The library will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents Day.
SubjectArticle DescriptionDate
Augustus, JohnBiographical sketch of John Augustus the Boston philanthropist born in Burlington, Mass., 1785. John Augustus and Harriet Stearns of Lexington, m. Nov. 6, 1817.
See Cutter Hist. of Arlington, p. 190. See also Hist. of Lexington, Vol 2, p. 14,15.
CabA real cab commenced running in this town on Monday... This is the first time a vehicle of this description has been owned in Woburn…05/15/1845
Converse, Joshuaand others. Article in the Town Warrant “to see if the town will instruct the Selectman to prosecute Elbridge Trull for violation of the License Law.”04/24/1845
JehuThe Fast Rider: or the Successful Leap.02/12/1846
Mechanic Rifleman, Theof Boston under the Command of Capt. Louis Dennis, visited the town yesterday and dined at the Horn Pond House.07/12/1844
Middlesex Canal…is doing a larger business at present than for any season the past eight years.09/20/1844
Money, History of Hard
Money, Origin of Paper---07/06/1844
Muster at Concord--- 09/20/1844
Nelson, MaryWife of John Nelson and dau. of Nathan and Esther (Wilder) Wyman. Obituary.09/20/1844
Randolph, Rev W.B.Substance of the address delivered at the Corner Stone for the new Universalist Church in Woburn.07/12/1844
Richardson, JosiahThanks to the members of the Albion Engine Co., No. 1…Gravestone to…Josiah M. Richardson.07/12/1844
Smith, JosephMormon prophet, death of.07/12/1844
Trull, ElbridgeAbout violation of the License Law.04/24/1845
Universalist Church, NewSubstance of the address delivered at the laying of the corner stone by Rev. W.B. Randolph. 07/12/1844
Universalist Church, NewThis beautiful structure is getting along finally…09/20/1844
Weston, MaryWife of Wyman Weston, formerly of Woburn, died at Reading, last Sunday (July 7) a. 74.07/12/1844
Woburn CemeteryConsecration Ceremonies.11/06/1845
Woburn Fire DepartmentAlbion Fire Company disbanded last Friday evening…the town of Woburn is now without any one under obligation to save the property of its citizens from fire…05/15/1845
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxExcursion to Concord, NH and Lowell, Massachusetts. Card of thanks for courtesies extended.08/16/1844