The Glennon Archives special collections are available to all researchers on equal terms. The Archives has established such regulations as are needed to protect the institution and its holdings, and such regulations apply equally to all persons. Researchers may access all holdings which are not restricted by law or donor’s agreement; documents which contain libelous information or invade the privacy rights of a living individual may be restricted. Unprocessed materials, and materials which are so fragile that they may be further damaged by use, may also be restricted. Duplicate copies, such as photocopies or microfilm. may be substituted for originals.

Books from the Woburn Collection and the Local History Collection, which can be found in the catalog, may be retrieved by members of the library staff during regular library hours. Books from the Winn Collection, which are not cataloged, can be retrieved by Archives staff by appointment only. Researchers must sign a ledger indicating which books they are using, leave a photo ID with Archives or Reference staff, and use the books in the library under the supervision of a the Archivist or a librarian. Researchers should use pencil only when taking notes, and return all books to the librarian when finished in exchange for their ID.

To protect the historic documents of Woburn, Massachusetts, which are fragile, unique, and irreplaceable, archival materials may only be used in the Archives Reading Room under the supervision of the archives staff. The collections are available only by appointment or during Open Hours, which are posted on the library website’s calendar. Archival materials are more complex than books and are not suitable to quick retrieval or reference services, so for efficient service it is best to make an appointment well in advance of a visit.

Researchers using archival materials are asked to observe the following guidelines:
  • Sign in and present a photo ID.
  • Fill out and sign the reference request/access policy form.
  • Place briefcases, backpacks, bags, coats, newspapers, and other bulky items in the designated lockers on the Mezzanine. The staff reserves the right to inspect a researcher’s notebooks, pads, books, etc. when leaving, to protect against accidental loss of documents.
  • Use pencil only when taking notes, and be careful not to mark materials in any way. Use a small quantity of materials at a time: three volumes, or one archival folder.
  • Maintain documents in the order in which they are found in folders.
  • Handle materials carefully, and as little as possible. Keep material flat on the table.
  • Do not stack anything on top of, lean on, fold, or trace images from materials.
  • Return all materials to a staff member (do not reshelve) when finished.
  • Do not use self-adhesive notes.
  • Notify staff of all photocopy needs.
  • Consult the staff, if necessary, for the correct form of citation for archival materials.

Archives materials are provided for private study and research only.  Permission to publish, reproduce, distribute, sell or display materials should be requested by filling out a Permission to Publish form online or in person with the Archivist. Permission of the copyright owner should also be obtained, if not owned by Woburn Public Library.

  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY