The Library will be closed on Friday, February 28 from 9am to 1pm for Staff Development Day.

SubjectArticle DescriptionDate
Abbott, Dr. Samuel WAppointed Assistant Surgeon, U.S. Navy.11/15/1861
Abbott, Dr. Samuel WAppointed Surgeon, gunboat Tioga.06/06/1862
Ames, Rev. J.A.Preached his farewell sermon at the Methodist Church last Sunday.04/08/1859
Andrews, Amelia J.m. John L. Parker.06/22/860
Anthracite CoalThirty-One Years Ago, Mr. Shoemaker of Pottsville started the trade, 1827.10/15/1858
AntiquarianThe Old Blacksmith shop at North Woburn.01/06/1860
Appleton, Mr. and Mrs. Thomasof Reading. Golden wedding. 07/11/1862
Army Letters---03/28/1862
Army Letters---04/11/1862,
Army Letters---06/20/1862
Army Letters"Our Jim."07/25/1862
Army Letters"x"09/19/1862
Atlantic TelegraphEditorial on cable celebration in Woburn.08/20/1858
Ayer, WarrenObituary.10/30/1863
Bacon, Francis L.Obituary. Son of Levi Bacon, Esq., formerly of Woburn. d. in Texas at the age of 24.04/08/1858
Bacon, Capt. OliverObituary.02/12/1858
Baker, J.K.Superintendent Methodist Sabbath school presented with a Pronouncing Bible.05/25/1860
Baldwin Apple---02/10/1860
BankCommittee to Consider a New Building.03/15/1861
Barker, Corp., AlexanderCo. F, 22nd Massachusetts. Death of.07/25/1862
Bean, Mr. and Mrs. Moses L.Silver Wedding. 11/20/1863
Bell, JohnPresidential candidate. Sketch of.05/18/1860
Bennett, W.S. Woburn Union Guard, 22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.07/18/1862
Bennett, William S. Run over by a car of the Somerville Horse Railroad company, etc.08/31/1860
Bodwell, Rev. J.C.Installed pastor Woburn Congregation.11/14/1862
Boston, Draft Riot in---07/07/1861
Bowman, Johnof Danville, Virginia at his brothers in Woburn.05/31/1861
Bowman, JohnLecture by.06/07/1861
Bowman, JohnTo give another lecture.07/14/1861
Brannagan, Rev FXFormerly pastor Catholic Church in Woburn, died of consumption.06/28/1861
Breckenridge, John C.Presidential candidate. Sketch of.06/29/1860
Brigham, J.L.of North Woburn appointed captain’s clerk, U.S. ship Pocohontas.06/07/1861
Brigham, J.L.Letter from U.S. stmr. Pocohontas.06/28/1861
Brigham, J.L.Letter from U.S. stmr. Pocohontas.08/16/1861
Bronson, Rev. Mr.Accepts call First Baptist Church.05/21/1858
Bronson, Rev. Mr.Right Hand of Fellowship.06/09/1858
Bronson, Rev. Mr.Sermon April 28,1861.05/10/1861
Bronson, Rev. Mr.Pastor of Woburn First Baptist Church has resigned; goes to Roxbury.04/11/1862
Brown, B.FOf Reading; His body found in the Mystic River, Medford.05/25/1860
Buchannan, President JamesA Recommendation. Appoints Friday, 4th day of January 1861.12/21/1860
Buckman Cpt William Died in Hospital in New Orleans. Obituary.10/16/1863
Buckman, Cpt WilliamFuneral arrangement.10/23/1863
Buckman, Cpt WilliamFuneral next Monday.11/13/1863
Buckman, Cpt WilliamFuneral of.11/20/1863
Bull RunEditorial. The Woburn boys in the fight.07/26/1861
Burbank, Major Elisha12th Massachusetts. Death of.12/05/1862
Burbank, Major Elisha12th Massachusetts. Death of.01/23/1863
Burke, JohnU.S. Ship Juniata. Funeral of.04/17/1863
Burlington Tax PayersThose who pay $50 and over.01/11/1861
Butters Corp., Theodore SCo. I 2nd Massachusetts, son of Lorenzo Butters of Wilmington, died in hospital, at Gettysburg, July 30, 1863, letters of Wm Baird.08/21/1863
Byron, Thomas COf Charlestown. Musician on the Constitution in the war of 1812. Obituary.03/08/1861
Carriage, Steam---08/14/1883
Carroll, Rev. LawrencePastor of Catholic Church, Woburn. Obituary. 11/26/1858
Carter, Alfredof Wilmington. Sudden death.12/21/1860
Catholic ChurchHigh Mass – Confirmation. This is the first time high mass has been performed in town, and it attracted to the church several Protestants as well as a number of Catholics.September 9, 1959
CensusFacts concerning.10/12/1860
Challis, Julia A. Lines suggested in the death of.01/11/1861
Chamberlain, Mr. & Mrs DavidGolden wedding.01/02/1863
Chamberlain Jr., DavidAt Mobile Ala., anxious to get home.06/06/1862
Chase, Salmon P. Governor of Ohio was in town, Wednesday, guest of Capt. Timothy Winn.08/05/1859
Chase, Salmon, PGovernor of Ohio; guest of Capt. Timothy Winn.09/07/1860
Chicago Zouaves, TheDrill at Boston.07/27/1860
Childs, W.H.1st Mass. Regt. Letter About Bull Run.07/26/1861
Church, Cephas Of Winchester. Presentation.03/30/1860
Civil WarLetters From Men in the Service.05/03/1861
Civil WarLetters From Men in the Service.05/10/1861
Civil WarLetters From Men in the Service.05/17/1861
Civil WarLetters From Men in the Service.05/24/1861
Civil WarLetters From Men in the Service.06/07/1861
Civil WarLetters From Men in the Service.06/14/1861
Civil WarLetters From Men in the Service.06/21/1861
Civil WarLetters from the Seat of War.05/03/1861
Civil WarMore Contributions.05/03/1861
Civil WarMuch of Interest concerning the Civil War will be found in the Budget, April 19, 1861-Sept. 27, 1861. _ _ _ _ _ _
Civil WarCapt. T.J. Porter has enrolled 19 men for the Irish Brigade in Boston.04/26/1861
Civil WarAccount of the Stoneham Company passing through Baltimore.04/26/1861
Civil WarOur Home Guard.05/03/1861
Civil WarLetter from L.F. Lynde, Lt. Commanding Stoneham Co., Washington DC. regarding the Baltimore Riot.05/03/1861
Civil WarPatriotic Contributions. Progress of the war. New Company Forming. Fireman Drilling. Woburn Mechanics Phalanx. Presentation. Effigy of Jeff Davis.04/26/1861
Civil WarEditorial Rise and Progress of the war. Men enlisting, money raised; subscribers names.04/19/1861
Claffy, Patrick H. Cemetery Troubles,10/05/1860
Claffy, P.H.His dog has hydrophobia,02/22/1861
Clarke, W.H.To succeed George E. Whitney as organist at the First Cong. Church,09/13/1861
Clock on the New Church(First Congregational Church).09/13/1861
Clock on the New Church(First Congregational Church).04/19/1861
Concord Muster---09/09/1859
Conn, George H.Presentation.02/24/1860
Converse, Charles L. Letter from. About contrabands. 05/22/1863
Converse, JosiahObituary.07/20/1860
Converse, LutherObituary.03/15/1861
Converse, ShermanFacts concerning the Census.10/12/1860
Crane, Capt. John P.Co F. 22nd Massachusetts returned home; honorable discharge from service.05/29/1863
CranesJosiah Leathe shot a crane near Horn Pond, 4 ft. 8 in high and 6 ft. from tip to tip.08/03/1860
CranesJ.R. Cutler Shot a Crane in Kendall’s Pond 5 ft. high, and 6 ft 2 ½ in. from tip to tip.08/17/1860
Cutler, J.R.Shot a Crane in Kendall’s Pond which was 5 feet high, and 6 ft 2 ½ in. from tip to tip.08/17/1860
Cutter, Lizzie E. Resolutions on her death. 04/17/1863
Cutter, Mrs. SusanLiving with her son-in-law Caleb Simmonds insane; suicide.05/10/1861
Daley, PatrickU.S. Regular. Letter From.07/05/1861
Davis, HenryFormerly of Woburn, deserter from the rebel army in town.11/15/1861
Dean Charles S. Woburn Union Guard 22nd, Massachusetts. Death of.04/04/1862
Dean Charles S. Woburn Union Guard 22nd, Massachusetts, Funeral of.04/11/1862
Dean, Joseph G. Member of Concord Artillery. Arrested as a spy. Letter from. 05/10/1861
Dennett, John R. Graduate of Woburn High School class poet, Harvard College.03/14/1862
Deblois, Charles Obituary.10/07/1859
Dike, Capt. John H. Stoneham. Sketch of.04/25/1862
Doherty, HughCaught a Loon on the ice at Horn Pond.12/21/1860
Douglas, Stephan A.Presidential candidate, sketch of.06/29/1860
Douglas, Stephan A. Death of. Sketch.06/07/1861
Drew, Dr. S.W. Appointed Surgeon 9th Mass.08/30/1861
Drew, Dr. S. WatsonSurgeon 9th Massachusetts. Letters from. 11/22/1861
Drew, Dr. S. WatsonAt home on furlough.12/20/1861
Drew, Dr. S. WatsonHonorable discharge.12/19/1862
Dustin Monument, TheJust completed by Pickering and Co. of Woburn. Inscriptions on.05/31/1861
EagleO.R. Fowle shot a eagle near the watering station.10/09/1857
EagleEagle shot at North Reading.10/23/1857
EagleEagle captured in the woods at Winchester.01/07/1859
EarthquakeShock felt Last Wednesday Night.03/16/1860
EarthquakeSlight shock.10/19/1860
EarthquakeShock felt.01/24/1862
Edgerly, NancyDrowned in Horn Pond. Suicide.08/02/1861
Eleventh MassachusettsLetter from. 01/03/1862
Eleventh Massachusetts BatteryReturn of.05/29/1863
Ellard, WilliamGranted patent on a glassing jack.04/02/1861
F. T. C. Co. G, 13 Mass. Letter from.09/06/1881
F. R. H. 24th Massachusetts. Letter from.06/06/1862
Farnham, RalphSurvivor of the battle of Bunker Hill to be escorted by the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company on his visit to Boston.10/05/1860
Fifth MassachusettsNames of those dead or wounded. Names Bull Run battle.07/26/1861
Fifth MassachusettsMustered Out.08/02/1861
Fifth MassachusettsReception of the Woburn Men on their return home.08/16/1861
Fifth MassachusettsList of men taken prisoners by the Rebels.08/16/1861
Fifth Massachusetts RegimentPresented with a Flag.05/31/1861
Fifth MassachusettsCompanies and captains of.06/07/1871
Fifth Massachusetts List of those at Richmond etc.10/18/1861
FireSee Saw Factory.05/20/1859
First Congregational ChurchNew Meeting House dedicated Oct. 31, 1860.11/02/1860
First Congregational ParishWorkman began on Tuesday morning the work of preparing the ground for the new church edifice.06/10/1859
Fisk Esq., Benjaminof Lexington. Obituary. 02/27/1863
Fletcher, R. Henry24th Massachusetts. Letter from. 12/06/1861
Floyd, WilliamSuperintendent of the building of the Stone House in the Brooks’ estate, Medford.05/17/1859
Foley, EdwardWho has been in Newfoundland; was a passenger on the Connaught, which was lost, arrived home.10/19/1860
Ford, JeffersonSt. Simon’s Bay, Georgia. Letter from.05/23/1862
Fort WarrenWoburn boys at, roll of.12/06/1861
Fort WarrenLetter from.02/07/1861
Fort WarrenLetter from.02/14/1862
Fortress MonroeLetter from WTS. In hospital there: Alvin Hosmer, 33rd Mass; James Sheehan, 22nd Mass; 26th Maine, formerly of Woburn; Lieut. Mahlon Withum .01/02/1860
Foster, Mary ALines upon her death by Almira Wyman. 12/21/1860
Fowle, John The “John Fowle Store” on the move for the lot opposite Trull’s drug store.06/22/1860
Fowle, O.R.Shot an eagle near the watering station.10/09/1859
Frost, JohnSon of Walter Frost of Woburn accidentally shot in San Francisco, Cal.03/22/1861
Furbush, John R9th N.Y. At home on furlough.09/06/1861
Gage, Dr. Richard M.Of Mobile, Ala., formerly of Woburn, going to Europe.01/06/1862
Gardener, Martha (Cutter)Widow of Henry Gardener of Winchester. Obituary.05/16/1862
Gas NaturalIn use at Freedonia, NY.01/06/1860
Gilcreast, JohnForeman, Niagara Engine Co. No. 1 Presented with silver pitcher etc.05/09/1862
Gillespie, WilliamWoburn Union Guard, 22nd Massachusetts died in the hospital, Body brought home.on Sunday last.03/14/1862
Gleason Jr., AlbertOne of the returned 9 mos. Men, leaves Woburn to enlist in Co. K, 39th Massachusetts.09/11/1863
Gleason, J. Frank22nd Massachusetts. Letter From.01/23/1863
Gleason, J. Frank22nd Massachusetts. Letter From.02/20/1863
Gleason, J. Frank22nd Massachusetts. Letter From.04/10/1863
Gleason, J. FrankActing clerk commissary dept., Army of the Potomac, appointed clerk in the war dept.11/13/1863
Goodwin, J.W.11th Massachusetts. Wounded at Gettysburg. Death of.07/24/1863
Gove, Col. Jesse ASketch of.07/04/1862
Gowing, Mr. & Mrs. George of Wilmington. Drowned.01/23/1863
Gowing, Mr. & Mrs. GeorgeFuneral of.01/30/1863
Great Eastern, Steamer At New York.06/29/1860
Hackett, EphraimAppointed Sutler, 22nd Massachusetts.12/05/1882
Hadley and Brother, F.Of East Woburn, built a vessel named “Try It”. She was launched in Mystic River, Medford, near the Bos. R.R. bridge. 06/29/1860
Hamlin, HannibalPresidential Candidate. Sketch of.05/25/1860
Hanson, P.G.His dog supposed to be rabid, killed at Olneyville, RI.09/14/1860
Harlow, Dr. John M.Has established himself in Woburn.11/08/1861
Harrington, Timothy JohnHis body found in the woods near the watering station.01/14/1859
Harris, A.J.Woburn Union Guard, 22nd Massachusetts died at Hall’s Hill Virginia, Mar. 2d, of typhoid fever. This is the first death among the Woburn Volunteers. His body is brought home.03/07/1862
Harvey, Ellen M. Obituary.07/29/1859
Hathaway, A.K.Reunion of his scholars at Medford.02/17/1860
Hathaway, A.K.Formerly teacher at Warren Academy died at Medford.09/21/1860
Hawkins, C.G.A venerable party at his home.10/24/1862
Hayward, Arza and Temperance C. Golden wedding.10/19/1860
Hickey, Thomas16th Light Artillery. Fatal Accident on Woburn Branch RR. Funeral of.10/02/1863
Holden, Luther and L.B.Granted patent for improvement in the manufacture of boots and shoes.04/12/1861
Holden, WilliamLetter from Fort Holt, Kentucky.10/18/1861
Holden, WilliamLetter from Fort Holt, Kentucky.12/06/1861
Holden, WilliamLetter from Fort Holt, Kentucky.12/13/1861
Holden, WilliamLetter from Fort Henry, Tenn.02/21/1862
Holden, WilliamDischarged from service.05/16/1862
Holden, WilliamObituary.06/06/1862
Holden, Major WilliamAppointed drum major 10th Illinois regt. His son is Major Holden served in the war of 1812.Captain of Co. H same regiment.05/24/1861
Holden, Major WilliamLetter from.06/28/1861
Holland, TimothyDrowned in Horn Pond.08/23/1861
Holt, AsaOf Beach St. Death from burning.12/20/1861
Horn Pond“A Sad Case.” Timothy Holland drowned, Mrs. James Mosher died from the excitement caused.08/23/1861
Horn Pond RaidDecision in cock-fighting case.(no date)
Horne, Capt. Leonard W. 4th Kansas, murdered.11/29/1861
Horne, John B.Formerly of Woburn; commissioned captain, 4th Kansas. His brother George K. Horne, appointed Sargent Major, 4th Kansas.11/08/1861
Horse CarsRunning from Medford Square to Boston via Winter Hill.03/04/1860
Horse RailroadFrom Winchester to Medford projected.04/22/1859
Horton SparrowLibrarian, Unitarian Sabbath School, presented with a Turkish morocco drawing case.01/21/1859
Hosmer, O.S.Letter from Camp Andrew, VA.06/14/1861
Ice Business--01/13/1860
Jennison, Nahumof Burlington, 82 yrs 10 mos old, walked a mile, and cut and corded a cord and a half of oak wood in six hours.02/27/1863
Johnson, Hershel V. Presidential candidate, sketch of. 06/29/1860
J.R.E. Letter from. The writer leaves North Carolina for the North; gives an account of his journey.03/03/1861
Jameson, R. EdwinAppointed Assistant Surgeon at Readville.04/24/1863
Jameson, R. EdwinBeen commissioned in the 29th Mass, now with Burnside’s command at Paris, Kentucky.05/08/1863
Johnson, Samuel A.Belonging in Pittsfield, brakeman a B. & L. R.R. suicide.12/04/1859
Kelly, DanielBrakeman B & L RR thrown from top of a freight car.08/24/1860
Kendall, Jacob11th Mass. Letter from Camp Union.08/30/1861
Kendall, Jacob11th Massachusetts. Letter from.11/15/1861
Kendall, Jacob11th Massachusetts. Returned home.08/15/1862
Kendall, Leander26th Massachusetts. Son of James Kendall of Woburn died in hospital at New Orleans, Aug, 8,1862.09/12/1862
Kenard, Rev. J.S.Installed pastor, Woburn Baptist Church.11/07/1862
Kenney, Capt. M. C.Of Kenney and Peirce, Ice Dealer, Woburn suicide.12/16/1859
Kimball, Rev. D.T.Of Ipswich. Obituary.02/10/1860
Ladd, John J. Preceptor of Warren Academy to take charge of High School, Providence, R.I.02/25/1859
Ladd, John J. Presentation.03/04/1859
Lamphier, CharlesBoatswain’s mate, Frigate Colorado. Killed.10/11/1861
Lane, JosephPresidential candidate, sketch of. 06/29/1860
Lane, JoshuaPiano Forte manufacturer, Winchester. Obituary.07/27/1860
Latham, WilliamFormer publisher of the Middlesex Journal, loses his wife and one child in an accident at Fort Wayne, Indiana.07/22/1859
Leach, Capt. Benjaminof Manchester, Mass., father of Mrs. John A. Gould of Woburn. Obituary.10/14/1859
Leathe, JosiahShot a crane in Jacob Pierce’s meadow near Horn Pond. The crane was 4 ft. 8 in height and measured 6 feet from tip to tip.08/03/1860
Leathe, Josiah Jr. Letter from Bull Run.07/26/1861
Leavitt, ThomasObituary.10/09/1863
Leslie, Albert S.Member of the Charlestown artillery has gone to the war.04/19/1861
Leslie, A. S.Letter from Washington.05/03/1861
Leslie, A. T. Letter from Treasury Bldg.05/24/1861
Lexington, Battle Of---12/09/1859
Lexington Monument---02/03/1860
LightningDamage done by.09/10/1858
Lincoln, AbrahamPresidential candidate, sketch of.05/25/1860
Lincoln, AbrahamEditorial: the new president.03/08/1861
Locomotive, The First AmericanBuilt in the country.01/13/1860
Logan, JohnFatal Accident.02/01/1861
LoonCaught in the ice at Horn Pond by Hugh Doherty.12/21/1860
Lyceum HallAttempt to burn.11/23/1860
McCarthy, D. With Burnside’s Division, North Carolina. Letter from.05/02/1862
McHapenny, BryantA private from this town and formerly member of Veto Engine Co., East Woburn, promoted, sergeant for arresting, a rebel prisoner, while trying to escape from Fort Lafayette.12/20/1861
Manning, Dea UriahDeath of.05/23/1862
March, Rev. DanielPresented with silver, etc.04/22/1859
March, Rev. DanielLetter From. 06/01/1860
March, Rev. DanielLetter From.06/22/1860
March, Rev. DanielLetter From.07/27/1860
March, Rev. DanielLetter From.08/03/1860
March, Rev. DanielLetter From.08/10/1860
March, Rev. DanielLetter From.08/24/1860
March, Rev. DanielLetter From.08/24/1860
March, Rev. DanielLecture.02/15/1861
March, Rev. DanielLecture.02/22/1861
March, Rev. DanielLecture.03/08/1861
March, Rev. DanielLecture.03/15/1861
March, Rev. DanielLecture.03/22/1861
March, Rev. DanielLecture.03/29/1861
March, Rev. DanielLecture.04/05/1861
March, Rev. DanielSermon, Sunday Apr. 21, 1861.04/26/1861
March, Rev. DanielResigned as pastor of First Cong. Church. Installed pastor, Clinton Street Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.02/28/1862
March, Rev. Mr. & Mrs. DanielSailed from East Boston, Wednesday on the America for Europe.05/04/1860
March, Rev. Mr. & Mrs. DanielReturn home on the Arabia. Reception. 10/19/1860
Massachusetts Fifth RegimentSee Fifth Mass. ---
Massachusetts Sixteenth RegimentSee Sixteenth Mass.---
Massachusetts Twenty-second RegimentSee Woburn Union Guard.---
Mays, FrancisSerious accident.08/19/1859
Merriam, Joseph W. Died in Richmond, Virginia, July 11, 1862.08/08/1862
Miller, Eugene J.Letter from Washington, D.C.05/10/1861
Miller, J. LoringObituary.04/12/1861
Minot’s Ledge LighthouseCorner stone laid last Saturday. The old light house was destroyed 16th of April, 1851.10/08/1858
Morong, TraversObituary.01/17/1862
Morris, FrancisSergt. Co. F, 16th Mass.09/20/1861
Nelson, Judge A. H.Obituary.07/02/1858
New York Ninth RegimentSee Ninth New York.----
Niagra Engine Co Presented with a Bible case.12/10/1858
Niagra Engine Company No. 1Oyster supper.0125/1861
Nichols, Stephan Jr. Sudden death.11/22/1861
Nickerson, Mr. A. S. Ordained pastor of church in North Woburn.02/05/1858
Ninth MassachusettsReturn home. Woburn Men in the Regiment. 06/24/1864
Ninth New York RegimentLetter from Woburn Men in the regiment. John A Perkins, John R. Furbush, Jamie E. Tiliston, Perley M. Griffin, John B. Horne.08/23/1861
Observations by the WayNo. 3 about Concord, N.H. mention is made of people there of Woburn origin.08/03/1860
O’Connor, DanielU.S. ship Cumberland, letter from.05/03/1861
O’Connor, DanielU.S. ship Cumberland, letter from.09/13/1861
