the Lawrence Light Band of Medford as representatives of Co. G.02/26/1885
Washington’s Birthday---02/25/1886
Water, Analysis ofHorn Pond. Well on Common.03/08/1872
Water for Woburn---12/01/1871
Water for WoburnA water supply.12/08/1871
Watering TroughsNew one being set in the Common. The old one to be placed on Cambridge Street, near John Weston’s.09/28/1882
Waterman, G. C. The Temperance Movement.06/25/1882
Waterman, G. C.The Temperance Movement.07/02/1885
Waterman, G. C.The Temperance Movement.07/23/1885
Waterman, G. C.The Temperance Movement.07/30/1885
Waterman, G. C.The Temperance Movement.08/13/1885
Waterman, G. C.The Temperance Movement.08/20/1885
Waterman, G. C.The Temperance Movement.08/27/1885
Waterman, G. C.The Temperance Movement.09/03/1885
Waters, John W. Ex-foreman Highland Hose Co., presented with a gold badge.06/07/1877
WatertownThe Paquoset Hook and Ladder Company and other members of the Watertown Fire Department visited the Gilchrest Hook and Ladder Company of Woburn.06/29/1882
Watts, WilliamSerious accident.09/30/1886
Ward, Sarah (Sargent)Obituary.03/18/1886
WayanikoOr the Fourth of July, 1776. A Tragedy in five acts by Mark Allen.02/26/1874
WayanikoOr the Fourth of July, 1776. A Tragedy in five acts by Mark Allen.05/07/1874
WayanikoOr the Fourth of July, 1776. A Tragedy in five acts by Mark Allen.07/16/1874
WayanikoOr the Fourth of July, 1776. A Tragedy in five acts by Mark Allen.07/23/1884
WayanikoOr the Fourth of July, 1776. A Tragedy in five acts by Mark Allen.12/03/1874
WayanikoOr the Fourth of July, 1776. A Tragedy in five acts by Mark Allen.12/10/1874
WayanikoOr the Fourth of July, 1776. A Tragedy in five acts by Mark Allen.01/27/1876
WayanikoOr the Fourth of July, 1776. A Tragedy in five acts by Mark Allen.02/03/1876
WayanikoOr the Fourth of July, 1776. A Tragedy in five acts by Mark Allen.02/10/1876
Weather Indications, LocalBy Rekrap. One.12/13/1883
Weather Indications, LocalBy Rekrap. Two.12/27/1883
Weather Indications, LocalBy Rekrap. Three.01/10/1884
Weather Indications, LocalBy Rekrap. Four.02/07/1884
Weather Indications, LocalBy Rekrap. Five.02/21/1884
Webb, Mary E. of Winthrop, Maine m. Charles E. Fuller of Brooklyn, N.Y., at Winchester.06/12/1884
Webb, Williamof Winchester. In memoriam.12/30/1886
Webster, JacobObituary.10/02/1879
Webster, M. L. Presentation.05/03/1872
Welch, Frankof Burlington. Fatal Accident.10/23/1884
Welch, JohnEast Woburn. Killed by lightning.07/12/1872
Wells, Annie F. m. Lorenzo A. Dunbar.08/09/1883
Welsh, Mrs. Johnof Burlington. Found dead.01/22/1885
West, Mr. & Mrs. L. B.China wedding04/19/1877
Westall, Rev. H. A. of Erie, Pennsylvania, received and accepts call to the pastorate, Unitarian Church, Woburn.04/17/1884
Westall, Rev. H. ATo be installed tonight.05/15/1884
Westall, Rev. H. A.Has tendered his resignation as pastor of the First Unitarian Church.11/25/1886
Westall, Rev. H. A. Resignation accepted, goes to Bloomington, Illinois.12/09/1886
Westcott, Agnesm. Warren Johnson of Winchester.10/15/1885
Western Sufferers, Committee onStatement.02/09/1872
Wetherell, F. E. Personal.03/12/1874
Wetherell, J. F. Winchester. Obituary.09/01/1887
Weymouth, John L. Resolutions of respect.11/03/1871
Wheeler, Franny C. Teacher, Central Grammar School. See “An unpleasant episode.” Discourteous treatment of.06/23/1881
Wheeler, William A. Biographical sketch of.08/24/1876
Wheelock, William HerbertDied at Mount Pleasant, S. C., Oct. 31, a. 33 y. Obituary.11/13/1879
Wheelock, Captain William R. of Mount Pleasant, S.C., a former resident of Woburn, died at the residence of his son-in-law, on Winn Street. Obituary.08/10/1882
Wheelock, Captain William R.Respect to the memory.09/14/1882
Whitcher’s Block, Main StreetDiagram of ground plan.07/31/1884
White, MissDaughter of S. B. White m. Preston Pond, Winchester.10/22/1885
White, GeorgeDriver, Taylor’s Woburn and Boston Express fatally injured at the Main Street Railroad Crossing, Winchester.08/28/1879
White, GeorgeAutopsy.09/04/1879
White, GeorgeInquest.09/18/1879
White, George Report Filed.09/25/1879
White, Louisaof Burlington died in Woburn; Sunday morning.06/13/1887
White Col. Samuel B. of Winchester. The first commander of the Woburn Mechanic Phalanx. Obituary.11/14/1878
White, SarahWidow of Col. Samuel B. White of Winchester. Fatal Accident.09/02/1880
White, William G. Co. G., 12th U. S. Infantry at Fort McDowell, Arizona.02/16/1882
White, WilliamA former resident of Woburn, died at Jersey City, N. J., Dec. 2nd. Obituary.12/06/1877
Whitney, Evelyn F. of Winchester. Obituary.12/06/1883
Whitney, Gertrude C. Stoneham. Disappears.07/19/1888
Whittemore, B. F. Ring lost at Sat Lake, Utah found.09/06/1888
Whittemore, B. F. To have reunion of the 53rd Massachusetts regiment at his place in E. Woburn, Sept 2d. 08/19/1875
Whittemore, B. F.Reunion of the 53rd Mass. Regt. 09/09/1875
Whittemore, Mr. & Mrs. B. F. “Evergreens” Montvale. Silver wedding.08/28/1879
Whittier, Edward T. Editor, Stoneham Independent. Obituary.12/19/1878
Willard, John. H. m. Ida Lillian Hutchinson. Burlington.03/25/1880
Williams, Paulof Mendon, aged 12 years who has no limbs, a good penman and scholar.01/06/1887
Williams, Rev. Theodore C. m. Velma Curtis Wright of Boston.06/21/1883
Williams, William L. of Melrose. Obituary.01/19/1888
Williams, William L. Memoriam.02/09/1888
Willoughby, E. K. Police officer. Accidently shot himself.03/08/1872
Willoughby, E. K. Police officer. Accidently shot himself.03/22/1872
Willoughby, JohnPresented with $50.01/04/1883
Wilmarth, O. H. A visit to the Old Homestead. Poetry.07/08/1886
WilmingtonOne hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the Town.09/30/1880
Wilson, Charlesof Boston, a former resident of Woburn, died in Copenhagen, Denmark, the place of his birth, Feb. 14. Obituary.02/28/1884
Wilson, HenryVice president. Editorial on the death of.11/25/1875
Wilson, WillisTaken to Danvers Asylum.09/19/1878
WinchesterFloods and washouts.02/18/1886
WinchesterLeather business.01/08/1880
WinchesterLeather business.12/30/1880
WinchesterThe New Reservoir.06/22/1882
WinchesterWedge Pond. Is it Wedge or Wedgemere Pond or Echo Lake.06/29/1882
Winchester, the Business Men ofMention is made of copper being found in Winchester.03/29/1877
Winchester Historical and Genealogical Society---11/20/1884
Winchester Historical and Genealogical SocietyFirst meeting, etc. 11/27/1884
Winchester Leather Business---01/04/1883
Winchester Post OfficeHistory of.07/08/1886
Winchester ReservoirTurkey swamp and Long meadow.08/22/1873
Winchester Town HouseThe formal ceremonies of turning over the new town house to the Town…took place last Saturday evening.10/25/1888
Winchester, Views ofWinchester in 1878.08/08/1878
Winchester, Views ofViews of Winchester, no. 2.08/22/1878
Winchester, Views ofViews of Winchester, no. 3.09/05/1878
Winchester, Views ofViews of Winchester, no. 4.09/26/1878
Winchester, Views ofViews of Winchester, no. 5.01/02/1879
Winckley, Rev. J. F. Attack on by O. Rich in a printed letter.07/15/1880
Winckley, Rev. J. F.The New Rector of the Trinity Episcopal Church given a reception at the reception at the residence of Joseph McCarthy, Walnut Hill.09/27/1877
Winckley, Rev. J. F.An unpleasant episode.06/23/1881
Winckley, Rev. J. F.34th wedding anniversary. 02/07/1884
Winckley, Robert F. Son of Rev. J. F. Winckley, received a silver medal for excellence in oratory, at Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut.02/28/1878
Windsor HotelNew hotel corner of Main and Union Streets.06/27/1887
Windsor HotelFire.06/30/1887
Winn, Charles BowersObituary.12/23/1875
Winn, Charles BowersWill of.12/30/1875
Winn, Charles BowersSale of the Winn Estates.11/30/1876
Winn, Rev. D. D. Mention made of him in obituary of Rev. G. A. Simonson.01/24/1884
Winn, Rev. D. D. Correction.01/27/1884
Winn, E. M. Wife of Alonson Winn of Winchester Obituary.01/15/1885
Winn, GeorgeDeath of.12/26/1878
Winn, GeorgeFuneral of.01/02/1879
Winn, Mr. & Mrs. JohnSilver wedding.12/04/1879
Winn & Co., J. B. Tannery property divided.11/11/1870
Winn, Jonathan BowersAuction sale of Woburn Bank stock. belonging to his estate. List of purchasers, etc. 04/11/1878
Winn, Jonathan BowersDeath of. Obituary.12/19/1873
Winn, Jonathan BowersWill of.12/26/1873
Winn, Jonathan BowersResolutions.01/09/1874
Winn, Jonathan BowersPortrait of at the Woburn Public Library.05/03/1883
Winn, Col. Moses F. Obituary.08/12/1875
Winn, TimothyA native of Woburn, dead at Stanstead, Province of Quebec, Canada July 9th, a. 70 y., 8 m., 6 d. Born in 1806.08/02/1877
Winn, Capt. TimothySudden death of.12/05/1873
Winn, Capt. TimothyWill of.12/19/1873
Winn, Mr. & Mrs. WilliamGolden wedding.11/08/1883
Winn Memorial TabletPlaced in the north wall of the porch of the new library building.01/20/1881
Winn, Timothy Chimney taken down.05/17/1883
Winship, LorenzoEx Engineer, Woburn Fire Department, presentation.05/17/1877
Winship Stock FarmWinn Street, Burlington. Large Fire.12/12/1878
Winsor, Mrs. Frederickof Winchester. Presentation.05/20/1886
Winsor, Paulm. Jessie Baldwin, Winchester.10/04/1888
Winsor, Robertm. Eleanor May Magee, Winchester.11/01/1883
Witcher, B. H. Point Peter, Post Office, Oglethorpe Co., Georgia. Letter from regarding sword of Capt. Luke R. Tidd.06/14/1883
Witcher, B. H.Letter from.07/12/1883
Witcher, Sergt. BenjaminPoint Peter, Georgia. Correspondence.08/14/1884
Witcher, Sergt. BenjaminPoint Peter, Georgia. Testimonial to, by Company K, 39th Massachusetts.05/15/1884
Witcher, Sergt. BenjaminLetter From. 07/31/1884
WoburnAn ancient document. 06/18/1874
WoburnReminiscence. Representative, Woburn Second Parish 1782.07/09/1874
WoburnAs it Was, As it Is, As it Might Be. N.01/01/1885
WoburnAs it Was, As it Is, As it Might Be. N.01/08/1885
WoburnAs it Was, As it Is, As it Might Be. N.01/22/1885
WoburnAs it Was, As it Is, As it Might Be. N.02/12/1885
WoburnAs it Was, As it Is, As it Might Be. N.03/12/1885
WoburnAs it Was, As it Is, As it Might Be. N.04/09/1885
WoburnHistorical and Descriptive Sketch of the Town with an Outline of Its Industrial Interests Illustrated. Pub. by the Woburn Board of Trade.10/29/1885
Woburn Agriculture and Mechanical AssociationEditorial “The Money Scare.” 01/10/1878
Woburn AlmshouseMr. & Mrs. David N. Gray resign as master and matron. Mr. & Mrs. N. W. Brown succeed them.04/10/1884
Woburn Branch RailroadAccident between Fowle and Conn Streets; two trains in collision.04/06/1876
Woburn Branch RailroadCelebration of the opening of the extension to Wilmington.12/17/1885
Woburn Branch R. R. DepotThe depot bell rang for the last time this forenoon at 10 o’clock.07/01/1880
Woburn Branch R. R. DepotDissatisfaction caused by the stopping of the ringing of the depot bell.07/08/1880
Woburn Branch RailroadExtension to North Woburn and Wilmington removed.05/30/1878
Woburn Branch Railroad ExtensionThe B. & L. R.R. is buying the property along the propose route.04/10/1884
Woburn Branch Railroad ExtensionList of real estate bought. 05/15/1884
Woburn Branch Railroad ExtensionRemonstrance against grade crossing at Pleasant St.05/22/1884
Woburn and WinchesterCommencing Sunday next, May 13, a coach will leave the Central House, Woburn, for Winchester, at 8:30 A.M. and 4:45 P.M. etc. 05/10/1877
Woburn and Winchester TannersPollution of the Mystic water.08/14/1879
Woburn Band New band organized.12/01/1872
Woburn Bicycle ClubOrganized.07/01/1886
Woburn Board of HealthThe Cummingsville Catch Basin.08/12/1880
Woburn Board of HealthNuisance at Cummingsville caused by City of Boston.06/03/1880
Woburn Board of HealthInvestigating a case of Diphtheria.06/03/1880
Woburn Board of TradeBanquet.04/28/1887
Woburn Board of TradeHave published: “Woburn an Historical and Descriptive Sketch of the Town with an Outline of its Industrial Interests Illustrated.” 10/29/1885
Woburn Board of TradePetitions the Selectman of Woburn, regarding having the houses on the streets numbered as it is one of the requirements of the Post Office Department before the free delivery of the mail.02/23/1888
Woburn, Boundaries of the Wards inWards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 708/23/1888
Woburn, Boundaries of the Wards inWards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 708/30/1888
Woburn By-Laws---06/10/1886
Woburn By-LawsApproved.06/24/1886
Woburn By-LawsApproved.11/07/1873
Woburn By-LawsThe amended by-laws.11/14/1873
Woburn By-Laws---09/25/1879
Woburn By-Laws---10/02/1879
Woburn Celebration, of theExtension of the Woburn Branch Railroad to Wilmington. Committees, programme, etc. 12/10/1885
Woburn CelebrationThe Celebration.12/17/1885
Woburn CemeteryA good work.09/19/1873
Woburn CemeteryMonument in Timothy Winn’s lot.06/16/1871
Woburn Centennial 4th of JulyCommittee, programme, etc. 06/08/1876
Woburn Centennial 4th of JulyCommittee, programme, etc. 06/15/1876
Woburn Centennial 4th of JulyCommittee, programme, etc. 06/22/1876
Woburn Centennial 4th of JulyCommittee, programme, etc.06/29/1876
Woburn Centennial 4th of JulyThe Celebration. 07/06/1876
Woburn Centennial 4th of JulyEpilogue.07/20/1876
Woburn Center Schoolhouseand the Town House.06/03/1886
Woburn Church, NorthThe old meeting-house is being taken down preparatory to building the new one.06/08/1882
Woburn City CharterThe act to incorporate the City of Woburn was signed by the Governor last Friday, May 18th.05/24/1888
Woburn City Charter Committee Held their first meeting Tuesday evening.08/04/1887
Woburn City Charter CommitteeAppointed at the Town Meeting held last evening.07/28/1887