O’Connor, DanielU.S.S. Cumberland. Letter from: about the fight at Hampton Roads.03/21/1862
P.Letter from Washington.05/10/1861
P.Letter from Alexandria.06/21/1861
P.Letter from Alexandria.07/12/1861
P. E. F. Letter from Ship Island.01/24/1861
Page, Capt. JohnSingular death. Obituary.03/01/1861
P. E. F. Letter from Ship Island.01/24/1861
Parker, John L. m. Amelia J Andrews.06/22/1860
Parker, John L. Editor, Budget, joins the 22nd Mass. Regt. 12/06/1861
Parker, John L.Letter From. 12/13/1861
Parker, John L.Letter From.12/27/1861
Parker, John L.Letter From.01/03/1861
Parker, John L.Letter From.01/10/1862
Parker, John L.Letter From.01/17/1862
Parker, John L.Letter From.01/24/1862
Parker, John L.Letter From.01/31/1862
Parker, John L.Letter From.02/07/1862
Parker, John L.Letter From.02/14/1862
Parker, John L.Letter From.02/28/1862
Parker, John L.Letter From.03/07/1862
Parker, John L.Letter From.03/14/1862
Parker, John L.Letter From.03/21/1862
Parker, John L.Letter From.04/04/1862
Parker, John L.Letter From.04/11/1862
Parker, John L.Letter From.04/18/1862
Parker, John L.Letter From.04/25/1862
Parker, John L.Letter From.05/02/1862
Parker, John L.Letter From.05/16/1862
Parker, John L.Letter From.05/23/1862
Parker, John L.Letter From.05/30/1862
Parker, John L.Letter From.06/06/1862
Parker, John L.Letter From.06/13/1862
Parker, John L.Letter From.06/20/1862
Parker, John L.Letter From.06/27/1862
Parker, John L.Letter From.07/04/1862
Parker, John L.Reported missing heard from.07/11/1862
Parker, John L.Letter from. Prisoner at Richmond, VA.07/25/1862
Parker, John L.Letter from Hospital, Philadelphia, Penn.08/1/1862
Parker, John L.Return home, discharged from service.09/26/1862
Parker, John L.Letter from.09/26/1862
Parker, John L.Letter from.10/03/1862
Parker, John L.Letter from. 10/10/1862
Parker, John L.Letter from.10/17/1862
Parker, John L.Letter from.10/31/1862
Parker, John L.Letter from.11/14/1862
Parker, John L.Letter from.11/21/1862
Parker, John L.Letter from.11/28/1862
Parker, John L.Accepted position as clerk in the Commissary Dept., 1st div. 1st Brigade, 5th Army corps.09/25/1863
Parker, John L.Returned home, sick with fever.11/13/1863
Parker, Joseph Addison Jr. Death of a young patriot.10/25/1861
Parker, Mark“Shameful outrage.”08/16/1861
Parker, Mark“Shameful outrage.”08/23/1861
Pearsons, Edwin H.Died in camp at Readville.11/01/1861
Pemberton Mill LawrenceCatastrophe.01/13/1860
Perkins, James A. 9th New York Battery. Died in hospital at Philadelphia, of typhoid fever, Aug. 8, 1862.08/15/1862
Persons, A. W. Mounted Rifles Rangers, Butler’s Expedition on board. Letter from. “Constitution,” Fortress Monroe.01/24/1862
Persons, A. W.Letter from. 02/07/1862
Persons, A. W.Letter from Ship Island.03/07/1862
Persons, A. W.Letter from Ship Island.04/18/1862
Persons, A. W.Letter from Ship Island.05/16/1862
Persons, A. W.Letter from New Orleans. 06/06/1862
Persons, A. W.Mounted Rifles Rangers, Butler’s Expedition, promoted Captain First Louisiana Regiment.09/12/1862
Persons, OscarLetter from Faneuil Hall.04/26/1861
Persons, OscarLetter from Faneuil Hall.06/07/1861
Persons, Lieut. OscarCo. K. 39th Massachusetts at Home; discharged on account of ill health.11/06/1863
Phalanx AssociatesOrganization formed.03/01/1861
Phalanx AssociatesThe Trustees of the Phalanx, chosen when the company disbanded to settle up the affairs and take charge of the flag staff on the Common, made over the property in their hands to the Phalanx Associates.06/14/1861
Phalanx AssociatesHave purchased a new flag 19 x 30; and pennant 75 ft. long, for the liberty pole on the common. 01/10/1862
Phalanx AssociatesPresent the commissioned officers, Woburn Mechanic Phalanx, 5th Massachusetts, nine months men, with equipments.09/12/1862
Pierce, Etta W. White Cloud. A Tale of Woburn.01/04/1861
Pierce, Etta W.Poetry. South Carolina.02/08/1861
Pierce, Etta W.Correction.02/15/1861
Pierce, Etta W.Campaign Song, “Up with the colors” Dedicated to the Woburn Union Guard.11/15/1861
Pierce, Etta W.m. Capt. J. Henry Symonds ,Co. D, 22 Massachusetts.08/28/1863
Pippy, John J. Editor, Middlesex Journal. Obituary.12/16/1859
Plummer, John W. Member of band, 3d New Hampshire, on the Naval Expedition Letter from. Off Carolina coast.11/22/1861
Plummer, John W.Letter from Port Royal, Hilton Head.01/03/1862
Pond, Mrs. Of Bedford, dau.of Dea Benjamin Hartwell of Lexington. Fatal accident.01/05/1860
Raymond, Edward E. Obituary.01/06/1860
Raymond, Edward E. Funeral of.01/13/1860
Reed, George W. His youngest daughter Eliza A. died from being poisoned eating artichokes. 05/24/1861
Reed, Nancy D. Widow of Captain William Reed. Fatal accident.04/12/1861
Reid, John B.Of Greenville, Illinois, a Woburn boy has been elected captain of one of the Bond county Illinois, companies.08/22/1862
Renfrew, LordArrived in Boston; Wednesday.10/19/1860
Richardson, Cyrus B.Enlisted in a Taunton company and gone to Ft. Monroe.04/19/1861
Richardson, Cyrus B.Shoulder broken by a shot in the fight at Great Bethel.06/21/1861
Richardson Capt. John I.Woburn National Rangers Co K 39th Massachusetts. At home on furlough.06/26/1863
Richardson Capt. John T. At home on 30 day furlough.12/18/1863
Richardson, Nathaniel A. Defaulted.03/22/1861
Rickard, Dr. TrumanObituary.08/09/1861
Rickard, Dr. TrumanResolutions.08/16/1861
Rickard, Dr. TrumanResolutions.08/16/1861
Rickard, Dr. TrumanResolutions. 08/23/1861
Ricker, Rev. JosephLate pastor of the First Baptist Church, appointed chaplain of the State’s Prison, Charlestown.05/21/1858
Rogers, O. W. Letter from N.Y.06/14/1861
Rogers, O. W.Letter from Washington.06/21/1861
Rogers, O. W.Letter from Alexandria.06/28/1861
Rogers, O. W.Letter from Camp Massachusetts.07/12/1861
Rogers, O. W.Letter about Bull Run.07/26/1861
Rumford, CountSketch of.01/07/1859
Sargent, EnsignOf East Woburn, who died about two years ago, buried in the New Lindenwood Cemetery, Stoneham on Thursday last. This is the first internment in the new cemetery.05/31/1861
Saw FactoryHenshaw and Clemson Factory at East Woburn destroyed by fire. Loss $5000.05/20/1859
SchoolhouseAbner G. Woods has taken contract for new schoolhouse near Franklin Street.02/10/1860
Second MassachusettsLetter from. 03/14/1862
Second MassachusettsLetter from.06/13/1862
Semmes, RaphaelOf the “Alabama.” Sketch of.01/02/1863
Shoemakers StrikeTo Lynn Cordwainers’ strike.03/12/1860
Shoemakers StrikeThe Cordwainers’ meetings in Woburn.03/16/1860
Shoemakers StrikeLynn & Stoneham strikers to visit Woburn.03/23/1860
Shoemakers StrikeVisit of the strikers.03/30/1860
Shoemakers StrikeCordwainers’ meeting.03/30/1860
Snow, William F.Appointed captain’s clerk, U.S. gunboat Tioga.06/19/1863
Sixteenth MassachusettsList of Woburn men in this regiment.08/16/1861
SnowThe snow which fell this week was 19 inches deep on a level. The whole amount of snow this winter is 81 inches.04/05/1861
SnowstormSevere snowstorm.03/13/1863
Spaulding, Dr. Stillmanof Lexington. Obituary.06/01/1860
Stebbins, Rev. Dr. Surprise party.03/09/1860
Stebbins, Rev. D. R. Sermon preached April 21, 1861.04/26/1861
Stone, H. P.Member of the Charlestown Artillery, gone to the war.04/19/1861
Stone, H. P. Member of the 5th Mass regt. discharged on account of sickness returns home. 06/07/1861
Stoneham, Sketch of---11/30/1860
Stoneham, Sketch of---12/07/1860
Stoneham, Sketch of---12/14/1860
Stoneham, Sketch of---12/21/1860
Stoneham, Sketch of---12/28/1860
Stoneham Military Company“Grey Eagles” gave an exhibition drill on Woburn Common Training Day.06/21/1861
Stoneham TaxpayersThose who paid $50 and over. 08/08/1862
Sturgis Hon. William (1782-1863)Will of (2,000,000 Estate).10/30/1863
Sullivan, T. V. Letter from Fortress Monroe.01/03/1862
Sullivan, T. V. Letter from Fortress Monroe.03/07/1862
Sullivan, T. V. Letter from Fortress Monroe.03/14/1863
Symonds, Lieut. J. Henry22nd Massachusetts notice of.08/01/1862
Symonds, Capt. J HenryCo D, 22 Massachusetts, m. Etta W. W. Pierce.08/28/1863
T C. 3rd Massachusetts. Letter from.09/05/1862
T. J. E.3rd Massachusetts. Letter from. 07/11/1862
T. J. E. 3rd Massachusetts. Letter from.09/05/1862
T. S. C. Letter from Camp Relay.06/11/1861
TaxpayersThose who pay $50 and over. Those who pay $100 and over.07/15/1859
TaxpayersThose who pay $50 and over.08/24/1860
TaxpayersThose who pay $50 and over.07/12/1861
TaxpayersThose who pay more than $25 and less than $50.07/19/1861
TaxpayersThose who pay $50 and over.07/24/1863
Tay, CyrusEx -engineer presentation.06/01/1860
Tax Lieut. CyrusCo B ,1st Battalion Mass. Vol. presented with a sword by the Phalanx Associates.11/29/1861
Tay, Mrs. PrescottDeath of.05/23/1862
Tay, WilliamCaptured a prisoner. April 19, 1775. 12/09/1859
Thayer, John E. Formerly of Co. F, 22nd Massachusetts. Obituary.07/10/1863
Thirteenth MassachusettsLetter From.11/01/1861
Thirteenth MassachusettsLetter From.11/22/1861
Thirteenth MassachusettsLetter From.12/20/1861
Thirteenth MassachusettsLetter From.02/07/1862
Thirteenth MassachusettsLetter From.02/21/1862
Thirteenth MassachusettsLetter From.03/14/1862
Thirteenth MassachusettsLetter From.03/21/1862
Thirteenth MassachusettsLetter From.03/28/1862
Thirteenth MassachusettsLetter From.04/11/1862
Thirteenth MassachusettsLetter From.04/25/1862
Thirteenth MassachusettsLetter From.05/02/1862
Thirty-ninth MassachusettsLeft camp at Boxford for Washington last Saturday.09/12/1862
Thompson Capt. A. F. Obituary.08/09/1861
Thompson, AbijahThe old blacksmith shop at North Woburn by antiquarian.01/06/1860
Thompson, General AbijahPresented a tower clock to the First Congregational Church. 04/12/1861
Thompson, CyrusLetter of. Extracts of an Oration by Samuel Thompson before the Woburn Constitutional Society, July 4, 1779.01/04/1861
Thompson, DanielKilled by the British Soldiers April 19, 1775, gravestone inscription.06/04/1858
Thompson, Dea. CharlesSixty years married. Surprise party.01/24/1862
Thompson, Dea B. F.of Winchester. Obituary.08/07/1863
Thompson, E. E.Appointed Postmaster, North Woburn.06/07/1861
Thompson, SamuelExtracts from an oration delivered by him before the Woburn Constitutional Society, July 4 or 5, 1779.01/04/1861
Thompson, Capt. Samuel I.Woburn Union Guard.08/09/1861
Thompson, Capt. Samuel I.Woburn Union Guard.09/06/1861
Thompson, Capt. Samuel I.Woburn Union Guard. Letter to Mrs. Sarah Edgell Davis.12/20/1861
Thompson, Capt. Samuel I.At home on furlough.01/17/1862
Thompson, Capt. Samuel I.Letter to Mrs. Sarah Edgell Davis.02/14/1862
Thompson, Capt. Samuel I.Taken prisoner at the Battle of Chickahominy. Released on parole.07/18/1862
Thompson, Capt. Samuel I.Taken prisoner at the Battle of Chickahominy. Released on parole.07/25/1862
Thompson, Capt. Samuel I.Notice of. 08/01/1862
Thompson, Capt. Samuel I.Obituary. 08/08/1862
Thompson, Capt. Samuel I.Funeral services.08/08/1862
Thompson, Capt. Samuel I.Funeral of.08/15/1862
Tidd, John D. Supt. Baptist Sunday School presented with a costly Bible.06/25/1858
Tidd, Lieut. Luke RPresented with equipments.09/05/1862
Trecarton, Capt. Johnof North Woburn. Patriotic Shipmaster.12/04/1863
Twenty-second MassachusettsLetter from.08/29/1862
Tyler, AncillDied very suddenly last Friday, at the residence of his son-in-law.03/19/1858
US Gunboat TiogaDescription of, and Roster of offices.07/04/1862
US Gunboat TiogaLetter from L. A.07/25/1862
US Postage StampsWill not be taken for change, after Jan. 3, 1863.01/02/1863
US Postal Stamps Redeeming Postage stamps.01/09/1863
United States Postage Stamp Currency---08/08/1862
Vicksburg ---07/10/1863
Wade, Colonel JohnObituary.07/16/1858
Wade, Colonel JohnWill to be contested.09/03/1858
Wade, Colonel JohnHearing on the will.09/17/1858
Wade, Colonel JohnAdjourned hearing.09/24/1858
Wade, Colonel JohnWill admitted to probate; carried before the Supreme Judicial Court on appeal. Testimony of the witness. Copy of will.05/11/1860
Warren AcademyTo be reopened.11/15/1861
Warren AcademyReopened.12/06/1861
Washington, GeorgeBirthday sketch of.02/22/1861
Washington, GeorgeLetter of.05/04/1860
Washington, GeorgeLetter of.03/28/1862
Washington’s Birthday February 22, 1862. President Lincoln’s Proclamation.02/21/1862
Washington’s BirthdayObservance of. 02//28/1862
Webster, JacobPresented with a gold headed cane.11/29/1857
Wedge Pond, WinchesterOrigin of name.09/07/1860
Welch, JamesBurned to death. Inquest. 09/18/1863
Whistles, Steam---01/21/1859
Whiting, George EOrganist at the Woburn First Congregation Church .12/07/1860
Whiting, George EPresented with a silver gold lined goblet by First Congregational Church.09/13/1861
White CloudA Tale of Woburn by Etta W. Pierce.01/04/1861
Wiggin, Wallace S.Formerly a resident of Woburn, soldier in the rebel army, a prisoner at Louisville, Ky.05/02/1862