Woburn City Charter Committee Meeting---01/25/1883
Woburn City Charter Committee Meeting---02/01/1883
Woburn City Charter Committee Meeting---02/22/1883
Woburn City Charter Committee Meeting---03/01/1883
Woburn City Charter Committee Meeting---03/08/1883
Woburn City Charter CommitteeSub-committee have prepared a draft of a Charter which was read before the full Committee…10/06/1887
Woburn City Charter CommitteeMeeting of.10/20/1887
Woburn City Charter CommitteeReported a charter in print.11/03/1887
Woburn City CharterEditorial on.12/07/1882
Woburn City CharterEditorial on.12/28/1882
Woburn City CharterEditorial on.01/04/1883
Woburn City CharterEditorial on.01/13/1887
Woburn City CharterEditorial: For a city charter.05/26/1887
Woburn City CharterEditorial.07/21/1887
Woburn City CharterEditorial.10/27/1887
Woburn City CharterHearing at the State House to refer to the next Legislature.03/08/1883
Woburn City CharterEditorials.03/15/1883
Woburn City CharterIn the Massachusetts House of Representatives Tuesday, Mr. Parkman of Boston, for the joint Committee on Cities, reported a bill to incorporate the City of Woburn.05/10/1888
Woburn City CharterTown meeting, Tuesday, voted to Accept the Act of the Legislature, incorporating Woburn as a city, 966 to 32.06/14/1888
Woburn City CharterWoburn’s petition for a City Charter was presented to the Massachusetts House of Representatives Tuesday by Representative Allen.01/12/1888
Woburn City ElectionEditorial on the first election of officers for our new City of Woburn. Election Returns.12/06/1888
Woburn City Fife and Drum CorpsOrganized.07/26/1888
Woburn City GovernmentEditorial on.12/14/1882
Woburn City GovernmentEditorial on.12/28/1882
Woburn City GovernmentEditorial on.01/11/1883
Woburn City GovernmentEditorial.12/02/1886
Woburn City GovernmentInauguration of Committee appointed by the citizens to make arrangements for.12/20/1888
Woburn City GovernmentA failure.12/27/1888
Woburn City GovernmentThe Selectman to divide the town into wards. The election of city officials, next December, and the new city will commence running, January, 1889.06/14/1888
Woburn City GovernmentWard Officers. Editorial on the city Election.11/15/1888
Woburn City GovernmentEditorial.11/29/1888
Woburn City GovernmentCaucuses.11/29/1888
Woburn City GovernmentWoburn and Winchester to join together under a city government; suggested.01/27/1876
Woburn City GovernmentCommunication on.02/03/1876
Woburn City PressNew paper. Francis P. Curran, Editor.12/06/1888
Woburn Common---04/21/1871
Woburn Common---05/05/1871
Woburn CommonRounding the corners.05/12/1871
Woburn Common---05/19/1871
Woburn Common---06/02/1871
Woburn Common---06/09/1871
Woburn Common---06/16/1871
Woburn CommonFencing the Common.06/16/1871
Woburn Common---06/23/1871
Woburn Common---06/30/1871
Woburn Common---07/14/1871
Woburn CommonProblem solved. How to fence a triangle.07/28/1871
Woburn Common---09/01/1871
Woburn Common---09/08/1871
Woburn Common---01/05/1872
Woburn CommonFlagg staff. History of.06/12/1884
Woburn CommonFlagg staff to be taken down. Dangerous.05/29/1884
Woburn CommonRepairing the flagg staff.05/28/1874
Woburn CommonThe Sacred Circle. Sidewalk around.05/02/1878
Woburn, Condemned Cannon For---02/16/1882
Woburn Conferenceof Congregational Churches, held in Woburn.05/02/1878
Woburn ConferenceThe Spring meeting of the Woburn Conference of Congressional Churches, held in Woburn.04/30/1885
Woburn ConferenceThe Woburn Conference of Congregational Churches is composed of twenty-one churches. List of.05/12/1881
Woburn Congregational Church, NorthHave bought Land of Jonathan Thompson on Elm Street, opposite the brick house and will move their meeting house on to it.06/30/1881
Woburn Contested ElectionJohn Cummings and John I. Munroe Legislative hearing.02/12/1874
Woburn Contested ElectionJohn I Munroe. Leave to withdraw.02/19/1874
Woburn Contested ElectionMunroe vs. Cummings.03/05/1874
Woburn Cooperative BankOrganized.02/17/1887
Woburn Corps 83Instituted.03/24/1887
Woburn CourierMark Allen of Woburn Advertiser writes to the First Assistant Postmaster General, objecting to its circulation in the U.S. mail as second class matter.03/22/1883
Woburn CourierName changed to the “Union Weekly.”06/05/1884
Woburn CourierIn dispute.06/12/1884
Woburn CurrierPaper printed in Boston, sold on the streets in Woburn, Saturdays, edited by Arthur E. Fessenden.06/29/1882
Woburn DirectoriesWill be ready for delivery in a few days No. 1 – 1868, No. 2 1871, No 3., 1874, No 4., 187, Fifth, 1881.09/13/1883
Woburn Ditty AThe Sounding Board.06/10/1886
Woburn DrainageThe Drainage Question.09/19/1873
Woburn Dramatic AssociatesLately organized. Officers of.11/07/1873
Woburn East“Burden Bearers” club formed at Montvale.12/29/1887
Woburn EastServices were held for the first time in the New Catholic Church, on Saturday, St. Patrick’s Day.03/22/1877
Woburn EastSketch of business at. 02/17/1871
Woburn EastSketch of business at. 02/24/1871
Woburn EastLetter of Wm. Clemson.03/03/1871
Woburn ElectionState and National.11/06/1884
Woburn, England---09/19/1873
Woburn Electric Co. The Selectmen have granted their permission to lay a railroad track across Prospect and High Streets.09/20/1888
Woburn Electric CompanyHearing Before the County Commissioner.11/15/1888
Woburn Episcopal ChurchConcentration of Trinity Church.03/31/1871
Woburn Episcopal ChurchTrinity Parish the Inwardness of Church Government Defined. C.08/18/1881
Woburn Episcopal Church Modern Conservatism and the Primitive Church Compared. C.08/25/1881
Woburn Equal Suffrage LeagueOrganized.02/17/1887
Woburn ExpensesThirty-one years ago, Mar 1, 1841– Mar. 1, 1842.08/15/1873
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.11/03/1881
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.11/10/1881
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.01/17/1881
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.11/24/1881
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.12/01/1881
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.12/08/1881
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.12/15/1881
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.12/22/1881
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.01/05/1882
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.01/12/1882
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.01/19/1882
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.02/02/1882
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.02/23/1882
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.03/02/1882
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.03/09/1882
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.03/23/1882
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.04/06/1882
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.04/13/1882
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.05/04/1882
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.05/18/1882
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.06/08/1882
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.06/22/1882
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.07/13/1882
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.07/27/1882
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.08/10/1882
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.08/24/1882
Woburn Fifty Years AgoBy N.09/07/1882
Woburn Fifty Years AgoCorrection of no. 17 in Advertiser of May 4 by C.05/11/1882
Woburn Fire AlarmThe alarm was struck at 12:30 this morning for the purpose of testing the efficiency of the new system.05/26/1881
Woburn Fire AlarmCommittee appointed to create public sentiment.03/23/1876
Woburn Fire AlarmThe Committee visit Utica, N.Y., and other places. Account of the visit at Oswego, N.Y.12/30/1880
Woburn Fire AlarmFour new alarm boxes put in.06/24/1886
Woburn Fire AlarmNew box, No. 65, corner High and Prospect Streets.08/09/1888
Woburn Fire AlarmNew Boxes. No. 27, Pearl St, N. Woburn, No. 34, Cambridge St., No. 57, Bryant & King, Conn St., No. 572, Pumping Station W. W. W. 08/09/1888
Woburn Fire AlarmSteam gong being placed on Bryant & King’s Tannery.09/07/1882
Woburn Fire AlarmSteam gong tested.09/14/1882
Woburn Fire AlarmTo connect with the whistle at Bryant & King’s Tannery on Conn. Street.12/29/1881
Woburn Fire Alarm Bell, NorthThe bell of the meetinghouse which has been used by the town for Fire Alarm purposes… is to be placed on the Vidette Hose House, until the new church is built where it will be placed on that edifice.05/25/1882
Woburn Fire Alarm Bell, NorthThe Fire Dept. is putting up a temporary bell tower, in which to place the bell of the North Woburn Church, the use of which has been tendered there, while the new meeting house is building.06/08/1882
Woburn Fire Alarm Signals---07/17/1879
Woburn Fire Alarm Telegraph---11/11/1880
Woburn Fire Alarm TelegraphGamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph. Company gave an exhibition, etc.12/02/1880
Woburn Fire Alarm TelegraphUtica Fire Alarm Telegraph Company gave an exhibition.12/16/1880
Woburn Fire Alarm TelegraphCommittee called and received new bids.01/20/1881
Woburn Fire Alarm TelegraphContract with the Gamewell Company 8 to 4.02/17/1881
Woburn Fire Alarm TelegraphThe work of putting in the fire alarm telegraph is now in progress.03/31/1881
Woburn Fire Alarm TelegraphArrangement of the Boxes and Signals. 05/05/1881
Woburn Fire Alarm TelegraphStriker to be placed in the Baptist Church Bell.05/12/1881
Woburn Fire Dept.Automatic fire alarm to be placed on the Baptist Church.11/04/1875
Woburn Fire Dept.Clinton Hose Co., No. 6 have received their new Hose Carriage.09/30/1880
Woburn Fire Dept.Contract for building Hose house Central Square awarded.08/28/1879
Woburn Fire Dept.Dedication of Hall of Gilcreast Hook and Ladder Company.09/21/1876
Woburn Fire DepartmentDedication of the New Hook & Ladder House on Montvale Avenue.01/06//1881
Woburn Fire DepartmentEditorial on fire alarm.11/12/1874
Woburn Fire DepartmentReport of Committee on Fire Alarm.11/19/1874
Woburn Fire DepartmentEngineers have bought 800 feet new hose paying for the same $475 in money and the Jacob Webster hand engine.06/05/1879
Woburn Fire DepartmentFire alarms.01/06/1876
Woburn Fire DepartmentThe Gilcreast Hook and Ladder Company receive their new truck.03/05/1885
Woburn Fire DepartmentThe Gilcreast Hook and Ladder Company visited by the Pequoset Hook and Ladder and Other Members of the Watertown Fire Department.06/29/1882
Woburn Fire DepartmentHose Company no. 3, presented with a handsome set of furniture.07/27/1882
Woburn Fire DepartmentHose 3, Cummingsville, presented with a Brussels carpet.04/19/1883
Woburn Fire DepartmentHose company no. 6, partially organized.12/18/1879
Woburn Fire DepartmentCorrection.12/25/1879
Woburn Fire DepartmentNew house on Clinton Street recently erected for Hose Company no. 6, dedicated.01/08/1880
Woburn Fire DepartmentInvestigation of fires at B. H. Nichols Grease Factory, Conn Street; and Robert Duncan’s; currying shop in Converse Place and Monroe Street. 06/26/1884
Woburn Fire DepartmentLocation of hose companies, etc. 06/04/1879
Woburn Fire DepartmentA new company was organized for Vidette Hose no. 2, to take the place of the old company disbanded.07/03/1879
Woburn Fire DepartmentThe new Hook And Ladder house on Montvale Avenue has been accepted by the Selectmen.12/16/1880
Woburn Fire DepartmentNew Hook and Ladder Truck; celebration.10/03/1873
Woburn Fire DepartmentNew Hose House for Highland Hose Co., #5.10/03/1873
Woburn Fire DepartmentPerham Hose no. 1 has disbanded and a new company organized.11/04/1886
Woburn Fire DepartmentSwamp Angel’s Hose House at Central Square.05/29/1879
Woburn Fire DepartmentThird annual parade.10/04/1872
Woburn Fire DepartmentNew Engine House on Winn St.09/22/1871
Woburn Fire DepartmentSecond annual parade.10/06/1871
Woburn Fire DepartmentThree new hose carriages.12/03/1874
Woburn Fire DepartmentTrouble in the alleged disobedience of orders at the Merrimac Chemical Works fire. Vidette Hose Co. disbanded.06/12/1879
Woburn Firemen’s Relief Society---12/30/1875
Woburn Firemen’s Relief SocietyConstitution and by-laws reported by the Committee, adopted.01/13/1876
Woburn First Baptist ChurchCelebrates its one hundredth anniversary.07/07/1881
Woburn First Baptist ChurchThe Baptist Centennial. Article in Arlington Advocate.07/21/1881
Woburn First Baptist ChurchThe Baptist Centennial.07/28/1881
Woburn First Baptist ChurchThe Baptist Centennial.08/04/1881
Woburn First Baptist ChurchThe Baptist Centennial.08/10/1881
Woburn First Baptist ChurchThe Baptist Centennial.09/22/1881
Woburn First Baptist ChurchChurch debt paid.12/30/1880
Woburn First Baptist ChurchCommunication: Another Church Debt Raised.01/06/1881
Woburn First Baptist ChurchCommittees chosen to perfect arrangements for celebrating the 100th anniversary of their Society.06/16/1881
Woburn First Baptist ChurchThe first volume of the records from 1781 to 1825, missing.04/21/1881
Woburn First Baptist ChurchProposed improvements. 05/13/1875
Woburn First Baptist ChurchChurch building moved to the new site. 06/17/1875
Woburn First Baptist ChurchRe-dedication of Church edifice, remodeled, etc. 04/20/1876
Woburn First Union American M. E. Church ofIncorporation of.09/10/1885
Woburn First Union American M. E. ChurchIncorporation.09/17/1885
Woburn Five Cent SavingsA run on of the bank was commenced on Wednesday of last week, etc. 01/03/1878