Winchester BurglarsTrial of.12/23/1859
Winchester Glimpses of---06/14/1861
Winchester, Views of206/28/1861
Winchester, Views of307/05/1861
Winchester, Views of407/19/1861
Winchester, Views of508/02/1861
WindstormLast Monday night was very stormy some damage done. Flagg staff on the Common, broken off 10 feet from the top. Meverick Wyman had a frame house blown down, etc. 05/10/1861
WindstormMuch damage done.01/03/1862
Wind StormEffects of the gale.03/07/1862
Winn, William H.5 Mass regt. returned home.07/05/1861
Woburn All AboutNo. 1 Newspaper.10/14/1859
Woburn All AboutNo 2 Military.10/28/1859
Woburn All AboutNo 3 Military.11/04/1859
Woburn All AboutNo 4 Military.11/11/1859
Woburn All AboutNo 5 Military.11/18/1859
Woburn All AboutNo 6 Military.11/25/1859
Woburn All AboutNo 7 Bands.12/02/1859
Woburn All AboutNo 8 Firemen.12/09/1859
Woburn All AboutNo 9 Firemen.12/23/1859
Woburn All AboutNo 10 Firemen, continued.12/30/1859
Woburn All AboutNo 11 Firemen, continued.01/13/1860
Woburn All AboutNo 12 Saw Manufacturing.01/27/1860
Woburn All AboutNo 13 Gas Works.02/03/1860
Woburn All AboutNo 14 Hat Manufacturer.02/24/1860
Woburn All AboutNo 15 Woburn Tract Society.03/23/1860
Woburn All AboutNo 16 Woburn Cemetery.06/15/1860
Woburn All AboutNo 17 Leather Business.10/12/1860
Woburn All AboutNo 18 Leather Business, continued.11/23/1860
Woburn All AboutNo 19 Leather Business, continued.10/18/1861
Woburn BankRemoval to new building. 11/21/1862
Woburn Boys at Fort WarrenRoll of.12/06/1861
Woburn Boys in New YorkJohn E Duncan and John Winning Jr. in the leather business at Fort Plain, N.Y.10/05/1860
Woburn Branch R.R.Fares reduced.06/29/1860
Woburn By-Laws---06/26/1863
Woburn Catholic CemeteryPatrick H Claffey.10/05/1860
Woburn Church NorthMr. A. S. Nickerson ordained pastor.02/05/1858
Woburn CommonA well is being sunk in the Northwest side of the common for better drainage of that quarter.09/16/1859
Woburn CommonThe flagstaff has a new topmast, it is 50 feet long. The old one was put up in 1853.05/17/1861
Woburn Congregational Society, NorthPreliminary meeting held to organize.11/05/1858
Woburn Constitutional SocietyExtracts from an oration delivered before the society by Samuel Thompson July 4, 1779.01/04/1869
Woburn Dog LicensesList of dog licenses registered in the town clerk’s office previous to May 7, 1859.05/13/1859
Woburn, Draft in---07/10/1863
Woburn, Draft inList of 104 men drafted.07/14/1863
Woburn, Draft inThe draft in Woburn. List of conscripts.07/17/1863
Woburn, Draft inExamination of conscripts.08/04/1863
Woburn, Draft inList of exemptions.09/04/1863
Woburn Drill Club---09/19/1862
Woburn EnlistmentsList of men enlisted for a new company.07/25/1862
Woburn EnlistmentsList of men enlisted for a new company.08/01/1862
Woburn EnlistmentsList of men enlisted for a new company.08/08/1862
Woburn EnlistmentsList of men enlisted for a new company.08/22/1862
Woburn EnlistmentsList of men enlisted for a new company.08/29/1862
Woburn Fire DepartmentJacob Webster Engine Co., took fa prize of $100 at the Manchester, muster.10/14/1859
Woburn Fire DepartmentOfficers and hosemen chosen at the annual meetings of Niagra, No. 1, Jacob Webster no. 2, Veto, no. 4. 05/10/1861
Woburn Fire DepartmentEditorial on.09/13/1859
Woburn Fire DepartmentEditorial on.03/18/1859
Woburn Fire DepartmentEditorial on.04/22/1859
Woburn Fire DepartmentSee also. 10/09-23/1859
Woburn Fire DepartmentVeto Engine Company no. 4 list of members who have gone or are about to go to the war.09/12/1862
Woburn First Baptist ChurchSeveral members of the church and congregation presented an elegant Bible to each one of the engine companies of the Town.07/09/1858
Woburn First Baptist ChurchSerious accident, several persons hurt, by the chain breaking while hoisting the new bell.11/28/1862
Woburn First Burial GroundBeing cleaned up.10/02/1857
Woburn First CongregationalLaying the corner stone.10/07/1859
Woburn First CongregationalThe New Meetinghouse. Dedication. Sale of Pews. Concert.11/02/1860
Woburn First CongregationalSale of Pews.11/09/1860
Woburn First CongregationalGeo. E Whiting, organist.12/07/1860
Woburn First CongregationalSale of Horse shed.12/07/1860
Woburn First CongregationalNew Organ.09/28/1860
Woburn First CongregationalTower clock given by Gen. Abijah Thompson.04/12/1861
Woburn First Congregational Parish Vote to build a new house, etc. 05/06/1859
Woburn First Congregational ParishHave purchased the ‘John Fowler estate” corner of Main and Pleasant Street for a site for the new church edifice.05/13/1859
Woburn First Congregational ParishPlans for the New Church presented and approved. Description of.06/03/1859
Woburn Fourth of July Celebration---07/02/1858
Woburn Fourth of July Celebration---07/09/1858
Woburn Fourth of July Celebration---07/08/1859
Woburn Fourth of July Celebration---07/11/1862
Woburn Gold MineThe Gold Story.05/06/1859
Woburn Iron FoundryMr. Charles Shute has leased a building near Horn Pond Station[Fowle street] and will start one soon.04/18/1862
Woburn Irish Literary AssociationOrganized.09/03/1858
Woburn Jottings E. C.06/13/1862
Woburn Jottings abroad by E. E. C.06/20/1862
Woburn Jottings abroad by E. E. C.06/27/1867
Woburn Jottings abroad by E. E. C.07/13/1862
Woburn Jottings abroad by E. E. C.07/18/1862
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxFormal transfer of its charter to a rifle company in Natick. A band of five trustees chosen to settle its affairs.08/03/1860
Woburn Mechanic Phalanx--- 04/26/1861
Woburn Mechanic Phalanx---05/03/1861
Woburn Mechanic Phalanx---05/10/1861
Woburn Mechanic Phalanx---05/17/1861
Woburn Mechanic Phalanx---05/24/1861
Woburn Mechanic Phalanx---05/31/1861
Woburn Mechanic Phalanx---06/07/1861
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxList of those gone to Washington.06/14/1861
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxList of those gone to Washington.06/21/1861
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxTraining Day.06/21/1861
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxAnother for the war. 07/05/1861
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxAnother for the war.07/19/1861
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxCaptain William T Grammer roll of Leave for Camp at Wenham Presentation etc. (See also Woburn nine months men).09/12/1862