Woburn Five Cents Savings BankEditorial “The Money Scare.”01/10/1878
Woburn Five Cents Savings BankEditorial.01/24/1878
Woburn Five Cents Savings BankCorrespondence regarding removal, etc., of injunction.12/12/1878
Woburn Five Cents Savings BankHas applied to the Supreme Court for a dissolution of the injunction…01/08/1880
Woburn Five Cents Savings BankResumes business.01/22/1880
Woburn Five Cents Savings BankHas removed to its new quarters in the rooms formerly occupied by the Town Library.04/08/1880
Woburn Five Cents Savings BankDepositions requested to bring in their books for examination…preparatory to resumption of business.10/09/1879
Woburn Forty Years AgoI03/24/1871
Woburn Forty Years AgoII03/31/1871
Woburn Forty Years AgoIII04/07/1871
Woburn Forty Years AgoIV04/14/1871
Woburn Forty Years AgoV04/28/1871
Woburn Forty Years AgoV Continued.05/05/1871
Woburn Forty Years AgoVI05/05/1871
Woburn Forty Years AgoVII05/12/1871
Woburn Forty Years AgoVIII05/19/1871
Woburn Forty Years AgoIX06/02/1871
Woburn Forty Years AgoX06/16/1871
Woburn Forty Years AgoXI07/07/1871
Woburn Forty Years AgoXII07/14/1871
Woburn Forty Years AgoXIII07/28/1871
Woburn Forty Years AgoXIII08/18/1871
Woburn Fourth of July Celebration---07/10/1879
Woburn Fourth Of July Celebration---07/05/1883
Woburn Fourth Of July CelebrationCommittee Meeting.06/20/1878
Woburn Fourth of July CelebrationThe Fourth.06/27/1878
Woburn Fourth of July CelebrationThe Fourth.07/11/1878
Woburn Fourth of July History of07/14/1887
Woburn Fourth of July CelebrationMeeting of citizens held; committee appointed06/16/1881
Woburn Fourth of July CelebrationCommittees, etc. 06/30/1881
Woburn Fourth of July CelebrationCelebration.07/07/1881
Woburn Fourth of July CelebrationMeeting of the Committee. Reasons for celebrating.06/09/1887
Woburn Fourth of July CelebrationAdjourned meeting of the Committee.06/16/1887
Woburn Fourth of July CelebrationWoburn will celebrate.06/23/1887
Woburn Fourth of July CelebrationWoburn will celebrate.06/30/1887
Woburn Fourth of July CelebrationProgramme for.06/29/1882
Woburn Fourth of July CelebrationThe Celebration.07/06/1882
Woburn Fourth of July CelebrationThe glorious fourth: committees, programme, etc.07/28/1877
Woburn Fourth of July CelebrationThe Celebration.07/05/1877
Woburn Fourth of July CelebrationTreasurer’s Statement.07/12/1877
Woburn Fourth of July CelebrationWoburn celebrated.07/07/1887
Woburn Fourth of July CommitteeList of Permanent Fourth of July committee.07/14/1887
Woburn Fourth of July CommitteeMeeting at C. W. Bryant’s.06/14/1883
Woburn Fourth of July CommitteeMeeting at house of Hose 1.06/21/1883
Woburn Fourth of July CommitteeMeeting at Hook & Ladder House.06/28/1883
Woburn Fourth of July CommitteeMeeting at Hook & Ladder House.07/19/1883
Woburn, Free Delivery of Mail inThe free delivery mail service has been ordered to be established in Woburn, October 1, 1888.09/06/1888
Woburn, Free Delivery of Mail inFree delivery will commence Monday.10/04/1888
Woburn, Great Fire in---03/04/1873
Woburn High SchoolGraduation Class of ’75.06/24/1875
Woburn High School BattalionThe young men connected with the Woburn High School have formed a military battalion…10/20/1887
Woburn High School BattalionNotice of.02/09/1888
Woburn High School BattalionNon-com. officers.10/04/1888
Woburn High School BattalionNon-com. officers.10/18/1888
Woburn High School GraduatesFirst annual reunion.4/01/1875
Woburn Home For Aged WomenA bill is before the Legislature to incorporate the Home for Aged Women in Woburn, with power to hold real and personal estate to the amount of $100,00002/17/1887
Woburn Home for Aged WomenBequeath of $2000 by the will of Mary J. Keyes.03/17/1887
Woburn Home for Aged WomenBequeath of $2000 by the will of Mary J. Keyes.04/19/1887
Woburn Home for Aged WomenOrganization for the current year.05/19/1887
Woburn Home for Aged WomenOrganization for the current year.06/02/1887
Woburn Home for Aged Women---09/30/1886
Woburn Home for Aged Women---10/07/1886
Woburn Home for Aged Women---10/21/1886
Woburn Home for Aged WomenThere Will be a New Year’s party at the Home for Aged Women, 35 Mount Pleasant Street.12/30/1886
Woburn Home IndustriesLeather; Shoe stock; Shoes.12/28/1882
Woburn Home IndustriesOmission.01/04/1883
Woburn Home IndustriesCorrections.01/04/1883
Woburn Home IndustriesLeather; Shoe Stock; Shoes; Harness manufacture.12/27/1883
Woburn Home IndustriesLeather; Shoe stock; Shoe manufacture.12/25/1884
Woburn Home IndustriesLeather; Shoe stock;: Shoes; miscellaneous.12/31/1885
Woburn Home IndustriesLeather; Shoe stock; Shoes; miscellaneous.12/30/1886
Woburn Home IndustriesLeather business. Shoe stock manufacture. Shoe manufactures.12/07/1876
Woburn Home IndustriesLeather business. Shoe stock manufacture. Shoe manufactures.12/27/1877
Woburn Home IndustriesAddition.01/03/1878
Woburn Home IndustriesAddition.12/26/1878
Woburn Home IndustriesNumber of men employed in the leather industry in Woburn.01/13/1887
Woburn, Horn Pond Water For---04/21/1871
Woburn, India- Rubber Manufacture inArticle on by Charles Cowley.08/26/1886
Woburn IndustriesLeather business, shoe stock, shoe manufactures.01/01/1880
Woburn IndustriesLeather business, shoe stock, shoe manufactures.12/30/1880
Woburn IndustriesCorrection and Addition.01/06/1881
Woburn IndustriesLeather business, shoe stock, shoe manufactures.12/29/1881
Woburn IndustriesThe Leather Business Shoe stock manufacture.12/30/1875
Woburn Nights of LaborThe Board of Arbitration. 03/18/1886
Woburn Nights of LaborSettled by Arbitration. Price list.03/25/1886
Woburn Nights of LaborRevised price list.04/08/1886
Woburn Law and Order LeagueCommunication.03/07/1884
Woburn Leather BusinessThe Leather Business.12/31/1874
Woburn Leather Making ---01/02/1874
Woburn Leather TradeThe Work Being Done in the Tanneries, etc. 09/08/1871
Woburn Library, TheIts’ History. 11/21/1878
Woburn Library, TheCorrection.11/28/1878
Woburn LockupThe Lockup Question.07/25/1873
Woburn LockupThe Work of repairing, renovating and making alterations in the Woburn Center Lockup, completed.10/01/1885
Woburn Lockup, NorthBroken into.10/16/1879
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxAttend the funeral of the Late Col. Ezra J. Trull.05/06/1886
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxArrangements being made for the celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary which occurs October 1st.09/03/1885
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxArrangements being made for the celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary which occurs October 1st.09/10/1885
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxArrangements being made for the celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary which occurs October 1st.09/17/1885
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxArrangements being made for the celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary which occurs October 1st.09/24/1885
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxArrangements being made for the celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary which occurs October 1st.10/01/1885
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxAwarded the Sutton Medal.08/31/1882
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxCo. G 5th Massachusetts “Finding of a Court Marshall” recommends the dishonorable discharge of Thomas Strafford.09/29/1881
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxCharges brought Against Chas. H. Stevens before a Court Martial sustained. Decision reserved.12/01/1881
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxCo G, 5th Massachusetts going to Brooklyn, N. Y. with the regiment.05/26/1881
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxCo G, 5th Massachusetts going to Brooklyn, N. Y. with the regiment.06/02/1881
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxFiftieth anniversary.10/08/1885
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxNew Armory in Town Hall dedicated.08/20/1874
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxNew dress coats.02/02/1888
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxWent to New Haven, Connecticut .07/10/1879
Woburn Meetinghouse, NorthFor sale.05/18/1882
Woburn Meeting house NorthSold to Dexter Carter.05/25/1882
Woburn Musical UnionOrganized; list of officers.01/28/1875
Woburn Musical AssociationReorganization of.01/02/1879
Woburn MysteryAbandoned male child found in West Woburn.11/04/1880
Woburn MysteryThe mystery solved.11/11/1880
Woburn National and State Elections---11/08/1888
Woburn New Church inNazarene Church.08/09/1872
Woburn New Military Company inIt is expected that Woburn will be honored with two companies in the State Militia.03/08/1888
Woburn News Dealers’ War---08/12/1880
Woburn North Assault case.08/01/1873
Woburn NorthCave found in the woods near the Merrimac Chemical Works.10/26/1882
Woburn NorthCelebrates the Opening of the B. & L. R.R. extension of the Woburn Branch R. R. 12/03/1885
Woburn NorthEditorial “Want to Secede.”11/21/1878
Woburn NorthSamuel E. Wyman appointed postmaster, in place of James P. Tyler, deceased.09/22/1881
Woburn NorthSketch of business at.02/03/1871
Woburn NorthSketch of business at.02/10/1871
Woburn NorthThe large Elm tree which stood in front of the Johnathan Thompson lot, Elm Street, set out by Samuel Thompson, Esquire, in 1765, cut down.09/30/1886
Woburn NorthTo have a public Telephone at the post office.07/20/1882
Woburn North Congregational ChurchDedication of the new church.02/21/1884
Woburn North Congregational ChurchService was held for the first time in the vestry of the new church, last Sunday…09/27/1883
Woburn, Old Ladies Home inAccount of the meeting held at Mrs. Mary Shaw’s, Main Street.10/07/1886
Woburn, Old Ladies Home inOrganization of.10/21/1886
Woburn, Old Ladies Home inAll persons interested in organizing an association for establishing an Old Ladies’ Home in Woburn, are respectfully invited to attend a meeting for this purpose at the house of Mrs. Shaw, Main Street, on Tuesday, Oct. 5 at 2 P.M.09/30/1886
Woburn, Old Times InLetter from J. Munroe of Pleasant Valley, Scott Co., Iowa, a native of Woburn01/12/1882
Woburn, OrthographicalVariation of the spelling of.01/27/1887
Woburn Permanent Fourth of July Committee List of.07/14/1887
Woburn PoliceHeld their first Ball in Lyceum Hall.02/23/1882
Woburn Police DepartmentPolice accommodations.11/30/1882
Woburn Police Relief AssociationOrganized.05/11/1882
Woburn, Postal Service in A change needed.09/20/1888
Woburn Public BuildingsInsurance on.02/03/1876
Woburn Public LibraryAmpelopsis Vetchii a new species of Ampelopsis (Virginia Creeper) planted by Judge Converse at the Library.04/19/1883
Woburn Public LibraryTo Incorporate…to take the Public Library out of the hands of the Library Committee and place it in the hands of trustees…01/16/1879
Woburn Public LibraryAn Act to Incorporate the Woburn Public Library approved May 29, 1885.07/16/1885
Woburn Public LibraryOur new Library.10/24/1878
Woburn Public LibraryThe new Library.10/31/1878
Woburn Public LibraryAnnual meeting of the Trustees. Salaries of the librarian and assistant librarian raised.02/17/1887
Woburn Public LibraryBook plate.09/05/1878
Woburn Public LibraryCommenced moving in.09/26/1878
Woburn Public LibraryCommenced moving in.10/10/1878
Woburn Public LibraryJohn W. Francis appointed janitor.10/10/1878
Woburn Public LibraryCommittee and Executors…to employ an expert on preparing a catalogue. The executors are considering…the purchase of the Buckman Estate adjoining the Winn Estate.03/08/1877
Woburn Public LibraryDeath of Librarian, George M. Champney.01/05/1882
Woburn Public LibraryMiss Pollard to be the Librarian for the present, and have a suitable assistant. Seven applications for the position of Librarian received by the Library Committee.01/12/1882
Woburn Public LibraryDoings of the Legislature on the bill to incorporate.04/10/1884
Woburn Public LibraryFitting up the Kitchen - by William B. Harris. 01/06/1881
Woburn Public LibraryGeo. M. Champney appointed Librarian, etc. 02/27/1879
Woburn Public Library“Thoughts of the People” Information asked.03/06/1879
Woburn Public LibraryEmily Pollard, app. Assistant Librarian, Frank Gilcreast retained temporarily as assistant.04/03/1879
Woburn Public LibraryIn Town Meeting, voted that James N. Dow, Town Treasurer, or the Trustees of the Public Library be authorized… to…deliver to Czarina Littlefield…a good and sufficient release…[Restrictions on the Sylvanus Wood Estate, Woburn Center].04/29/1886
Woburn Public LibraryLeasing the Library Grounds.07/26/1888
Woburn Public LibraryLegislative hearing.04/19/1885
Woburn Public LibraryLibrary Catalogues.04/17/1879
Woburn Public LibraryLibrary to Open, May 1st..04/02//1879
Woburn Public LibraryAdvertisement of the opening.04/24/1879
Woburn Public LibraryOpens at 2 O’clock this afternoon.05/01/1879
Woburn Public Library BuildingCommittee has decided upon a plan.01/25/1877
Woburn Public Library BuildingThe Winn Library.02/01/1877
Woburn Public Library BuildingChanges on Pleasant Street.04/19/1877
Woburn Public Library BuildingContract awarded to Norcross Bros., Worcester.05/24/1877
Woburn Public Library BuildingWork on the Library is progressing.08/30/1877
Woburn Public Library BuildingWalls will probably be completed this week; roof on, tiles being laid, etc. 11/01/1877
Woburn Public LibraryNathan Wyman chosen clerk of the Library Committee. Voted to buy a record book in which to keep an account of the doings of the committee.04/22/1880