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxLetter from Camp at Wenham.09/12/1862
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxCo G, 5th Massachusetts. 9 mos. Men. 09/19/1862
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxLetter from Camp F. W. Lander, Wenham. 09/26/1862
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxRoll of. Letter from. 10/03/1862
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxRoll of. Letter from.10/10/1862
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxRoll of. Letter from.10/17/1862
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxCo G, 5th Massachusetts. 9 mos. Men. Letter from.10/24/1862
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxLetter for North Carolina.10/24/1862
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxLetter from.11/07/1862
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxLetter from.11/21/1862
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxLetter from.11/28/1862
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxLetter from.12/05/1862
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxLetter from.12/12/1862
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxLetter from.12/19/1862
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxCo G, 5th Massachusetts. Letter from.01/02/1863
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxCo G, 5th Massachusetts. Letter from.01/09/1863
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxCo G, 5th Massachusetts. Letter from.01/30/1863
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxCo G, 5th Massachusetts. Letter from.02/06/1863
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxCo G, 5th Massachusetts. Letter from.02/13/1863
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxCo G, 5th Massachusetts. Letter from.02/20/1863
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxCo G, 5th Massachusetts. Letter from.03/06/1863
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxLetter from the Light. 1.03/13/1863
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxLetter from the Light. 1.03/20/1863
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxCo G, 5th Massachusetts. Letter from.04/10/1863
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxCo G, 5th Massachusetts. Letter from.04/17/1863
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxCo G, 5th Massachusetts. Letter from.04/24/1863
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxCo G, 5th Massachusetts. Letter from.05/15/1863
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxCo G, 5th Massachusetts. Letter from.05/22/1863
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxCo G, 5th Massachusetts. Letter from.05/29/1863
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxCo G, 5th Massachusetts. Letter from.06/05/1863
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxCo G, 5th Massachusetts. Letter from.06/19/1863
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxArrangement for Reception06/19/1863
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxReturn home. Reception.07/03/1863
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxGo into camp at Wenham; mustered out; return home.07/03/1863
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxPaid off.07/10/1863
Woburn Mechanic PhalanxHeld in readiness for draft riot in Boston.07/17/1863
Woburn Men and the N.Y. Regiment“The New York volunteers.”06/21/1861
Woburn National RangersCaptain John L. Richardson gone into camp at Lynnfield.08/08/1862
Woburn National RangersRoll of.08/29/1862
Woburn National RangersLetter from.08/29/1862
Woburn National RangersLetter from. 09/05/1862
Woburn National RangersPresentation of a Flag.09/05/1862
Woburn National RangersPresentation of equipment to Lieut. Tidd and Lieut. Wyman.09/05/1862
Woburn National RangersCo. K 39th Massachusetts left camp last Saturday for Washington.09/12/1862
Woburn National RangersLetter from Porterville, Md. Roll of.09/26/1862
Woburn National RangersLetter from.10/03/1862
Woburn National RangersLetter from.10/10/1862
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.10/17/1862
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.10/24/1862
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.10/31/1862
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.11/14/1862
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.11/28/1862
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.12/05/1862
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.12/19/1862
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.12/26/1863
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.01/09/1863
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.01/16/1863
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.01/30/1863
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.02/20/1863
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.03/06/1863
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.03/27/1863
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.05/01/1863
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.05/15/1863
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.05/22/1863
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.06/05/1863
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.06/26/1863
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.07/03/1863
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.07/24/1863
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.08/07/1863
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.08/28/1863
Woburn National RangersCo K 39th Massachusetts. Letter From. Given list of: Desertions Discharges Promotions etc. Letters from.09/04/1863
Woburn National RangersLetters from.10/02/1863
Woburn National RangersLetters from.10/16/1863
Woburn National RangersLetters from.10/23/1863
Woburn National RangersLetters from.11/20/1863
Woburn National RangersCo K, 39th Massachusetts. Letter from.11/27/1863
Woburn Nine Months MenCaptain William T. Grammer co. G, 5th Mass.08/29/1862
Woburn Nine Months MenAdditional names.09/05/1862
Woburn NorthThe old blacksmith shop by antiquarian.01/06/1860
Woburn Post OfficeNathan Wyman appointed postmaster, Woburn. E.E. Thompson appointed Postmaster, North Woburn.n.d.