Woburn Public LibraryOrganization of the Committees, Library staff.05/06/1880
Woburn Public LibraryNew books.09/23/1880
Woburn Public LibraryThe New Library: Its pictures. 4 columns.01/23/1879
Woburn Public LibraryThe Library furniture.01/23/1879
Woburn Public LibraryPortrait of Jonathan Bowers Winn, has been hung in the Library. Portrait of Count Rumford has been received.05/03/1883
Woburn Public LibraryPresented with an Ancient Map by James Jackson Jarves of Florence, Italy03/29/1883
Woburn Public LibraryPresented with autograph, old deeds, documents, etc. by Nathan Wyman.01/10/1880
Woburn Public LibraryThe starred books removed from the Reading Room to the Alcove.09/11/1879
Woburn Public LibraryBox for communications for books. Library to remain open longer, etc.09/25/1879
Woburn Public LibraryW. R. Cutter of Lexington appointed Librarian, at a Salary of $900. Salaries of the Assistant Library and Janitor have been raised to $500 each. 02/09/1882
Woburn Public LibraryW. R. Cutter entered upon his duties as Librarian, Mar. 1, 1882.03/02/1882
Woburn Public LibraryWoburn Town Meeting Copy of an Act to Incorporate the Woburn Public Library to present to the Legislature. 01/31/1884
Woburn Public LibraryTown vote to make application to the Legislature for special act of Incorporation.02/07/1884
Woburn Public Library, Book StoreCommunication: “Thoughts of the People” asking by what authority books are sold there.12/19/1878
Woburn Public Library Building---02/28/1878
Woburn Public Library Building---07/25/1878
Woburn Public Library Building---08/08/1878
Woburn Public Library Building---08/22/1878
Woburn Public Library Building---08/29/1878
Woburn Public Library BuildingOur New Library.10/24/1878
Woburn Public Library BuildingGrading the grounds.11/08/1878
Woburn Public Library BuildingThe Winn Memorial Tablet placed in the north wall of the porch.01/20/1881
Woburn Public Library GroundsIn digging across the library grounds for the new culvert for Baldwin’s Brook which will pass under the extension of the Woburn Branch of the R. R. an old culvert has been crossed which must have been built 85 or more years ago…09/10/1885
Woburn Public ParkEditorial on Woburn Public Park.03/21/1878
Woburn Public SchoolsEvening School.11/22/1883
Woburn Pure Water ForEditorial.03/01/1872
Woburn Reform ClubPresented with a banner.06/22/1876
Woburn Reform ClubCelebrate its first anniversary.03/22/1877
Woburn RelicAdvertisement of the Sale at auction of the mills etc. of William Belknap 22 Feb. 1770.05/13/1875
Woburn RelicPart of an old cannon found on Meetinghouse hill.02/10/1876
Woburn Reservoir---09/12/1873
Woburn School SignalFire alarm to strike 22 for no sessions of the schools.05/12/1881
Woburn SchoolhousesCentral Street Schoolhouse sold to the Methodists; new one being built .10/15/1874
Woburn SchoolhousesNew Brick schoolhouse, Main and Warren Streets, about completed called “Town’s Folly.”10/08/1874
Woburn SchoolhousesDedication of the Cummings Grammar School building. 10/22/1874
Woburn SchoolhousesNorth Woburn Schoolhouse destroyed by fire.01/27/1876
Woburn SchoolsCedar St. Schoolhouse Nearing completion.09/03/1874
Woburn SchoolsThe High school which for several years has occupied the Warren Academy will go back to the old quarters in the High School Building on Main, opposite Franklin Street, which has lately been designated as the Hudson Schoolhouse…09/03/1875
Woburn Schools“The War on our schools.”06/20//1878
Woburn Schools“The War on our schools.”06/27/1878
Woburn SchoolsWhat is necessary?02/12/1874
Woburn SchoolsHow to build them.02/19/1874
Woburn SchoolsTown meeting.02/26/1874
Woburn Schools ClosedOn account of the prevalence of Scarlet fever.12/16/1875
Woburn Schools ClosedOn account of the prevalence of Scarlet fever.12/30/1875
Woburn Settlement ofChips? of history. New England two centuries ago.01/11/1877
Woburn Sewerage forCorrespondence regarding the enlargement of the Mystic Valley Sewer.08/30/1877
Woburn Sewerage ForSewerage For.09/27/1877
Woburn Shoe Manufacturers of---08/04/1871
Woburn Shoe Manufacturer ofNorth & East Wob. Manf.08/18/1871
Woburn Shoe Manufacture of---01/29/1874
Woburn Sidewalk By-LawDecision of Court on.07/23/1874
Woburn Skating AcademyMontvale Ave. McDonald Shute and Carter proprietors. Description of.05/29/1884
Woburn Skating AcademyOpening of the new rink.06/05/1884
Woburn, Statement of Expenses of1820-1821.04/18/1873
Woburn, Stoneham andHorse Railroad bought to the Lynn Horse Railroad Company.11/11/1886
Woburn Street Numbers---07/29/1886
Woburn Street Railway, NorthThe Horse cars are now run by one person, who acts as driver and conductor.01/02/1879
Woburn Street Railway, NorthThe property and franchise sold.04/29/1886
Woburn Street Railway, NorthIn the Legislature Tuesday, the committee on street railways reported to the House a bill to allow the North Woburn Street Railway to extend the tracks to Winchester…05/06/1886
Woburn Street Railway, NorthPetition, to lay tracks in Pleasant, Burlington, Bedford and Willow Streets to Cummingsville, and through Common and Main Streets to Winchester line. Petition granted.06/17/1886
Woburn Street Railway, NorthThe extension to Winchester completed, and was formally opened for travel last Saturday.09/23/1886
Woburn Street Railway, NorthPetition the Legislature to have their charter amended.12/09/1886
Woburn Street Railway, NorthPermission granted by the Selectmen of Medford the right to lay their tracks from Winchester line to Medford Center.03/15/1888
Woburn Street Railway, NorthWill run car from Winchester to Medford, on Monday.06/14/1888
Woburn Street Railway, NorthThe horse cars will run to or from Medford on or after Monday, Nov. 5, but will run to and from Symmes’ Corner.10/25/1888
Woburn Sunday Schools---07/07/1881
Woburn Tanners and the Mystic Water---08/14/1879
Woburn Tanners and CurriersThe Labor Question in Woburn.03/11/1886
Woburn Temperance LeagueOrganized.03/21/1878
Woburn, The Temperance Movement inForty-five years ago.09/17/1874
Woburn, The Temperance Movement inForty-five years ago.09/24/1874
Woburn Then and Now1776-1876. The progress of a century.01/20/1876
Woburn Tidbits, AncientP.L.C. 01/13/1887
Woburn Tidbits, AncientP.L.C. 01/20/1887
Woburn Town BellAn old custom abandoned.02/10/1876
Woburn Town Clerk’s OfficeNew safe.11/24/1881
Woburn Town Houseand the Centre Grammar Schoolhouse.06/03/1886
Woburn Town MeadowDraining of.07/04/1878
Woburn Town MeadowSelectmen’s doings.07/11/1878
Woburn Town MeadowDraining Town Meadow.07/18/1878
Woburn Town Meadow---10/24/1878
Woburn Town MeetingOne hundred years ago.01/06/1876
Woburn Truant OfficersSchool Committee appoint.04/13/1876
Woburn Two Hundred Years AgoTown meeting held Dec. 29, 1675.01/13/1876