Woburn ReservoirsThe new reservoir corner of Main and Salem Streets, partially filled by Niagara Engine Co.; finished by Washington Engine Company.10/07/1859
Woburn ReservoirsThe new reservoir corner of Main and Salem Streets, partially filled by Niagara Engine Co.; finished by Washington Engine Company.10/14/1859
Woburn SchoolhouseNew school house at Cummingsville.06/01/1860
Woburn Second Burial GroundBeing cleaned up.06/03/1859
Woburn Silver MineOur silver mine.05/20/1859
Woburn SoldiersList of those not in actual service or in Camp as near as we can ascertain .06/28/1861
Woburn SoldiersReception of the volunteers as they return home.08/02/1861
Woburn Soldiers Aid Society Organized.08/08/1862
Woburn Soldiers in the ServiceRoll of Honor.01/10/1862
Woburn Soldiers in the ServiceRoll of Honor.01/17/1862
Woburn Soldiers in the ServiceRoll of Honor.01/24/1862
Woburn Soldiers in the ServiceRoll of Honor.01/31/1862
Woburn Soldiers in the ServiceRoll of Honor.02/07/1862
Woburn Soldiers in the ServiceRoll of Honor.02/14/1862
Woburn Soldiers in the ServiceRoll of Honor.02/21/1862
Woburn Soldiers in the ServiceRoll of Honor.02/28/1862
Woburn Soldiers in the ServiceRoll of Honor.03/07/1862
Woburn Soldiers in the ServiceRoll of Honor.03/21/1862
Woburn Soldiers in the ServiceRoll of Honor.03/28/1862
Woburn Soldiers in the ServiceRoll of Honor.04/04/1862
Woburn Soldiers in the ServiceRoll of Honor.04/11/1862
Woburn Sons of TemperanceOrganized; list of officers.11/18/1859
Woburn StreetsNames and descriptions of as received by the Selectman, June 22, 1863.07/03/1863
Woburn Tanners and CurriersStrike.10/16/1863
Woburn, Thirty-seven Men ofWent to New York to join the “Mozart” Regt. They were dissatisfied. Some of them went to Washington and enlisted in the 5th Mass., some came home and some enlisted in the N.Y. 9th and the 1st Mass. Regt.06/21/1861
Woburn Town MeetingReport of School Committee on naming the schools.04/19/1861
Woburn Town MeetingApparatus of the Fire dept. 04/19/1861
Woburn Town MeetingLocation of reservoirs.04/19/1861
Woburn Town MeetingMay 7, 1861, voted to pay those residents of Woburn who have or may enlist in the M.V.M, additional.05/10/1861
Woburn Union GuardGo Into Camp at Lynnfield. List of Men.08/09/1861
Woburn Union GuardStill at Camp Schouler, Lynnfield. 08/30/1861
Woburn Union GuardLetter from.09/06/1861
Woburn Union GuardTo be attached to Wilson’s Regiment.09/06/1861
Woburn Union GuardLetter from.09/13/1861
Woburn Union GuardCapt S. L. Thompson mustered into the 22nd Mass.09/27/1861
Woburn Union GuardRole of.10/11/1861
Woburn Union GuardLetter from.10/25/1861
Woburn Union GuardTemperance Soldiers.11/01/1861
Woburn Union GuardLetter from.11/08/1861
Woburn Union GuardLetter from.11/15/1861
Woburn Union GuardLetter from.07/18/1862
Woburn Union Guard22 Massachusetts. Letter from. Active roll of. 10/17/1862
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.10/31/1862
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.11/07/1862
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.11/14/1862
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.11/21/1862
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.11/28/1862
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.12/12/1862
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.12/26/1862
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.01/09/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.11/16/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.01/30/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.02/06/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.02/13/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.02/20/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.03/13/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.03/20/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.04/03/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.04/10/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.04/24/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.05/01/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.05/15/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.05/22/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.05/29/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.06/12/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.07/31/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.08/21/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.08/28/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.09/25/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.10/02/1863
Woburn Union GuardList of men detached etc.10/02/1863
Woburn Union GuardList of conscripts.10/02/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.10/16/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.10/23/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.10/30/1863
Woburn Union Guard22nd Massachusetts. Letter from.11/06/1863
Woburn Weekly BudgetNew Budget Building.09/28/1860
Woburn Weekly BudgetNew Budget Building.12/21/1860
Wood SylvanusTook a prisoner at the Battle of Lexington April 19, 1775. 12/09/1859
Wood Pulp“Wood from paper.” The manufacture of paper from wood has been commenced on a small scale at Royer’s Ford near Philadelphia, Penn. 01/23/1863
Woodman, Chas. C. Address before the Workingmen’s Union. 10/21/1859
Workingmen’s UnionOrganized.10/14/1859
Wright, DanielObituary.06/07/1861
Wright, Rev. LutherObituary.06/25/1858
Wyer, Lieut. E. F. Some trophies from the Marshall House, Alexandria Virginia.07/05/1861
Wyman, AlmiraLines on the death of Mary A. Foster.12/21/1860
Wyman, G. A. Ex Engineer Woburn Fire Dept. presented with a gold badge.06/11/1858
Wyman, HenryMasters mate of the Cumberland appointed master’s mate of the Tioga.06/27/1862
Wyman, Lieut. L. F. Presented with equipment.09/05/1862
Wyman, Lieut. L. F. Co. K 39th Massachusetts at home on furlough.10/09/1863
Wyman, MaverickHouse blown down.05/10/1861
Wyman, NathanAppointed postmaster, Woburn.06/07/1861
Wyman, WinthropGoes with Dr. S. W. Drew, Surgeon 9th Mass. 08/30/1861
Yancy, William Loundes Sketch of.08/07/1863