Woburn Unitarian Chapel, NorthDedication of.01/14/1875
Woburn Village Improvement AssociationAward prizes.10/11/1883
Woburn Village Union, NorthAn Association formed.05/01/1884
Woburn Volunteer Fireman’s AssociationA preliminary meeting to form an association of veteran firemen was held in the Engineer’s Room in the Steamer House, Winn Street, on Tuesday evening last and organized with Captain L. W. Perham as President and A.P. Barrett, Secretary.03/22/1888
Woburn Volunteer Veteran Firemen’s AssociationOrganization of.04/26/1888
Woburn Ward Officers---11/15/1888
Woburn WaterAnalysis of.10/27/1871
Woburn Water Analysis---10/09/1879
Woburn, Water for---12/01/1871
Woburn, Water forA water supply.12/08/1871
Woburn Water WorksBlake pumping engine contracted for. Worthington pumping engine condemned.12/16/1880
Woburn Water WorksExperiments being made of a new water pipe.12/29/1878
Woburn Water WorksNew pumping engine.10/26/1876
Woburn Water WorksStarting of.09/05/1873
Woburn Water WorksStarting of.09/12/1873
Woburn Water WorksCement vs Cast Iron Pipe09/12/1873
Woburn Water WorksWorthington Engine purchased.06/19/1879
Woburn Water Works CelebrationOrder of procession.10/03/1873
Woburn Water Works CelebrationThe Celebration.09/10/1873
Woburn, WestSketch of business at Cummingsville.02/10/1871
Woburn, WestSketch of business at Cummingsville.02/17/1871
Woburn, West SideCummingsville to have a Post Office.03/18/1880
Woburn, West SideNew post office to be named “Cummingsville.” E.F. Cutter is the postmaster.04/01/1880
Woburn, West SideCummingsville to have a Post Office03/18/1880
Woburn, West SideNew Post Office to be named “Cummingsville.” E.F. Cutter is the postmaster.04/01/1880
Woburn, Widening of Main Street---05/28/1885
Woburn Woman’s ClubOrganization of.03/01/1883
Woburn Young Mens Christian AssociationFirst annual meeting held, Monday evening.02/06/1879
Woburn’s Manufacturing IndustriesFrom the Census of Massachusetts, 1880.04/26/1883
Wolschendorf, EdwardObituary.05/06/1886
Woman SuffrageMeeting held in Lyceum Hall.10/19/1876
Woman Suffrage 100 years ago---07/13/1876
Woman’s Christian Temperance UnionCommittee of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union of Middlesex County, held at the Methodist Church.03/03/1881
Woman’s Christian Temperance UnionHeld a Convention in the Methodist Episcopal Church, Tuesday.03/27/1884
Women VotersList of those who ask to be registered.07/10/1879
Wood, AbnerFatal accident.03/22/1872
Wood, ArtemasInsane; taken to Danvers Asylum.03/08/1883
Wood, Arthur W.of Burlington. “The Naval Cadetship.”08/14/1879
Wood, Arthur W.m. May E. Fuller.04/22/1886
Wood, Mr. & Mrs. EugenePresentation.06/03/1884
Wood, Francisat San Francisco, Cal.06/30/1871
Wood, FrancisSan Francisco, California. Sudden death.02/23/1872
Wood, JerushaWidow of Sylvanus Wood. Death of. 05/06/1880
Wood, JerushaWidow of Sylvanus Wood. Real estate sold.09/07/1882
Wood, JohnInsane.10/24/1878
Wood, RuthObituary.05/11/1882
Wood, Mrs. William H.Insane; taken to Worcester.11/01/1877
Wood, EstateRestrictions on the Sylvanus Wood Estate in Woburn Center to be removed.04/29/1886
Woodman, Dr. A.P. Formerly of Kingston; has taken the office and practice of Dr. Ephraim Cutter.09/14/1876
Woodman, Mr. and Mrs. CharlesPresentation.11/08/1883
Woodman, LucretiaBurlington presentation.07/08/1886
Woodside, BenjaminFuneral of.04/16/1885
Woodside, Mr. and Mrs. George20th wedding anniversary.03/01/1883
Woodside, Mr. and Mrs. George H.Twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding.02/23/1888
Workingman’s TrainBetween Woburn and Boston will leave at 5:15 a.m.; from Boston, at 6:45 p.m., commencing Monday, Jan. 3, 1881.12/30/1880
Wright, Rev. M.E. Appointed pastor, Methodist Episcopal Church.04/22/1886
Wright, Velma Curtism. Rev. Theodore C. Williams of Winchester.06/21/1883
Wright, Wallace W. Of Lynn. Obituary.06/24/1884
Wyer, B.F.Obituary.06/24/1884
Wyer, B.F.Resolutions….06/24/1884
Wyman, C. AustinObituary.02/28/1884
Wyman, Charlesof Stoneham. Suicide.07/04/1878
Wyman, George D.Death of. At San Francisco, Cal.11/25/1875
Wyman, George D.Burial of.11/23/1875
Wyman, Henryof North Woburn. Private, Co. C, 7th U.S. Cavalry. Killed at the Battle of Little Horn River, Montana Territory. 02/07/1878
Wyman, Luther B.of Brooklyn, New York, a native of Woburn. Obituary.07/31/1879
Wyman, Luther B.Philharmonic Society, Brooklyn. On the death of L.B.W.09/11/1879
Wyman, Miss LydiaHousekeeper for Edmund Parker, Winchester, found dead.11/21/1878
Wyman, Mary D. of Woburn m. Rev. Sumner U. Shearman of Jamaica Plain.06/14/1877
Wyman, NathanHas presented the Woburn Public Library with a large collection of autographs, old deeds, documents, etc.06/10/1880
Wyman, NathanObituary.04/09/1885
Wyman, S.E.A bill has been introduced into Congress by Representative Hayden to pension Mr. S.E. Wyman, postmaster at North Woburn…. 06/24/1886
Wyman, Samuel E.Appointed postmaster at North Woburn in place of James P. Tyler, deceased.09/22/1881
York, J.B.Son of W.S. York drowned at Winchester07/11/1873
Young, Rev. Dr.Pastor, Baptist church. House warming and gift.01/02/1874
Young, Lieut. A.T.Presentation.09/05/1873
Young, ClarenceObituary.06/05/1879
Young, Rev. George H.Closed his pastoral relations with the Unitarian Church, Woburn, last Sunday. 01/03/1884
Young, Rev. George H.Installed pastor, New South Free Church, Boston, last Sunday evening.01/03/1884
Young, Rev. George H.Has left Woburn and taken up his abode on the corner of Glendale and Columbia Streets, Dorchester.12/20/1883
Young, Rev. George H.Will preach his closing sermon as pastor of the Unitarian Church next Sunday morning.12/27/1883
Young, Rev. George H.Installed, pastor, First Unitarian Church.11/20/1879
Young, HenryHis machine shop, Buel Court, destroyed by fire.05/06/1880
Young, MargaretWinchester. Obituary. 03/31/1887
Young, Thomas C.Insane; taken to Danvers Asylum.06/08/1882
Young, Thomas C.Obituary.07/13/1882
Young, WarrenDropped dead.11/28/1878
Young, Warren“A gleam of sunlight.” Verses written by him.12/19/1878
Young, William E.Born in Woburn, Oct. 21, 1810. Son of William and Lydia died at Sharon, N.H. Obituary.08/09/1883
Young, Rev. Dr. W.M.Installed pastor, Woburn First Baptist Church01/10/1873
Young, Rev. Dr. W.M.Who recently resigned the pastorate, Woburn First Baptist Church, preached his farewell discourse.11/26/1874
Young, Rev. Dr. William M.Obituary.03/06/1879
Y.M.C.T.A. SocietyParade.08/02/1888
Young Men’s Christian AssociationA branch has been organized at North Woburn, with some forty members.07/01/1886
Young Men’s Christian AssociationConvention held in Woburn.06/14/1883
Young Men’s Christian AssociationRemoved from Allen’s Block to the Savings Bank Building, last Saturday.08/05/1888